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User:AnnaKucsma/Articles/Kitchen Cabinets

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See also,



Individual books




A Atwood, MargaretAusten, Jane

B Bradley, Marion ZimmerBrontë, AnneBrontë, CharlotteBrontë, Emily

C Cantor, Norman

E Eliot, George

F Fforde, JasperFraser, Antonia

H Hardy, Thomas

M McCullough, David

S Shakespeare, William

T Truss, LynneTuchman, Barbara

W Weir, Alison



Auburn (color)BlackBlueBrownBurgundy (color)Cobalt blueGreenGreyOrange (color)PinkPurplePrussian blueRedRoyal blueRusset (color)Rust (color)Teal (color)White





B Bastard feudalismBattle of TowtonBlack Death

C Christine de Pizan

E Eleanor of Aquitaine

F Feudalism

H Hundred Years' War

J Joan of Arc

M ManorialismMiddle Ages

S Siege of Orléans

W Wars of the Roses

Tudor & Elizabethan


# 1500-1550 in fashion1550-1600 in fashion

A Anne BoleynAnne of Cleves

C Catherine of AragonCatherine HowardCatherine Parr

E Elizabeth I of EnglandElizabethan eraElizabethan leisureEnglish Renaissance

H Henry VII of EnglandHenry VIII of England

J Jane Seymour

M Mary I of EnglandMary I of ScotlandMid-Tudor Crisis

S Spanish Armada

T Tudor dynastyTudor style



A Anthony, Susan B.

B Bread and RosesBurns, Lucy

L Lawrence textile strike

P Paul, Alice

S Salem witch trialsStanton, Elizabeth Cady

T Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire



Celtic music



Musicians and Groups


AltanAutour de LucieBattlefield BandCherish the LadiesThe ChieftainsGaelic StormMacMaster, NatalieMcKennitt, LoreenaMediæval BæbesMerchant, NatalieSolas (group)ShoogleniftyThe Unthanks











A All the President's Men (1976) … Apollo 13 (1995)…

B Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) … Bringing Up Baby (1938) …

C Charade (1963) …

D Desk Set (1957) …

E Elizabeth (1998) … Erin Brockovich (2000) …

F Funny Face (1957) …

H Henry V (1944) … Hotel Rwanda (2004) …

L The Lion in Winter (1968) …

M Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) … My Fair Lady (1964) …

P The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) … The Philadelphia Story (1940) …

R Richard III (1955) … Roman Holiday (1953) …

S Sabrina (1954) … Sabrina (1950) …

Mythology and Legend


See also, Matter of Britain.

A Avalon

C Camelot

E Excalibur

G GalahadGawainGuinevere

H Holy Grail

I Igraine

K King Arthur

L Lady of the LakeLancelot

M MerlinMordredMorgan le FayMorgause

R Round Table (Camelot)

Classical mythology




A Anne BoleynAnne of ClevesAnthony, Susan B.Aragon, Catherine ofAtwood, MargaretAusten, Jane

B Boleyn, AnneBradley, Marion ZimmerBrontë, AnneBrontë, CharlotteBrontë, EmilyBurns, Lucy

C Cantor, NormanCatherine of AragonCatherine HowardCatherine ParrChristine de PizanCleves, Anne of

E Eliot, GeorgeEleanor of AquitaineElizabeth I of England

F Fforde, JasperFraser, Antonia

H Henry VII of EnglandHenry VIII of EnglandHoward, Catherine

J Jane SeymourJoan of ArcJohn Playford

M MacMaster, NatalieMary I of EnglandMary I of ScotlandMcCullough, DavidMcKennitt, LoreenaMerchant, Natalie

P Parr, CatherinePaul, AlicePizan, Christine dePlayford, John

S Seymour, JaneShakespeare, WilliamStanton, Elizabeth Cady

T Truss, LynneTuchman, Barbara

W Weir, Alison

Travel, Transportation, and Local Interest
