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User:Antidiskriminator/Drafts of articles/Pavle Balšić

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Pavle Balšić was 15-th century Serbian and Albanian nobleman, a member of Balšić family.

Pavle Balšić was married with Skanderbeg's sister Jelena.[1] According to Fan S. Noli, they had three sons: George Strez Balšić, Ivan and Gojko.[2]


  1. ^ Spandouginos, Theodōros; Donald MacGillivray Nicol (1997). On the Origin of the Ottoman Emperors. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. p. 96. ISBN 9780521585101. Retrieved 25 March 2012. Skanderbeg... sisters...Iella, who married Paul Balša
  2. ^ Noli 1947, p. 208

    Scanderbeg had three Balsha nephews from his sister Yella. Of these only George Stresi Balsha betrayed him, while the two others, John and Gioka, served him loyally to the end


  • Noli, Fan Stilian (1947), George Castrioti Scanderbeg (1405-1468), International Universities Press, OCLC 732882