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User:Art Carlson/Expansions of FRC article

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In summer of 2009 my interest in Field-Reversed Configurations as a potential basis for fusion power plants was rekindled. I would like to build up a comprehensive source of information on this possibility somewhere on the Web. Certainly expanding the Wikipedia article is a good way to start, and worthwhile independent of what other portal might be created. This subpage was created to provide a workspace for this. I do not feel possessive of this page and encourage everyone to contribute to it. Especially since time my daytime job will prevent me from moving forward as rapidly as I would like. --Art Carlson

typical parameters


past and present experimental programs


past and present reactor designs, engineering advantages


MHD stability


transport theory


empirical scaling of confinement time (tau ~ flux * B^2)


translation experiments


why FRCs have been looked on with skepticism


some of the physics, like the dependence of beta on x_s, and adiabatic compression


p_m = maximum plasma pressure, p = local plasma pressure, B_z = internal field, B_e = external field, beta = ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure

Global equilibrium condition (Barnes, Seyler, Anderson 1979)

where , and r_c is the radius of the conducting shell.

heating and direct conversion through magnetic pumping




(that might turn out to be useful)

from scholar.google.de


Experimental evidence of improved confinement in a high-beta field-reversed configuration plasma by neutral beam injection Phys. Plasmas 7, 2294 (2000); doi:10.1063/1.874121 Issue Date: June 2000 T. Asai, Y. Suzuki, T. Yoneda, F. Kodera, M. Okubo, S. Okada, and S. Goto

A review of rotating magnetic field current drive and the operation of the rotamak as a field-reversed configuration (Rotamak-FRC) and a spherical tokamak (Rotamak-ST) Phys. Plasmas 6, 1950 (1999); doi:10.1063/1.873452 Issue Date: May 1999 Ieuan R. Jones

Field reversed configurations Nuclear fusion, 1988, vol. 28, no11, pp. 2033-2092 TUSZEWSKI M.

Rethermalization of a field-reversed configuration plasma in translation experiments Phys. Plasmas 2, 191 (1995); January 1995 Haruhiko Himura, Shigefumi Okada, Satoshi Sugimoto, and Seiichi Goto

Field reversed configuration lifetime scaling based on measurements from the Large s Experiment A.L. Hoffman et al 1993 Nucl. Fusion 33 27-38

Abstract. Flux, energy and particle lifetimes have been measured in the new Large s Experiment field reversed configuration (FRC) facility. By careful control of the formation process, it was possible to form symmetric, quiescent FRCs, with s values higher than 4, in the one year of operation of the device. A wide range of plasma conditions was achieved, with ion temperatures varying between 0.1 and 1.5 keV. The lifetimes continue to scale approximately with the rs2/ρi parameter found in earlier work, with a coefficient proportional to xs to a power between 0.5 and 1

Enhanced Confinement and Stability of a Field-Reversed Configuration with Rotating Magnetic Field Current Drive VOLUME 85, NUMBER 7 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 14 AUGUST 2000 J. T. Slough and K. E. Miller

Energy aand Particle Confinement Times for a Field-Reversed Configuration UWFDM-1102 (University of Wisconsin), June 1999 Sergei Ryzhkov (some good data here)

FEATURES OF FORMATION, CONFINEMENT AND STABILITY OF THE FIELD REVERSED CONFIGURATION Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2002. № 4. Series: Plasma Physics (7). P. 73-75 Sergei V. Ryzhkov (some good data here)

scaling laws

  • M. Tuszewski, Nucl. Fusion 28, 2033 (1988).
  • A. L. Hoffman and J. T. Slough, Nucl. Fusion 33, 23 (1993).

from www.google.de


Field-Reversed Configuration Equilibrium Thomas Roche, UC Irvine

FRC Introduction: A WHITE PAPER ON FRC DEVELOPMENT Redmond Plasma Physics Laboratory, April 1998

Parameters achieved include densities ranging from 5x1013 to 5x1015 cm3, temperatures up to 3 keV (ions) and 500 eV (electrons); and b ~ 0.75-0.95.

A high density field reversed configuration „FRC… target for magnetized target fusion: First internal profile measurements of a high density FRC PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, VOLUME 11, NUMBER 5 MAY 2004 T. Intrator,1,b) S. Y. Zhang,1 J. H. Degnan,2 I. Furno,1 C. Grabowski,2 S. C. Hsu,1 E. L. Ruden,2 P. G. Sanchez,1 J. M. Taccetti,1 M. Tuszewski,1 W. J. Waganaar,1 and G. A. Wurden1



Propagating Magnetic Wave Plasma Accelerator (PMWAC) for Deep Space Exploration MSNW (Slough?) (looks like it has some good numbers)

Quasi-steady Fusion Reactor based on the Pulsed High Density FRC (contributed to FESAC Toroidal Alternates Panel)

REPORT OF THE FESAC TOROIDAL ALTERNATES PANEL by PANEL STAFF, NOVEMBER 26, 2008 (may have useful material for expanding the articles on other alternate concepts, namely Stellarator, Spherical Torus (see National Spherical Torus Experiment), Reversed-Field Pinch, and Spheromak) - nice summary, qualifies as WP:RS - Table 7-1: US FRC Research Facilities and Principal Efforts - on pp. 7-17 and 7-18, Tables of Key Parameters for Steady–State and Pulsed FRCs, including present values and reactor targets