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Thallium chalcogenides


The thallium chalcogenides include all compounds of thallium with the chalcogen elements, oxygen, sulfur, selenium and tellurium. (Polonium is excluded as little is known about its compounds with thallium). Some compounds that have been reported have not been substantiated by later researchers. The list of compounds below shows compounds that have been reported, and those compounds that have not had their structure determined, or whose existence has not been confirmed by the latest structural investigations, are in italics. In contrast to the indium chalcogenides the thallium(I) compounds are well characterised, there are no compounds with a Tl22+ unit, and the only genuine thallium(III) chalcogenide is the oxide, Tl2O3

oxide sulfide selenide telluride
Tl2O Tl2S Tl2Se Tl2Te
Tl5Se3 Tl5Te3
Tl4O3 Tl4S3
TlS TlSe TlTe
Tl2O3 Tl2S3 Tl2Se3 Tl2Te3

Tl2O, Tl2S, Tl2Se, Tl2Te


All of these compounds are thallium(I) compounds. There are all black with a metallic appearance. Tl2S occurs as the mineral carlinite and has been used in infrared detectors. Tl2Se has metallic conductivity, and is a semiconductor in the liquid phase.[1] The structure of Tl2Te has been reinvestigated and is shown to be a new structure type related to Tl5Te3. [2]

Tl5Se3, Tl5Te3


Tl5Se3 has the Cr5B3 structure. Tl5Te3 has a structure related to In5Bi3, and has been formulated as 9Tl+ Tl3+ 6Te2− [3]

Tl4O3, Tl4S3


TlS, TlSe, TlTe


TlS and TlSe are both black mixed valence compounds containing thallium in oxidation states +1 and +3. For example TlS can be formulated Tl+ Tl3+ 2S2−. TlS has two crystalline forms, a tetragonal chain structure and a monoclinic layer structure. The room temperature monoclinic form is ferroelectric. [4]. TlTe on the other hand is not a mixed valence compound but is a thallium(I) polytelluride, with a complex structure. TlTe is described as semimetallic.[5]

Tl2O3, Tl2S3, Tl2Se3, Tl2Te3


Tl2O3 is the mineral avicennite. Its normal form has a bixbyite, Mn2O3, structure [6] and the high pressure form has a corundum, α-Al2O3, structure. It is a degenerate n-type semiconductor. Tl2S3 and Tl2Se3 have both been reported in the past however they have not been confirmed. Tl2Te3 is a polytelluride with a complex structure [7]

TlS2, Tl2S5, Tl2S9


These are all thallium(I) polysulfides.

  1. ^ The structure of liquid thallium selenide A C Barnes et al 1994 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 6 A229-A234 , doi:10.1088/0953-8984/6/23A/035
  2. ^ Tl2Te and its relationship with Tl5Te3 R. Cerný, J.-M. Joubert, Y. Filinchuk and Y. Feutelais Acta Cryst. (2002). C58, i63-i65, doi:10.1107/S0108270102005085
  3. ^ Mise au point sur le système binaire Tl-Te et affinement des structures de TlTe et Tl5Te3 Toure, Abdoulaye Abba; Kra, Gabrielle; Eholie, Rose; Olivier-Fourcade, Josette; Jumas, Jean-Claude Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 87, 1, p. 229-236 07/1990 doi:10.1016/0022-4596(90)90087-E
  4. ^ Ferroelectric phase transition in monoclinic TlS S. Kashida, K. Nakamura and S. Katayama Solid State Communications, 82, 2, (1992), 127-130 doi:10.1016/0038-1098(92)90685-3
  5. ^ The Phase Transition of TlTe: Crystal Structure Stöwe K. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 149,1,(2000), 123-132(10) doi:10.1006/jssc.1999.8509
  6. ^ Further evidence for Tl3+ in Tl-based superconductors from improved bond strength parameters involving new structural data of cubic Tl2O3 Otto H.H., Baltrasch R., Brandt H.J Physica C, Volume 215, Issue 1-2, p. 205-208. doi:10.1016/0921-4534(93)90382-Z
  7. ^ The Crystal Structure of Tl2Te3 - a reinvestigation Th. Doert , R. Cardoso-Gil , P. Böttcher Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 625, 12 , 2160 – 2163

Gallium chalcogenides


The gallium chalcogenides include all compounds of gallium with the chalcogen elements, oxygen, sulfur, selenium and tellurium. (Polonium is excluded as little is known about its compounds with gallium). Some compounds that were reported and have found their way into text books have not been substantiated by later researchers. The list of compounds below shows compounds that have been reported, and those compounds that have not had their structure determined, or whose existence has not been confirmed by the latest structural investigations, are in italics.

oxide sulfide selenide telluride
Ga2O Ga2S Ga2Se Ga2Te
GaO GaS TlSe TlTe
Ga2O3 Ga2S3 Ga2Se3 Ga2Te3

Ga2O, Ga2S, Ga2Se


GaO, GaS, GaSe, GaTe,


Ga 4S5






Ga2O3, Ga2S3, Ga2Se3, Ga2Te3


Ga2Te5, Ga2Te3
