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Hello! I'm fairly new to Wikipedia but I find it that it is not so complicated to use, so far. Here's a little about me: I am an avid fan of the Alien franchise (be it comics, video games, and the movies themselves) and I am commonly found on the computer playing a broad variety of video games and binge-watching numerous on-going series. Athletically, I enjoy basketball and hockey. I also have an interest in the arts where I love to paint, write short stories, and play music on my guitar and ukelele.

I come from an uncomplicated background where my origins lie in Burma/Myanmar but due to my family's employment, I grew up in the middle east for most of my life. Recently, I have moved to the U.S.A. to pursue my studies as an ordinary college student but I strive to pursue my goal to become a registered nurse. Thank you for taking your time reading my short biography.

Article Critque Assignment


I visited the Hyper Light Drifter page on Wikipedia and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: the understated and outdated gameplay and story section, the incomplete amount of information regarding the backstory, and a few grammar mistakes. Hyper Light Drifter is an indie genre game with a proportionally small fanbase compared to the other followings behind other video games and I understand that there is not a lot of information instituted in the appropriate areas as the game itself also has a mystery aspect behind the narrative of the plot itself, however; it is still important to include as much as we can and assist those who can.

Understated and outdated information


As soon as a user accesses this page, it is quite obvious that the 'Gameplay and story' section is short of information, visually and quantity wise, compared to the remaining sections of the page such as the large snippet of the 'Development' section and not to mention the lacking information regarding the updates released ranging from the smallest bug fixes to the publication of a new character that was closed off to most of the player base.

Incomplete and inadequate amount of details


What is provided is a modest summary of the entirety of the video game's plotline and overall gameplay as there are unexplained details concerning the description of the backstory where the editor has provided examples and a small rundown of the story rather than explaining and providing appropriate visual evidence of the in-game world especially since the developers of the video game have concealed most of the storyline by a textless narrative and riddle-like visual clues, there is not much to go on after visual pieces however; there are these monoliths scattered around the in-game world with clues as pointers for the origins of how these situations came to be and should be available for viewers to speculate upon. There are many players who have discovered most, if not all, of these collectibles and these communities, have already gone a step ahead and collectively put these pieces of evidence [1] together. Not to mention there is a fandom-heavy site that includes much more than the Hyper Light Drifter Wikipedia page itself.

Grammatical and spelling errors


The writing errors found on this page are a few spelling and grammatical errors that will be changed shortly after the publication of this article, examples include the small changes done to the word 'game play' to 'gameplay' and misplaced commas.

In conclusion


There are many gaps to fill for Hyper Light Drifter's Wikipedia page regarding absent information and varied specifics that can be altered with ease since there is a hardworking community behind the video game progressing deeper into the world of this video game. Reference: