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Pashto Wikitionary


I request sysop access on ps.wikitionary:

Language Code: ps Local Request Link: ps:Project:wikitionary Local User Page: ps:User:احمد-نجيب-بياباني-ابراهيمخېل Thank you. 11:05, 27 July 2006 (UTC)

Retrieved from "http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Requests_for_permissions"

Pashto Wikibooks


I request sysop access on ps.wikibooks:

Language Code: ps Local Request Link: ps:Project:wikibooks Local User Page: ps:User:احمد-نجيب-بياباني-ابراهيمخېل Thank you. 11:05, 27 July 2006 (UTC)

Retrieved from "http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Requests_for_permissions"

The request must be done on the page itself, not on the talk page...

Also, you absolutely need to log in meta because making the request, otherwise, we have no way to be certain you made the request yourself...


Anthere 02:05, 28 July 2006 (UTC)

Pashto Wikibooks

Remember that my name in username in meta wiki is anobleboy, while my username in Pashto wikibooks, wikipedia and wiktionary is احمد-نجيب-بياباني-ابراهيمخېل:

I request sysop access on ps.wikibooks:

  • Language Code: ps
  • Local Request Link:
  • Local User Page:

Thank you.

Pashto Wiktionary

I request sysop access on ps.wiktionary:

  • Language Code: ps
  • Local Request Link:
  • Local User Page:

Thank you.

Having encountered this image on your personal details subpage, I write to compliment you on the amazing quality of the photo (et, incroyablement, c'est une belle sauterelle; d'habitude, j'en ai peur!). Joe 04:04, 3 August 2006 (UTC)

thanks. I had a lot of fun running around it to take the pictures :-) ant

I was wondering if this reasoning is correct. I know you had nothing to do with the template, or it's use, but I need to know if the French law actually says this. User:Zscout370 (Return Fire) 01:19, 6 August 2006 (UTC)

possible useful tool



I heard your presentation at Wikimania and thought I would point you to htp://consensuspolling.org - it is new and pretty exciting. The idea started to develope at Omidyar.net and is being actively developed at the ICANNwiki [1]. Take a look at it and see if it is a model that you could use. Best, MarkDilley

thanks a lot for the information. I go dig :) Anthere



Sorry for late WikiThanks.png, I'm just now recalled it by chance... --Aphaia 10:24, 17 September 2006 (UTC)

CD Selection



As the first CD selection has been a huge success (27000 downloads!) we are planning another version in the next month or too. It will be twice the size and we are talking to distributers. An answer on including the Wikipedia brand on the CDs would be very welcome, otherwise it gets a bit silly. --BozMo talk 14:23, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

omg :-( Okay, I asked *again* Anthere
Anthere see [2]. Request to put logo on this was sent to the Wikimedia board two months before we did it and then you started discussing it with me. Remember now? --BozMo talk 20:43, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
Oh on distributers we are talking to a Sunday Paper about a nationwide free distribution of the CD as a freebie with the paper but it may come to nothing. It would be a bold step for Wikipedia of course. --BozMo talk 14:20, 13 October 2006 (UTC)
By the way, I think the selection for Version 0.5 will be ready by the end of October. It should be around 1700-1800 articles. Bozmo & I are trying to help each other out, but at present the two releases are independent. Walkerma 06:48, 18 October 2006 (UTC)

WP funding


Anthere, On one other thing could you tell me roughly what WP's five year funding need is: $1m/year? $2m/year? I have a meeting in a week on another topic with a possible (not for Profit) funder who conceivably might be prepared to take on the whole cost on a "non-commercial, no editorial input" basis. I don't get in to see these kind of people often, but I don't mind sowing some seeds in their mind if you think this sensible? Perhaps you could reply to my email address, which you have --BozMo talk 09:48, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

Ok thanks. I'll have a shot at it--BozMo talk 20:10, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

Four way talks for the 21dec panel


Hi, I'd like to discuss a general outline for the Wikipedia panel as well as other issues.  :)

This is what I have at the moment. Feel free to reply, and at least acknowlege you had seen it.

