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User:Argee/Musgraves of Northern England (draft)

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Brothers of Thomas de Musgrave,


Richard de Musgrave, (Married Isabella, dau. of ....de....),with Nicholas de Musgrave and others, defendants in a plea, at the suit of William de Greystoke, for trespassing on his lands at Holewick in 53 Henry III (1268). Mentioned with Thomas de Musgrave, 1 Edw. I, re manor of Musgrave and Sandford.1.

Adam de Musgrave, parson of the church of Musgrave, claimed, in a plea against Richard fil Beatrix de Burgh, touching his lay fee in Musgrave, 31 Hen. III (1246)2. .

Robert de Musgrave, defendant, with Thomas his brother, in a plea touching lands in Askeby, 40 Hen. III (1255).

Roger de Musgrave, (Married Ramette, dau of....de ...; living as a widow, 20 Edw. I.) Had land at Aton in Cleveland, Ebor. temp, Edw. I) seised of lands in the county of Westmorland by the gift of his father. Was in the Welsh wars: muster at Worcester, 5 Ed. I (1276), and again 10 Ed. I (1281); summoned from Northumberland.

Nicholas de Musgrave, (Married to Isabella, dau. of ...; living 7 Edw. I. 1278) "Thomas and Nicholas de Musgrave (and others) entered the forest in the land of Plumpton on their return from Carlisle, just after Easter, in the 48th year (1263), and took deer without numbers".3.

"the relation of the deer stealer to the Crown was mainly financial, that is to say, he was generally punished by a fine, and the laws were not so strict as the ballads would have us suppose. Persons of high social position were often guilty"4. and only fined.

Nicholas de Musgrave, with Richard de Musgrave and Isabella his wife and others, defendants in a plea at the suit of William de Greystoke, for trespassing upon his lands in Holewick, etc., 53 Hen. III.(1268)

To return to primary tree: Musgraves of Northern England

1. Le Neve's Calendars, vol. xxvi.

2. COLLECTANEA MUSGRAVIANA, Notes on the Ancient Family of Musgrave, Westmorland, Percy Musgrave, J. Whitehead and Son, Alfred Street, Boar Lane, Leeds,England, 1911, Appendix I, pp. 286,287.

3. Pleas begun at Carlisle on the Morrow of All Souls (Nov. 3), 1285.

4. Transactions of Cumberland and Westmorland Ant. and Arch. Society, vol.vii, p. 1.