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H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As S e Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba * Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra ** Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Uub Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo
* La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
** Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

Chemical series of the periodic table (book)
Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals Lanthanides Actinides Transition metals
Poor metals Metalloids Nonmetals Halogens Noble gases

State of matter at STP and natural occurrence.

Primordial Trace radioisotopes
Solids Liquids Gases

Chemistry in society


Acid rain - Air pollution - Amphetamine - Anabolic steroids - Asbestos - Aspartame - Aspirin - CFCs - Cholesterol - Cocaine - Carbohydrates - Carbon dioxide - Chemical warfare - Ecstasy - Enzymes - Estrogen - Fat - Fatty acid - Free radicals - Gasoline - Heroin - Insulin - LSD - Morphine - Nuclear fuel - Nuclear fusion - Paracetamol - Penicillin - Plastic - Radioactive waste - Ozone - Smog - Soil contamination - Sugar - Tamiflu - Testosterone - Viagra - Vitamins



American Chemical Society - biochemistry - chemistry - computer-assisted drug design - computational chemistry - dependent variable - environmental chemistry - experiment - geochemistry - hypothesis - independent variable - inorganic chemistry - law - matter - medicinal chemistry - organic chemistry - pharmacology - pharmacognosy - physical chemistry - scientific notation - theory - toxicology - variable



absolute error - absolute temperature - absolute zero - accuracy - ampere - Angstrom - atto- - base unit - calibration - Celsius - centi- - cgs - conversion factor - coulomb - density - derived unit - dyne - femto- - gram - hydrometer - kelvin - kilo- - mass - measurement - mega- - meter - micro- - milli- - mistake - nano- - pico- - power - precision - random error - relative error - relative standard deviation - second - significant figure - SI - specific gravity - specific volume - standard deviation - systematic error - unit - weight



absorption - adsorbent - adsorption - aeration - aerosol - alkali metal - alkaline earth - alkaline earth metal - allotrope - alloy - amalgam - analysis - atom - boiling - boiling point - chemical change - chemical property - chromatography - colloid - column chromatography - compound - concentration - condensation - congener - crystallization - density - dialysis - diffusion - dilution - distillate - distillation - ductile - electrolysis - electrorefining - element - element symbol - emulsion - evaporation - evaporate - extensive property - extraction - foam - fractional distillation - gas - gel - group - heterogeneous mixture - high performance liquid chromatography - homogeneous mixture - intensive property - ion exchange - kinetic energy - lanthanide - law of conservation of mass - law of definite proportions - law of multiple proportions - liquid - malleable - mass - matter - metal - molecule - nonmetal - nonpolar - nonpolar molecule - particulate - periodic table - period - phase - phase boundary - physical change - physical property - plasma - polymorph - potential energy - precipitate - precipitation - pure substance - qualitative analysis - quantitative analysis - sedimentation - semipermeable membrane - sol - solid - soluble - soluble salt - solution - solvent - solvent extraction - sorption - state of matter - stationary phase - stoichiometry - stripping - sublimation - thin layer chromatography - transition metal - zone refining

Consumer chemistry


abrasive - activated charcoal - antichlor - antioxidant - antipyretic - aqua regia - bleach - caffeine - carbonate hardness - dry cell - EDTA - emollient - glutamate receptors - glutamate - glyceride - humectant - MSG - natural gas - propellant - saturated fat - soap - unsaturated fat - vinyl - vitamin - water gas - water hardness - water softener - water softening - zeolite - zincography

Atoms, elements, and ions


allotrope - alpha particle - alpha ray - anion - anode - atomic mass unit - atomic nucleus - atomic number - atomic theory - atomic weight - atom - beta particle - Brownian motion - calutron - cathode ray - cathode - cation - chemical change - compound - deuterium - electric charge - electron - element - element symbol - group - heavy water - ion - isotope - isotopic abundance - isotopic mass - IUPAC - law of conservation of mass - law of definite proportions - law of multiple proportions - mass number - mass spectrometer - mass spectrometry - mass spectrum - metal - natural abundance - neutral - neutron - nonmetal - nuclear binding energy - nucleon - nuclide - periodic table - period - polymorph - proton - radioactivity - stoichiometry