User:Cool Cat/Panel 2006

Just a reminder: The panel will happen in Ankara, Turkey on 21 Dec 2006. --Cat out 17:02, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

One step at a time. I have received no formal invitation, so I do not see how I could have given a formal agreement. I have yet to see information in a language I can understand from this conference. And I fear that my costs (if I come) will be much higher. Travel to Ankara at that date is nearer 900 euros than 400 from my city. Add hotel, parking, taxi etc... Plus my three kids childcare. First step is official request and description of the conference. Anthere

Hi, you are receiving this message because you have listed yourself as an active member of WP:AMA. If you aren't currently accepting inquiries for AMA, or if you have resigned, please de-list yourself from Wikipedia:AMA Members. If you are still active, please consider tending to any new requests that may appear on Category:AMA Requests for Assistance. We're going to put AMA on wheels. :) Sorry for the template spamming - we're just trying to update our records, after we had a huge backlog earlier in the week (if you've been taking cases, then sorry, and please ignore this :)). Again, sorry, and thanks! Martinp23 21:13, 22 October 2006 (UTC)

Distribution of Obscene Material to Minors


Dear Anthere-

I am very pleased with this service, and have used it a great deal.

Unfortunately, it occurred to me to check on some of the articles that my children might utilize, and was quite badly shocked.

From what I can tell, this site is not in compliance with the applicable regulations of the State of Florida (or my own state, Virginia) concerning the distribution of pornography to minors. Obviously, that is a decision to be made by the appropriate legal authorities. Given that I do not wish to be complicit in what is apparently an illegal activity, I am ending my contributions to this site. It is my hope that this encyclopedia will be a resource for our children as well as ourselves.

I would very much like to continue to participate, and I certainly recognize the impossibility of immediately censoring any article which breaks a law anywhere. At the same time, reviewing your policy pages it appears that a very few people are responsible for this behavior, and that no coherent policy is in force. Additionally, given the size of the effort, it is difficult for me to appreciate that the word "consensus", which appears quite often, is being used appropriately.

While I obviously worry for my children's welfare and upbringing, I am more concerned, at this juncture, in being involved in an activity with appears to be illegal (to whit, a class 3 felony in the state of Florida).

I understand your policies on censorship. At the same time, most pornography web sites carry disclaimers regarding "you must be 18 years or older to enter, click here to so state". Given that there is no such disclaimer, and that the inclusion would harm the effectiveness of this site, I am at a loss for how you should proceed.

I have, on my user page, outlined the various agencies to whose attention I would like to bring this matter to, and offer you, as Chairman of the Wikifoundation, the opportunity to discuss this with me before I take these actions. I am quite sure that the majority of members have no interest in participating in an activity which would appear to be other that what it is: an encyclopedia.

My best wishes for yourself and your family.

Xchanter 14:21, 31 October 2006 (UTC)Xchanter

oh, that looks like a legal threat ? If so, please send any further comment to the Foundation office please. Thanks Anthere 02:15, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Congratulations, Madame Chairwoman


May you not find the demands made on you too demanding, and may you wear the mantle well. User:Zoe|(talk) 20:41, 31 October 2006 (UTC)



Anthere! Congratulations (for you know what!) I'm thrilled to know that you've been chosen to lead this exciting project. See you around! David Cannon 10:54, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

That was a pleasant surprise! Congrats from me too. :) Dysprosia 08:35, 4 November 2006 (UTC)

thanks :-) Anthere
Congratulations, and good luck. I know the problems of balancing family and Wikipedia time, I wish you well. Walkerma 21:11, 4 November 2006 (UTC)

Upcoming NYC Meetup


You might want to know when the next meetup was being organized in New York City. Plan for Saturday, 9 December 2006. While you're at it... Come help us decide on a restaurant. See: Wikipedia:Meetup/NYC. Spread the word. Thanks. —ExplorerCDT 23:05, 5 November 2006 (UTC)



Hello Anthere. If you're still in active, could you please desysop me at the portuguese Wikipedia? Best wishes, Nuno Tavares 18:25, 4 December 2006 (UTC)

okay... this was done. Hope you are fine Anthere
Am I. Thank you very much for the prompt reply. I really hope everything's ok with you, as well. Best wishes, dear Anthere. Nuno Tavares 16:10, 5 December 2006 (UTC)



Salut Anthere!

