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Calle E Monroe St, Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos, 2012-10-20, DD 04

I am Angelica Castro Frias, I spent my childhood in a town in Mexico. Growing up, I cherished the loving presence of my parents and my sister, creating unforgettable memories together. In those early years, I was a curious girl who loved playing outside, indulging in adventures and exploring the world around me.

Discovering Musical Talents and Sports

At the age of 7, I found my passion for music and joined the school's music group, where I learned to play the mandolin. Though I later attempted to learn the violin, it proved challenging, and I decided to pursue other interests. During high school, I discovered my talent for sports and became an avid player of racketball. Additionally, I had the incredible opportunity to represent my school as part of the volleyball team.

Academic Pursuits and Plans

In 2021, I embarked on a new adventure and moved to the United States. Since then, I have dedicated myself to studying English while pursuing a business degree at the College of DuPage. My aspirations include transferring to a university to obtain a business administration degree.

Embracing an Active Lifestyle

Outside of academics, I maintain a balanced lifestyle by engaging in various activities. I still enjoy playing sports such as racketball, yoga, and swimming, which energize my mind and body.

Favorite Quote

As Steve Jobs once wisely said, *"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." [^1] This quote serves as a constant reminder to stay true to myself, follow my dreams, and make the most of every precious moment.


College of DuPage (https://www.cod.edu/)

[^1]: Source: [Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address](https://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/)