
Naming Origin
[edit]My full name is David Angel Chavez Martinez as I have 27 characters in four words, it's impossible to put it largely and unnecessary to identify myself, nor do I put "Angel" as a nickname because it is very common. Therefore, I use my eight-character-nickname which is DAngelCM as a simplified name, the handle nickname is derived from my complete name by one letter "D" before my calling name "Angel" and two initial genealogy surnames "C" and "M". "AngelChavezCo" as a username, is my alternative nickname which I use in some wikis like this.
The name Angel comes from my mother and some members of the Contreras (my maternal family). When I was a newborn baby, my mom felt I am a twinkling star in the middle of the darkness, and she felt that I am a messenger becoming my permanent identity calling me "My beautiful angel...". Since that moment it has been my perfect time to be named legally. When someone calls me first with the positive name that soon everybody calls me, it will be my identity name permanently. Therefore, my name "Angel" was marked legally as a name, and it's a unisex name which means "Angelos" or "Angelin" from the Greek word meaning "messenger"; another definition for appearance as demonstrates the Angel of Independence monument in Mexico City, the name took inspiration from the Greek goddess of victory in any such as justice, love and responsibility, Nike; coincidently for Christian references, as I was born in that day it also commemorates in Queen of Angels in the small chruch of Italy called Portiuncula, that was spread throughout the world such as a church of Costa Rica and the City of Los Angeles, which also has got its name for its historical church and its cathedral. I was finally thrilled that I visited both cities, Mexico City in February 2016, and Los Angeles in September 2023.
However, I disliked the name David from my biological father by being general with my genealogy dad as in my first legal name; The name David came from the male Hebrew name, “Dawid” meaning "Beloved". I thought I was unworthy to call me "David" in my infancy, but with the time when I investigated deeply about the name, my first father was right to choose "David" because I was born with male genitals as the Michaelangelo's statue shows explicitly. One reason why I believed diversity it's because of King David, who was interpreted between three religions Judaism and its descendencies: Christianity and Islam in the late 11th/early 10th centuries BCE. David was my forgotten name until 2022 when I reconciled this name by birth. On November 21, 2023, the symbol of Angel Chavez changed the ring circle for a heart-shaped areola with a five-pointed star called "Starry Heartureola" making a tribute match the logo and my full name. Thus, I started being able to care for the heart which I placed before the name "Angel Chavez”. I have my alternate name which is a lover name that I was received by my biological father registered on September 18, 1998, and so I put my first name as my D initial.
As for two genealogy surnames C and M are relative to the mitochondrial DNA from parents: The paternal surname is “Chavez” comes from the ancient Portuguese surname that literally means “Keys”, to match with the name “Angel Chavez” as ‘‘The Key of Messenger’’ to explore diverse worlds, and this last name fits the metaphorical version of choice or option as reflects for the mind. And honorably from my maternal one, “Martinez” comes from my family with a Spanish last name related to Ares from Greek mythology under the Roman name "Mars" as its descendant; this last name fits with the star what is a symbol of hope, warmth, imagination, strategy and prosperity, placed after the words "Angel Chavez"; fun fact, the red planet, Mars is part of the terrestrial space exploration which also matches.
The brand name is just two words: Angel Chavez, as messager, synonym of the communication media (Angel), and the keys to open the metaverse without borders (Chavez).
Consequently, my phrase from my full name is: ‘‘Beloved messenger which has the key to fight for his own’’. David Angel Chavez Martinez.
[edit]The user has ten appellative nicknames in total excluding "AngelCM", and one ethnic name for a certain comunity:
[edit]The first four single-word appellative names: Octostar which I love star with the pun "Octo-" as "octagonal star", Auriazur which means "Golden Blue" in Latin, my favorite colors, Huanacauri which I identify informally as "Guanaco" which means Fraternity from El Salvador as "huanacax", the Nahuatl word used in the Pre-Columbian era, and "gold" from Latin; both words combined as "Salvadoran Gold". Yerangel as my birthday coincidence, a pun between my name and "Yerathel", a guardian angel who dominates the spread of culture and civilization which I love. And the other two bynames are from my family members derived from my calling name, appliable for closer friends: Angelicus from my few of my maternal uncles, and Angelo from my mother.
Titular names
[edit]The last three titled appellatives are: My significance of Leo, my zodiac sign, my favorite ancient civilization which is Egypt, and my favorite color; thus it's El Esfinge Azul (EN: The Blue Sphinx). My self-steem nickname, it was "La Estrella Furiosa" (EN: The Starry Fury)" in February 2022, until I began acknowledging Izumi Tōdō's Pretty Cure in my 25th Year celebration one year later, which that nickname changed to El Coraje Estrellado (EN: The Starry Courage) by my mixed feelings that made brave moments against negativity, evilness, searching for good hope for myself, inspired from the Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon, my family and friends. Another alternative titled nickname Brillante Amado (EN: Beloved Twinkle) to relate stars in the sky, baselines from the Angel Chavez's Identity, my life experience in the 21st Century and having my first beloved name, David. And finally, Cure Angelus[a], which has an influence with Pretty Cure after twenty years of creating this meta-series, and that characterizes with the Latin name in general that represents the communicative cultural diversity in the whole world.
Ethnic names
[edit]Angel Chavez has one ethnic name for the specific group. Unlike the latin alphabet, Japanese has three alphabets with its own system. To ease the comprehension with the society, Angel put himself as Tenshi Aisei (相星 天使, Aisei Tenshi). In Katakana would be アイセイ•テンシ, its nickname such as Tenten o Tenkun for closest friends, and the honorific name would be Tenshi-san for example. Tenshi (天使/てんし) came from the translation of his name Angel, and the last two Kanji characters Aisei (相星/あいせい) came from friendly star, thus its complete name would be Aimable Starry Angel.