J'ai fait la traduction de ce message depuis l'anglais (voir en bas) mais je ne suis pas très sur si j'ai traduit correctement. Pourriez-vous vérifiez?

To whom it may concern

I am an amateur photographer who visited the Basillica in January 2006. I asked to take photos with a tripod and was requested to sign a document that 

I believe prohibited me from commercial use of the resulting photos. 

I had and have no intentions of selling the photo, however, I was very pleased with the result of the photo 

and uploaded it to Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia. 

I uploaded it under a licence that states it is my own personal work but it, or derivatives of it, can be used for any purpose. 

Therefore, it has been pointed out that I may have broken the terms of the document that I signed. 

Could you please confirm exactly what restrictions there are on my photograph and whether you believe it should be removed from Wikipedia?

For the record, the article on the Basillica is here: 

The photograph in question is here: 

Wikipedia is commited to ensuring that no laws and will be forced to remove the image if  it is determined that its use is in breach of the document 

I signed. 

That would be a shame, but I understand your need to control commercial photography inside the Basillica.



Ce qui devrait faire ceci en français:

Cher monsieur ou madame,

Je suis un photographe amateur qui a visité la Basilique en janvier de 2006. J’ai fait la demande de prendre des photos avec un trépied et on m’a 

demandé de signer un document qui – je crois – m’interdisait a utiliser ces photos afin de gagner de l’argent par des mesures commerciaux. Je n’avais 

et je n’ai pas l’intention de vendre la photo, mais, comme j’étais très content avec le résultat, je l’ai importé sur Wikipédia, l’encyclopédie libre 

sur Internet. 

Je l’ai importé avec un licence d’image disant que l’image est mon œuvre, mais que tout autre version(s) modifiée(s) peuvent être utilisés pour quoi 

que ce soit. 

Donc, on m’a informé qu’il est possible que j’aurai agi contre les termes du document que j’ai signé. 

Pourriez-vous confirmez quelles restrictions se trouvent-ils sur mon image, et si vous penser si l’image devrait être enlevé de Wikipédia ?

Pour votre information, l’article sur la Basilique se trouve ici :
http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Notre-Dame_de_Montr%C3%A9al_Basilica (en Anglais)

Et ici, en français : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilique_Notre-Dame_de_Montr%C3%A9al 

L’image concernée se trouve ici :

Wikipédia est très active à être sur que nul image soit contre la loi de quelconque pays et elle [Wikipédia] sera obligée de enlever l’image du site si 

elle [l’image] va contre ce qui disait le document. Ça serait dommage de l’enlever, mais je comprends que vous devez contrôler la photographie 

commerciale dans la basilique.

Je vous remercie de votre compréhension, madame, monsieur, et acceptez mes salutations distinguées,


Merci à l'avance, et pourriez-vous répondre sur ma page de discussion de ce Wikipédia? Car j'en ai marre des gens qui laissent leurs réponses sur leurs propres pages!

Merci encore,

Booksworm Talk to me! 21:25, 9 December 2006 (UTC)

I better answer on your talk page then :-) Anthere

Greenish Oyster

Where this oyster came from?

Hello Anthere,

The greenish oyster of your beautiful photo seems to be a "green oyster (huître vert)" harvested from the coast of France, such as Marennes-Oléron or Arcachon. If my guess is correct, I want to use the image in the Japanese article. Could you kindly please let me know where the oyster came from if you know. Sorry for my bad English (good Engrish). Thank you.Tkhs 07:43, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

I answered on your talk page Tkhs. Anthere
Thank you for your quick, courteous answer and the additional description. I want to use your delicious photo as "a green oyster harvested in France" in ja.wikipedia. Then, I'd like to move the image to the Commons if you're ok. Can I move it? Tkhs 18:51, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
I've moved it to Commons. Thank you again for your kindness. I love oysters :-)Tkhs 19:02, 11 December 2006 (UTC)



Je viens d'avoir une idée! Est-ce que vous pensez que pour être un ambassadeur d'un Wikipédia, il faut avoir au moins un niveau Babel de cette langue de 4 ou plus.

