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Hello, my name is Cameron Stephen, and I have been taking photographs almost as long as I could hold a camera. I am still trying to get good at it. The photo at left is a double exposure self portrait taken with a Holga camera, a popular medium format camera much loved by Toy Camera enthusiasts.

I have an ever growing collection of cameras, mostly film based, medium format, a few pinhole cameras, a LOT of plastic "toy cameras" and Polaroid cameras in their various manifestations. As well as the occasional contribution to blog.photoblogs and helping out as a sysop at wiki.photoblogs, please see below:

  • My most recent photoblog is The Plastic Lens
  • My flickr photostream can be seen here
  • The bulk of my Polaroid photography can be viewed at Polanoid

Please leave any feedback or relevant questions for me here.
You can leave me messages by clicking the discussion tab and typing in your question/feedback there.
Cheers, --Cameron Stephen 10:22, 8 October 2007 (UTC)