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Apollonian circles
Circles of Apollonius
Area of a disk
Aristotle's wheel paradox
Brahmagupta theorem
Brocard circle
Casey's theorem
Circle packing theorem
Circle bundle
Circle graph
Circle of antisimilitude
Circular sector
Circular segment
Circumscribed circle
Clifford's circle theorems
Director circle
Dividing a circle into areas
Extouch triangle
Fermat–Apollonius circle
Five circles theorem
GEOS circle
Generalised circle
Homothetic center
Incircle and excircles of a triangle
Inscribed angle theorem
Johnson circles
Lester's theorem
List of circle topics
Lune of Hippocrates
Malfatti circles
Miquel's theorem
Monge's theorem
Nine-point circle
Osculating circle
Pivot theorem
Pizza theorem
Pole and polar
Radical axis
Regiomontanus' angle maximization problem
Riemannian circle
Robbins pentagon
Seven circles theorem
Six circles theorem
Smallest circle problem
Spieker circle
Steiner chain
Tangent lines to circles
Tangent circles
Unit circle
Unit disk
Villarceau circles