What do you think?

Booksworm Talk to me! 10:10, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

well... je ne dirais pas 4 mais 3. Je n'ai qu'un niveau 3 en anglais :-) Anthere

'Libération' Portrait


Congratulations, Madam Chair, on your Portrait in the 3 January Libération. You gave a good impression both of yourself and of Wikipedia, 'demystifying' it. I'm a little disappointed that the reporter seemed bent on creating "de toutes pièces" a feud between Wikipedia and Bloggers-- mais voilà la presse d'aujourd'hui.

Bonne année, Rhinoracer 15:18, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

nod. I was really shocked when I saw the part about Loic. I immediately sent him an email to apology for what was written, and he appreciated. He was also contacted by some bloggers, asking him what the conflict was about. Well.... no conflict... he will blog on the matter to clarify the misunderstanding.
thank you for your appreciation ;-) Anthere 22:59, 4 January 2007 (UTC)



This little flower has been very helpful in my interactions with other wikipedians and looks very beautiful too. Rosa 18:02, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

¡Hola! In Colombia we speak Castilian, commonly referred to as Spanish :-) (the only Portuguese-speaking country in Latin America is Brazil). Both languages are very similar though and I can read Portuguese without any trouble. You just picked my curiosity about "enrolling me in various activities"...I see in the userpage about you that you have done some very interesting (and important) work for humanity. How may I, a servant of the devil (we are also known as "lawyers" haha) be of any help? Rosa 09:21, 31 January 2007 (UTC)
Hola Florence, a scary list of legal tasks about legal threats, domain names and trademark issues...that IS scary! I'll be glad to help. :) I don't have the ius postulandi, since I haven't graduated, so I can't really represent anyone right now (plus I'm really very busy this semester). Once I graduate (this summer) I'll be more than happy to assist you in matters concerning commercial law. :) Rosa 00:19, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

I am here to complain about the conduct of "User:Radiant!" who decided to merge the categories "Disney characters" and "Disney villains" given "consistency and precedent of several earlier instances of consensus on this issue" despite the fact that the actual consensus was to "keep" the "Disney villains" page.[3] Correct me if I’m wrong, but if one user is going decide what the "result" of a debat was, then doesn't that make the voting process redundant? 23:52, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

Your IMMEDIATE response is suggested


Recently a number of semi-news-reports were published online. According to them, the Chairwoman of Wikimedia's Board of Trustees, has leaked the news of an upcoming financial crisis of Wikimedia, which may lead to the closure of Wikipedia within 3 to 4 months:

These news and reports are spreading everywhere. This is rapidly growing into a worldwide fear, despite Wikipedia repeatedly stated that it will not be commercialised, and has just raised over $1m in the recent fund drive. I have turned the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikipedia's possible news channels upside-down but I am yet to find any official response related to this.

Being the chairwoman yourself, please consider making an official statement on the front page of Wikipedia / Wikimedia Foundation website, so that Wikipedians worldwide will understand what is actually happening and what is the true future of Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia projects) in your mind.

