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Namibian men are quickly causing a stir in the headlines fr all the wrong reasons. This reasons usually consist of committing horrible crimes of passion. Usually this crimes are committed by men who feel used, exploited or manipulated by their significant others and are unable to let go or come to terms with the ending of their relationships. This then cause them to take the lives of the people they claim to love the most. Murder-suicides are strangely more and more becoming the norm in Namibia. Natangwe Mokanya aged 42 had sadly fallen into that same category when he took the life of his ex girlfriend Patricia Hango aged 23 whom he had been dating for nine months. [1]

The Murder Suicide


Natangwe according to reports had planned the murder-suicide to take place on the 14th of September 2012, but he did not succeed and only got the chance to execute his crime on the 26th of September 2012.[2]

Mokanya approached Hango at her work place at the Trade Union offices in Mungunda Street he then shot his former girlfriend 5 times before turning the gun on himself.

The Suicide Note


Police reports have confirmed that the deceased (Natangwe Mokanya) had indeed left behind a suicide note following the tradgedy.The remorseful letter had stated how the relationship had unraveled to the point that had led him to commit the murder-suicide. this letter also stated the infidelity that he had to endure, the lies and the amount of money he borrowed her and spent on her which was never fully returned, but he also was taking the time to apologize to both families for his actions.


  1. ^ TUNOMUKWATHI ASINO, Namibia: Shocking and Revealing Suicide Note,AllAfrica, 1 OCTOBER 2012, retrieved on 5 October 2012 from http://allafrica.com/stories/201210011064.html
  2. ^ SHINOVENE IMMANUEL,‘Infidelity’ led to murder, suicide,The Namibian,1 OCTOBER 2012,retrieved on 5 October 2012 from http://www.namibian.com.na/index.php?id=28&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=102416&no_cache=1