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Hadrian's Wall

  • Built under the reign of emperor Hadrian, the wall was the northern boundary of the Roman Empire. Hadrian’s Wall was, primarily, a defensive wall, used to protect the Romans from any invasions from the northern barbarians, Celtic Britons. The wall took at least six years to complete. The wall span from the North Sea to the Irish Sea totaling at 73 miles. “At intervals of 1 Roman mile, fortified gateways with accommodation, today called milecastles, were built”[1]- Hadrian's Wall by Richard Hingley (23). Along with the milecastles, the Romans built a fort, approximately, every five Roman miles. Each fort on the wall is assumed to have been built to hold one auxiliary unit, which normally consist of 500 or 1,000 infantry or cavalry.

Servian Wall

  • The Servian wall, or Republican Wall[2], was built around the city of Rome. The wall is assumed to be named after Servius Tullius, the sixth King of Rome, who ruled during the time of its construction. The wall was 11 km (7 mi) long,  and was believed to have had 16 main gates[3]. The wall famously held off the Carthaginians during Hannibal's attack during the  the Second Punic War, allowing Scipio Africanus to sack the city of Carthage. The city of Rome grew, surpassing the original boundaries of the wall; which caused the Romans to build a new wall in 270 CE. It was called Aurelian’s Wall because it was built under the rule of Emperor Aurelian.


  1. ^ Hingely, Richard (2012). Hadrian's Wall. Oxford University Press. p. 23.
  2. ^ "Servian Wall and Gates". www.jeffbondono.com. Retrieved 2017-04-20.
  3. ^ "Servian Wall". Wikipedia. 2017-03-12.