We are left completely in the dark, despite Wikipedia is supposingly to be a community which trust and transparency are crucial. The faith of every wikipedian is at risk as the fundamentals of Wikipedia is shaking. Is this what you want to sit back and watch it happen?--Computor 18:24, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

I will post today a comment on Foundation-l, which I invite you to read. Meanwhile, may I suggest that the way your request is written is frankly rude and over the top, and that you may consider toning down when talking to me ? I have been away from my home and from my family for 3 days, my words have been mishandled by a blogger and are spreading around the world. When I am finally back home, I can enjoy a few hours to take care of my own life, without being intimated to immediately comment on rumors. There was an official statement given on friday by the Foundation. I am sorry if you did not read it, but did you consider asking the office about that ? Did you consider asking our press person ? I also resent the allusion that we would not be transparent, whilst we do our best to be, all of our financial statements are public, results of fundraising as well and financial forecast as well. I have worked my ass off this week end, instead of being with my family, to answer press, prepare statements et al. Mind you, I am a volunteer just as you, and I do not accept being told I am sitting back and watching things happen. This statement is NOT acceptable. What do you think I am ? Fatly paid to be answering your answers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ? Reality check. I am human, I am not perfect, I try to do the best I can, I have feeling, I am not an answering machine. Which is why I will go have a tea and feed my baby rather than to immediately answering rude requests. Anthere 09:05, 12 February 2007 (UTC)
...and be polite ? That's too much asking ?! Kelson 09:28, 12 February 2007 (UTC)
Apparently. I answered on the foundation list. If you do not know where it is Computor, this will be your homework for today.
My Honorable Chairwoman: I beg for your forgiveness for the upset I brought you, but I too feel a need to explain my actions.
It is a tiny hope of mine to bring your attention to this matter, because I sincerely believe it is an urgent one, and given Wikipedia's global influence, getting it dealt with quickly is for the common good. Though I understand totally if you fail to agree with me, for something obvious to me clearly takes priority in you.
Trust me, I have limited interest in your family matters and your private schedule, my interest lies in contributing to Wikipedia, in the sharing and creation of knowledge. Now, however, I am feeling the thousand-tonne force of Office Actions. I feel helpless, not knowing if I will face blocking merely because of my words.
With "travelling expenses" you can get and all that stuff, I humbly believe that my Chairwoman is not quite a volunteer the same as I do, a nameless undergraduate. But with your comments, I feel that I am being told off by someone senior, who is supposed to be in equal position with me in front of knowledge. I won't hide that I am feeling quite hurt, and I now understand that why some Wikipedians got fed up and left the project, and joining the Wikitruth. They all have been told off by some of us, who have a higher ranking and more equal, in a similar style.
With total respect, but be honest to myself, I must say this: "Whether it comes to be an example of a chairperson, or an example of a Wikipedian, Florence Nibart-Devouard is not doing her job as good as Jimmy Wales."--Computor 14:49, 12 February 2007 (UTC)
This seems flatly unecessary, Computor. The question has been answered (re: reserves), so that should be the end of it. El_C 15:07, 12 February 2007 (UTC)
Fleur de Torah Torah

A flower...

A flower for the 8th of March, from User:Zocky





--Nirajrm talk ||| sign plz! 22:09, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

Checkuser requests


Seeing as how you added the age limit, and as it was not part of the original guidelines, I have removed it. I do not see any good reason it would be there - Daniel Bryant and Mets501 are two examples of people who are responsible and under 18. If you can come up with solid reasons to re-add this rule, please discuss it on the talk page. Thanks, {Slash-|-Talk} 04:38, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Tu veu etre un Ambassadeur de l'Ambassade Française?--Ruanda;

desolee, je n'aurais probablement pas le temps. Bonne chance Anthere 19:25, 6 April 2007 (UTC)



Opening Politics


I'd like to invite you to join us at Opening Politics. The most detail can be found at uk.openingpolitics.org, but I think you might be more interested in fr.openingpolitics.org? I think you would make the ideal first user for the fr service.

