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I'm Anna, I was born in California, but eventually moved to Washington state. I am currently a running start student at Everett community college. I'm just an young lady who enjoys adventures, longboarding, reading books , and good music! I listen to a variety of genres when it comes to music (Not a fan of jazz, opera, or country music; unless its Carrie Underwood- "before he cheats" the only country song I can stand listening to). My most favorite book would have to be Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. On a typical day, you can find me either chilling at my house binge watching Netflix, or out on a adventure to a new place I've never been before." We were not born to just pay bills and die", I live by this quote, for the fact that its absolutely true, life is nothing but an adventure, so I always make the best of everything, and live life with nothing but positive vibes!

Article Critique


I visited the page Longboard (skateboard) page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: The history of longboards, citations to equipment and components,  and there should be profession skaters added on the page.

The history of longboards


This page contains many helpful topics according to longboards. One big topic that is not included that I believe should be stated in this article is, the history of how longboards came to be.  Who made the first longboard? When was it made? What was it made out of ? Where was it originated from? And how did they come up with the idea to make a longboard?.  The article overall has good information about the structure of a longboard, but the article could be improved by stating these facts about the history.

Citations to the equipment and components


The article itself contains about three pictures. I feel like the article could be improved if it had more pictures or citations to other pages, showing what exactly it is being talked about. There is some citations showing the different types of boards and bearings, but it is lacking citations to show what trucks, rider pads, and what type of wheels there are. Only some components have citations, while other don’t, I think it would be most helpful to add citations to those equipment’s or components that don’t have them yet.

Add professional skateboarders who longboard.


Overall this isn’t a mandatory thing that should be posted on your page but it would be nice to see what professional skateboarder uses or used longboards and what types they have. Maybe add a boy and a girl professional skateboarder.



This page is pretty good. The things that I think should be added would be the history of longboards,  just a few more citations or representative pictures for the components, and for a  more educational purpose adding some professional skateboarders would be pretty informative.