Molecules and compounds


acetate - acetic acid - acid - addition compound - alkaline earth - alkane - ammonia - ammonium ion - anhydrous - anion - base - binary compound - cation - chemical bond - covalent bond - cupric - cuprous - diatomic molecule - efflorescent - element - empirical formula - ferric - ferrous - formula weight - formula unit - halide - hydrate - hydrazine - hydrocarbon - hydronium ion - hydroxide - hygroscopic - hygroscopicity - inorganic compound - ionic bond - ionic compound - IUPAC - law of conservation of mass - law of definite proportions - law of multiple proportions - molecular formula - molecular model - molecular weight - nomenclature - octane - organic - polyatomic ion - polyatomic molecule - propane - stoichiometry - structural formula - sugar - superoxide - thio- - water of crystallization

Reactions in solution


analyte - anode - aqueous - catalyst - cation - chemical change - chemical equation - combination reaction - combustion - compound - decomposition - displacement - double displacement - electrolyte - endpoint - equivalence point - formation - indicator - insoluble - ionic equation - limiting reactant - molecular equation - net ionic equation - neutral - neutralization reaction - nonelectrolyte - percent yield - polar molecule - precipitate - precipitation - product - reactant - rearrangement reaction - redox reaction - saturated solution - solubility - spectator ion - standard solution - stoichiometry - strong acid - strong base - strong electrolyte - supersaturated solution - synthesis - theoretical yield - titrant - titration curve - titration - weak acid - weak base - weak electrolyte - yield



aliquot - alkalinity - Avogadro - Avogadro number - empirical formula - formula weight - formula unit - limiting reactant - molar - molarity - mole - molecular formula - molecular weight - mole - percent yield - theoretical yield - yield



absolute zero - atmosphere - Avogadro - Avogadro number - Avogadro's law - bar - barometer - Boltzmann constant - Boyle's law - Charles' law - Dalton's law - diffusion - effusion - gas - ideal gas - law of combining volumes - manometer - molar volume - momentum - pascal - pressure - SATP - standard molar volume - standard pressure - STP - torr - van der Waals equation - xenon

Energy & chemical change


adiabat - adiabatic - Boltzmann constant - Boltzmann equation - bond energy - calorie - calorimeter - calorimetry - endothermic - energy - enthalpy - enthalpy of atomization - enthalpy of combustion - enthalpy of fusion - enthalpy of reaction - enthalpy of sublimation - enthalpy of vaporization - entropy - exothermic - formation - free energy - Gibbs free energy - heat capacity - heat - Helmholtz free energy - Hess's law - indicator diagram - internal energy - isobar - isobaric - isochore - isochoric - isotherm - isothermal - joule - kinetic energy - latent heat - molar heat capacity - perfect crystal - potential energy - second law - specific heat - spontaneous - standard enthalpy of formation - standard molar entropy - standard state - standard pressure - state function - temperature - thermal energy - thermochemical equation - thermochemistry - thermodynamic equilibrium - thermodynamics - thermometry - water gas - work

Electrons in atoms


absorption spectrum - angular momentum quantum number - atomic orbital - aufbau principle - Balmer series - band spectrum - basis function - basis set - Bohr atom - continuous spectrum - core electron - degenerate - diamagnetism - effective nuclear charge - electron configuration - emission spectrum - excited state - f orbital - ground state - Hund's rule - isoelectronic - magnetic quantum number - orbital - paramagnetism - Pauli principle - penetration - principal quantum number - shell - shielding - spectrophotometry - spectroscopy - spectrum - spin - subshell - valence electron - valence shell

The periodic table


actinide - alkali metal - alkaline earth - alkaline earth metal - amphoteric - atomic radius - block - congener - first ionization energy - group - halogen - ionic radius - ionization energy - lanthanide contraction - lanthanide - metal - nonmetal - periodic law - periodic table - period - transition metal

Chemical bonding


alkane - antibonding orbital - axial - bond energy - bond length - bond order - chemical bond - covalent bond - electric dipole - electric dipole moment - electronegativity - enthalpy of atomization - free radical - geometric isomer - hydrogen bond - inductive effect - infrared spectroscopy - ionic bond - ionic compound - Lewis structure - lone pair - molecular geometry - molecular orbital - octet - octet rule - pi bond - polar bond - polar molecule - resonance - resonance effect - sigma bond - triple bond - valence - valence bond - valence electron - valence shell



allomer - amorphous - crystal - crystalline solid - enthalpy of sublimation - freezing point - lattice - perfect crystal - solid - unit cell - van der Waals force - van der Waals radius - x-ray crystallography