WP:OFFICE and Brandt


Hello! In regards to Wikipedia:Community_sanction_noticeboard#Unblocking_of_Daniel_Brandt, I would like to request formal clarification as to whether JWale's recent unblock of Daniel_Brandt (talk · contribs) was a board requested WP:OFFICE operation, or if he made the unblock on his own authority. I've left a request on his user page, but it's pretty high volume and things occasionally get lost, so I'm following up here too. We're attempting to determine whether administrator consensus can overturn the unblock without creating risk to the foundation and/or going against the wishes of the board. Best regards, CHAIRBOY () 15:44, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

It so happened that I read the thread on the english wikipedia this afternoon (I may have not read the last emails on the topic). Jimbo unblocking of Daniel Brandt was absolutely not requested by the board, nor actually discussed. I learned about it when I checked very quickly the english mailing list as I do from time to time. I have no opinion of whether it was a good move or a bad move, but I can confirm it was not requested by the board. Likely, the unblock came from his position of Wikipedia leader, which make sense. I presume that technically, you could overturn the block (I read that JImbo was recommanding against, in light of his discussions with Brandt). It will not create a risk at this point and it will not go against the wishes of the board.

From a more general perspective, I am aware that, with the departure of our legal counsel, we are currently in a legal hole. Office actions are "done" by Cary, but Cary does not decide which ations to take. It was perfectly normal and understandable that Brad, as legal counsel and executive director, be the one taking such decisions. As such, blocking or unblocking someone, deleting or cleaning an article, was taken in charge entirely by the staff (Brad, Danny etc...), or was at least decided by someone from the Foundation (and carried out by a community member). With Brad gone, we are facing a terribly difficult situation. In most cases, with experience, we are able to say when we are facing a legal risk. When we are not sure, we ask various advisors (generally lawyers), but these are not internal staff, which may be a problem. Second, this should be done by staff, definitly not by board. Right now, Jimbo is nicely helping. But from a governance point of view, he should not do that.

The current situation is not satisfactory, neither for the Foundation, nor for you guys. We are making the best to find a good legal counsel to come help us on all this. I have been talking to one possible candidate just today.

When it comes to that, the curious point is that Jimbo's position is fabulously interesting, the position of a big leader, famous all over the world, and with a habit of "special rights", in particular on the english wikipedia, inherited from the past. At the same time, this unique situation is a problem for you guys because you do not know what authority he really has, and to which extent you must respect and obey this authority. Is he an admin ? A special admin ? Something else ? At the same time, I have a similar problem. When you guys have a legal problem, you go to ask Jimbo, and in asking Jimbo, you consider you have asked the Foundation. Unfortunately, it is not the case. Jimbo and the Foundation are not words you can equally use. And this unfortunately results to this type of post.

In any cases, yeah, I agree it is not satisfactory. I really will make my best to find a good GC to help. Anthere 21:56, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

Thank you for your time and your thoughtful response, I will bring this back to the discussion. Best regards, CHAIRBOY () 22:04, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

WP:OFFICE action? if so you should tag the page as such. I noticed he's been throwing around C&D's lately. Night Gyr (talk/Oy) 13:27, 20 April 2007 (UTC)

It's been protected due to OFFICE, so I believe this is moot. Daniel Bryant 13:40, 20 April 2007 (UTC)

Tag wasn't on it yet when I left that. Night Gyr (talk/Oy) 13:42, 20 April 2007 (UTC)

I answered to an urgent request, started it, and was interrupted. Sorry, I thought that Cary had finished tagging the page. My mistake and my apologies. Anthere

Any updates? The protection was set to expire after 24 hours and I'm not sure when we're clear to start readding information. Night Gyr (talk/Oy) 16:48, 21 April 2007 (UTC)

Cary has re-protected the page and the edit that occurred when the page was unprotected has been rolled back. The page will be sorted out on the next business day. Cbrown1023 talk 21:50, 21 April 2007 (UTC)

Anthere, I suggest that in cases like these, you protect the page and tag it with {{office}}. Cbrown1023 talk 21:50, 21 April 2007 (UTC)

I promise. ant

Orphaned non-free image (Image:Norbert3.jpg)


Thanks for uploading Image:Norbert3.jpg. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently orphaned, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. BetacommandBot 04:13, 14 May 2007 (UTC)

AACS encryption key controversy


Dear Anthere, Since no one seems to know where to address this. Can the blocking of they key be moved from the $wgSpamRegex filter (where it was added to combat the spam on the night of the controversy) to the official blacklist, so that the community is part of the process again? So that we can move forward in the spirit of Jimmy's comments here ? --TheDJ (talkcontribs) 20:51, 15 May 2007 (UTC)

