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User:Aniruddha22Paranjpye/Books/Special Functions - Main

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Special Functions - Main

List of special functions and eponyms
Special functions
Abramowitz and Stegun
Ackermann function
Airy function
Analytical expression
Anger function
Arithmetic-geometric mean
Askey–Gasper inequality
Bailey pair
Barnes G-function
Barnes integral
Barnes zeta function
Bateman Manuscript Project
Bernoulli polynomials
Bessel function
Bessel–Clifford function
Blancmange function
Cantor function
Chapman function
Clausen's formula
Closed-form expression
Complete Fermi–Dirac integral
Conical function
Dawson function
Debye function
Dickman function
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Dirac comb
Dirichlet integral
Einstein function
Entire function
Error function
Exponential integral
Fresnel integral
Generalized polygamma function
Hankel contour
Heine's identity
Herglotz–Zagier function
Heun function
Horn function
Hough function
Hyperbolic growth
Incomplete Fermi–Dirac integral
Incomplete polylogarithm
Jack function
Jackson integral
Jacobi zeta function
Jacobi–Anger expansion
Kelvin functions
Kontorovich-Lebedev transform
Kummer's function
Lambert W function
Lamé function
Legendre chi function
Legendre form
Lerche–Newberger sum rule
Logarithmic integral function
Logistic function
Lommel function
Lommel polynomial
Mathieu function
Mayer f-function
Minkowski's question mark function
Mittag-Leffler function
Modular form
Multiple gamma function
Multiplication theorem
Neumann polynomial
Painlevé transcendents
Pochhammer contour
Prolate spheroidal wave functions
Real analytic Eisenstein series
Scorer's function
Selberg integral
Spence's function
Spheroidal wave function
Spin spherical harmonics
Spin-weighted spherical harmonics
Struve function
Student's t-distribution
Sudan function
Synchrotron function
Theta function of a lattice
Thomae's function
Tracy–Widom distribution
Transport function
Trigonometric integral
Voigt profile
Walsh function
Weierstrass's elliptic functions
Whipple formulae
Wright Omega function