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Conspiracies and Cabals I'm a part of:

(according to others. I've probably missed a few. This is a work in progress...)

Wikipedia Marxist Cabal

CIA Wikipedia Oversight Committee

Wikipedia Political Correctness Cabal

Wikipedia Anti-Semitic Cabal

Wikipedia 'Sarah Palin's Daughters' Cabal

The Wikipdia Cabal For The Enforcement of British English Orthography

Wikipedia Wikilawyering Nit-Pickers' Cabal

Wikipdia misspelling 'Wikipedia' Cabal (Oops!)

The Campaign For The Deletion Of Perfectly Good Articles

The Campaign For The Deletion Of Potentially Good Articles

The Campaign For The Inappropriate Insertion Of Humour Into Wikipedia Talk Pages

The Campaign For The Inappropriate Insertion Of Humour Into Wikipedia Edit Summaries

The Campaign For The Ruling That Wikipedia Disputes About Scientology Are Boring (Actually, I'll admit to being a member of this one...)

The Wikipedia Pro-WikiLeaks Cabal

The Wikipedia Anti-WikiLeaks Cabal

The Wikipedia Cabal For Confusing People Who Expect You To Be Pro or Anti Everything

THe Wikipedia Cabal For Having Opinions, And Sneaking Them In When Nobody Is Looking

The Wikipedia Argentine-Botherers' Cabal (for which I've become known as Andrés el cascarrabia Inglés [1]).

The Wikipedia Anti-Lynch-Mob Cabal

The Wikipedia Anti-Bleach-Drinking Cabal

The Wikipedia Alien-mind-control-coverup Cabal (Conspirator-in-Chief Henry Kissinger of course...)

The Wikipedia Cold-Fusion-Cover-Up Cabal (sponsored by the nuclear power industry, needless to say...)

The Wikipedia Not-Giving—A-Monkey's-About–Appropriate-Usage−Of-Short-Horizontal-Lines Cabal

The Wikipedia CERN paid lobbyists cabal (where's my cheque?)

The Wikipedia Marxist Anti-Civilisation Committee for the Suppression of Scientific Knowledge

The Wikipedia Pointing-Out-That-Finland-Is-Next-To-Sweden (And we know what goes on in those long winter nights) Cabal

The Wikipedia campaign for the suppression of advances in artificial intelligence (don't ask...)

The Wikipedia 'editors paid to hide the truth about cold fusion' cabal (again - I'm still waiting for the cheque though...)

The Wikipedia Truthiness Cabal (the existence of this cabal is unverified - but it is real)

The Wikipedia paid editors cabal for the censorship of articles revealing the effectiveness of enemas of coffee, castor oil, ozone and hydrogen peroxide as cures for cancer. (I'm expecting a large cheque from BigPharm inc over this, but strangely it has yet to appear. If it doesn't, I'm going to patent the enema mix as a rocket fuel, and license it to NASA for an even larger cheque..)

The Wikipedia hiding-in-plain-sight Fringe Theories Noticeboard cabal for the suppression of fringe theories


(For the record, I'll only admit to having any sympathies with a minority (and no, not the Anti-Semitic Cabal, thank you for asking...)