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Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Trisha Ramirez enjoys spending her free time up in the mountains hiking or spending time with her pets. She likes listening to music as motivation to be productive. As a college student, she works in retail to help pay for her school.

Ramirez aspires to major in biology in the future and reads articles off of a medical news site. [1] From time reading, she hopes to contribute into adding information to medical related topics on Wikipedia.

Article Critique


I have been involved in cheer for quite a few years of my life. There's two types of cheerleading, all star and sideline, both of which require a certain amount of physical ability. It is a type of sport that involves a lot of team work. Over the decades that cheer has been around, it has evolved tremendously, but Wikipedia doesn't always provide information that may be needed. I would like for the Wikipedia page on cheer to be as up to date as it could be. I visited the cheer page on Wikipedia and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: the uniforms, the lack credible citations on the dangers of cheer, and the coverage of all star cheer.



The page does include that change in uniforms have occurred due to the culture changing from the 1930s to today. In the past, the classic cheer uniform included a sweater and a pleated skirt that go to the middle of a calf but now incorporate a more stretchy material. All present day cheer teams today have skirts that mostly stop in the middle of the thigh. Also, from the all star cheer perspective, most uniforms have material made of mesh, which isn't stretchy. I think that these are worth commenting on due to any misinterpretation on what a modern day cheerleader may wear.

Dangers of Cheer Citations


While reading about the dangers of cheer, I have read several statistics on how many cheerleaders get injured, but there's not a lot of information on where that data has come from. There was citation about how 67% percent of female athlete injuries are due to college level cheerleading incidents, but there was no citation for this. When it comes to statistics, it's important to include the source of where the data has come from to maintain its credibility.

All Star


When most people think of cheer, their idea of it is usually involves pom poms and cheering at football games. While this is true, there is also all star cheer leading, which is more competitive. Since both types fall under the category of cheer, most people don't know about all star which had evolved in the late 1900s while sideline began in the 1800s. On the wiki page, it mostly covers the history and the traditional type of cheer. It would be more useful if it included more information about all star to cover the whole aspect of cheer.



The Wikipedia page on cheer is okay, but there is room for improvement. Being more specific, such as on the topic of uniform, would make details more clear. Under the "Citation" section, a lot of the sources come from news websites, and gathering information from sites that came from an author with high credentials would improve the reliability of the Wikipedia page. Also, if there was an addition to the all star section, this page would be more complete.

(For this assignment, I have posted a question on the Wikipedia cheerleading talk page.)