The only reason to remove it is the same as the only reason it was put in, which is masses of actual spam across the net of the Number. So if the net-wide spam has abated, it should be removed - David Gerard 21:31, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
Apparently Rob Church has explained that it works a tad diffent then we suspected. So there is no need to move. there is only a need to either condone circumvention on the appropriate place, or fully remove the the blacklisting. I still think this should be better documented btw. If you are not a dev, then it's apparently impossible to get any idea about what's going on. The fact that it took over 5 days to figure this out seems to prove that. --TheDJ (talkcontribs) 21:34, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
David Gerard is entirely correct. You should check with the developers the "spam" situation. I'll add that as of today, the office has not been served any cease and desist letter Anthere 23:52, 15 May 2007 (UTC)

Hi, I contact to you because I'm worry about an article in wikipedia in spanish, the specific articles is http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_Quality_Project, one user called Mixepitelix, is carrying on a defamation campaign over Life Quality Project Civil Asociation, as you can see at the article (is hide right now), the discussion archive http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discusi%C3%B3n:Life_Quality_Project/Archivo, and continue once again in actual discussion http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discusi%C3%B3n:Life_Quality_Project.

I have to mention too that this user have linked a book that violates copyright law in the same discussion as title "Texto digitalizado del libro "La Via", de Juan Sgolastra", and seeing the following articles: http://www.webtvwire.com/linking-to-infringing-content-is-probably-illegal-in-the-us/ "Is Linking to Infringing Content Illegal in the US? Like it or not the short answer is yes." http://www.webtvwire.com/linking-law-expert-dr-stephan-ott-talks-about-linking-to-pirated-video/ "In my opinion linking to infringing content is unlawful and that is also what most of the courts say."

But I think that you have more expertice than me for evaluate this case. Due to this expertise, I feel under obligation to do ask you what could I do about this two items: defamation and copyright violation. I´m very worry to have to turn to you about this conflict, and more knowing that is in spanish lenguaje, but I feel that librarians are not taking this affair as seriously as really is.

Best regards,

Aguirrel 16:13, 23 May 2007 (UTC)

I have been informed that others at the Foundation were already involved and could help. Thanks Anthere



c'est domage je poivais pas te voir, un autre fois j'espere, bissoux Aleichem 18:12, 11 June 2007 (UTC)

I'll be back ! Anthere

Orphaned non-free image (Image:Norbert3.jpg)


Thanks for uploading Image:Norbert3.jpg. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently orphaned, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. BetacommandBot 09:00, 21 June 2007 (UTC)


What the f*** ? I was already informed of the problem. And I already deleted the image. Anthere

Orphaned non-free image (Image:Norbert3.jpg)


Thanks for uploading Image:Norbert3.jpg. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently orphaned, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. BetacommandBot 07:55, 29 June 2007 (UTC)

thank you Bot. This is the third time I am informed; Anthere
Sorry about that I fixed it so it should leave that alone 03:55, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Unspecified source for Image:AntherePhoto.jpg


Thanks for uploading Image:AntherePhoto.jpg. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, then you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually sufficient information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, then their copyright should also be acknowledged.

As well as adding the source, please add a proper copyright licensing tag if the file doesn't have one already. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then the {{GFDL-self}} tag can be used to release it under the GFDL. If you believe the media meets the criteria at Wikipedia:Fair use, use a tag such as {{non-free fair use in|article name}} or one of the other tags listed at Wikipedia:Image copyright tags#Fair use. See Wikipedia:Image copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

If you have uploaded other files, consider checking that you have specified their source and tagged them, too. You can find a list of files you have uploaded by following this link. Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If the image is copyrighted under a non-free license (per Wikipedia:Fair use) then the image will be deleted 48 hours after 02:05, 8 July 2007 (UTC). If you have any questions please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. OsamaK 02:05, 8 July 2007 (UTC)