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Dear Korea University Hooligans

You'd better check out the link that I add and see what happened on the history section and discuss why the other wikipedia memeber tried to mend this link from the infantile behavior of some Internet lunatic.

Check out what "Barthes" said on the history and also check the IP address.

In what criteria you said that the information has to be cleaned up in just a few secon right after I revise the link? What kind of right and information about the (Korean) university do you have to change "right away" in a few second?

I cannot quite understand your act and even though it supposed to be done in a good intention.

I cannot erase some suspicion that you are also one of the alumni of Korea university.

well, Anyway and anyhow i will not neither add the information concerning the university nor criticize YOUR GREAT, KOREA'S BEST UNIVERSITY and also do not feel like to play with dummies regarding these stupid "revision" play.

You guys win. Congrats!!!

Hope your narrow mind can find some peace :) But I doubt, Ciao. Hooligans Good job, Korea University Alumni, You guys must be very proud of yourself.