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User:Aniruddha22Paranjpye/Books/Classical Geometry

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Classical Geometry

Absolute geometry
Adjacent angle
Elliptic geometry
Erlangen program
Models of non-Euclidean geometry
Spherical geometry
Dehn plane
Hilbert's arithmetic of ends
Non-Euclidean crystallographic group
Non-Euclidean geometry
Parallel postulate
Saccheri–Legendre theorem
Schopenhauer's criticism of the proofs of the parallel postulate
Hyperbolic geometry
(2,3,7) triangle group
Angle of parallelism
Anosov diffeomorphism
Apollonian gasket
Apollonian sphere packing
Arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold
Beltrami–Klein model
Bolza surface
Bryant surface
Carathéodory metric
Complex geodesic
Cusp neighborhood
Fuchsian group
Fuchsian model
Geometric topology (object)
Gyrovector space
Hilbert's theorem (differential geometry)
Hjelmslev transformation
Hyperbolic 3-manifold
Hyperbolic angle
Hyperbolic Dehn surgery
Hyperbolic function
Hyperbolic tree
Hyperbolic triangle
Hyperbolic volume (knot)
Hyperbolic coordinates
Hyperbolic law of cosines
Hyperbolic manifold
Hyperbolic motion
Hyperbolic space
Hyperboloid model
Hypercycle (geometry)
Ideal triangle
Kleinian model
Lambert quadrilateral
Macbeath surface
Margulis lemma
Mostow rigidity theorem
Non-positive curvature
Pair of pants
Picard horn
Poincaré metric
Poincaré disk model
Poincaré half-plane model
Saccheri quadrilateral
Schoen-Yau conjecture
Schwarz lemma
Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick theorem
Tameness conjecture
Triangle group
Ultraparallel theorem
Uniform tilings in hyperbolic plane
Upper half-plane
Weeks manifold
Affine involution
Affine manifold
Affine combination
Affine curvature
Affine frame
Affine geometry
Affine geometry of curves
Affine group
Affine hull
Affine space
Affine transformation
Barnsley fern
Barycentric coordinate system (mathematics)
Ceva's theorem
Equipollence (geometry)
Flat (geometry)
Line element
Menelaus' theorem
Minkowski addition
Minkowski plane
Oblique reflection
Trilinear coordinates
Convex geometry
Absolutely convex set
B-convex space
Brunn–Minkowski theorem
Carathéodory's theorem (convex hull)
Concave set
Conical combination
Convex combination
Convex polytope
Convex and concave polygons
Convex metric space
Convex set
Convexity in economics
De Finetti's theorem
Dual cone and polar cone
Equichordal point problem
Face (geometry)
Geodesic convexity
Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi distance algorithm
Helly's theorem
Kakutani fixed point theorem
Kakutani's theorem (geometry)
Krein–Milman theorem
List of convexity topics
M. Riesz extension theorem
Mahler volume
Minkowski Portal Refinement
Minkowski's theorem
Oriented matroid
Orthogonal convex hull
Rotating calipers
Separating axis theorem
Shapley–Folkman lemma
Support function
Supporting hyperplane
Tangent cone
Tverberg's theorem
Choquet theory
Convex hull
Radon's theorem
Chan's algorithm
Convex hull algorithms
Gift wrapping algorithm
Graham scan
Kirkpatrick–Seidel algorithm