adhesion - boiling - boiling point - Clausius-Clapeyron equation - cohesion - critical point - critical pressure - critical temperature - dipole-dipole interaction - dynamic equilibrium - enthalpy of fusion - enthalpy of vaporization - flash point - miscibility - intermolecular force - liquid - London force - meniscus - miscible - Newtonian fluid - non-Newtonian fluid - nucleation - phase - phase diagram - poise - specific gravity - supercritical fluid - supercooling - surface tension - surfactant - van der Waals force - van der Waals radius - viscosity - wetting



activity - aeration - aerosol - aliquot - aqueous - azeotrope - boiling - boiling point - boiling point elevation - colligative property - colloid - dilution - emulsion - equivalent - eutectic mixture - foam - fractional distillation - freezing point depression - gel - Henry's Law - hydrophilic - hydrophobic - hypertonic - hypotonic - ideal solution - molality - molar - molarity - mole fraction - normality - osmosis - osmotic pressure - parts per million - Raoult's law - reverse osmosis - saturated solution - semipermeable membrane - sol - solubility - solute - solution - solvent - sorption - specific gravity - standard solution - supersaturated solution - Tyndall effect - unsaturated compound - vapor pressure lowering

Acids and bases


acetic - acid - acid-base indicator - acid dissociation constant - alkaline - amphoteric - aprotic solvent - aqua regia - buffer - hydronium ion - Kw - litmus - litmus paper - neutral - neutralization reaction - nitric acid - pH - phenolphthalein - strong acid - strong base - weak acid - weak base

Redox reactions


agar - anode - anodize - autoxidation - battery acid - cathode - cation - corrosion - coulomb - disproportionation - dry cell - electrochemical cell - electrolytic cell - electrolysis - ferroin - kilogram - oxidation - oxidizing agent - oxidation number - potential difference - redox indicator - redox reaction - redox titration - reducing agent - reduction - salt bridge - volt - voltage - voltaic cell - voltaic pile

Reaction rates


activated complex - activation energy - Arrhenius equation - catalyst - collision frequency - collision theory - elementary reaction - enzyme - first order reaction - half life - integrated rate law - intermediate - order - rate constant - rate law - reaction mechanism - reaction rate - second order reaction - zero order reaction

Environmental chemistry


activated charcoal - carbonate hardness - cyanide process - dissolved oxygen - domoic acid - environmental chemistry - excitotoxin - free radical - glutamate receptors - molecular sieve - neurotransmitter - teratogen - water hardness - water softener - water softening

Organic chemistry


acid anhydride - acid halide - -al - alcohol - aldehyde - aliphatic - alkane - alkene - alkoxide - alkyl - alkyne - allyl - amide - amine - amino acid - ammine - arene - aromatic ring - aromatic compound - aryl - azo - carbonyl - carboxylic acid - carotene - chelate - chiral - chiral center - conformers - coordination number - crystal field splitting energy - crystal field theory - D- - dextrorotatory - diazonium salt - diazotization - dichloromethane - EDTA - ester - fatty acid - free radical - functional group - glycerol - heterocyclic - homolog - hydrocarbon - inductive effect - inorganic chemistry - inorganic compound - ketone - levorotatory - ligand - methyl - molecular sieve - monodentate - octane - optical activity - organic - organic chemistry - paraffin - phenol - phenyl - polymer - propane - racemic - resonance effect - superoxide - tautomer - thin layer chromatography - triglyceride - unsaturated compound - water gas - wax - -yl - zwitterion

Inorganic chemistry


ammine - chelate - coordination number - crystal field splitting energy - crystal field theory - EDTA - inorganic chemistry - inorganic compound - ligand - monodentate - superoxide - water gas



acetate - copolymer - monomer - polymer - polymerization - polymerize - thermoplastic - thermosetting - vinyl

Laboratory practices


auto-ignition temperature - autoxidation - Bunsen burner - flash point - MSDS - pyrophoric

Quantum theory


amplitude - constructive interference - destructive interference - diffraction - electromagnetic radiation - frequency - gamma rays - Hertz - infrared radiation - interference - microwave - momentum - node - phase - photoelectric effect - photoelectron - photon - Planck's constant - quantum - quantum mechanics - quantum number - ultraviolet light - uncertainty principle - visible light - wavefunction - wavelength - wave - x-ray - x-ray tube - zero point energy