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User:Andrewjlockley/Sea Ice Manipulation by Ice Chipping

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Successful geoengineering operations are carried out to manipulate the extent of sea ice by either reducing or expanding the sea ice cover by the ice chipping operators.

Sea Ice Demolition by Ice Chipping


The sea ice demolition is defined here as an intentional purpose, distinctive from the ice breaking operations to facilitate the trespassing of marine vessels over thick ice covered sea areas, with a specific purpose to induce a loss of sea ice cover. The sea ice demolition engineering operations are carried out by the “Primorsky regional office of Russian Federation Ministry of Emergency Situations (RF MES) in order to break ice and hasten its carry-over from the bay by streams in the shortest possible time.”[1]

The artificially induced loss of sea ice cover induces a localised heat island effect, or microclimatic reconditioning, with an earlier onset of spring-like warm weather conditions due to the lack of cooling effect of snow covered sea ice. The main purpose of sea ice demolition has been to remove the constraint that sea ice inflicts for the use of ocean, i.e. its benefits for the small boat travelling and fishing industries in opened ocean.

In order to be successful there has to be sufficient circumstances and probability to justify the benefits against the cost of sea ice demolition by ice chipping operators. To meet these criteria and the policing costs, a successful sea ice demolition operation requires ice chipping to commence in the suitable range of temperatures and wind conditions that ensure a successful despatch of sea ice to the warm part of the ocean where the ice then melts in warm sea water removing its reflective property. Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO) is using ice breakers suck as Krasin to break ice off to let it go to the warm part of ocean to destroy itself.[2]. A suitable time for sea ice demolition by ice chipping is spring when there are warming climate and sea water is sufficiently warm to destroy sea ice rapidly before it has time to drift backwards.

The sea ice demolition is induced by sailing the ice breaker at depths of 15-20 meters from the costal periphery to loosen ice to the ocean in easternly winds and sea currents from along Amursky Bay coast up to Sedanka. Primorsky Region General Office of RF MES informs mass-media that coming out on ice of Amursky Bay, especially in Vladivostok, Artem and Nadezhdinsk is dangerous and prohibited during and after the sea ice demolition. The water area of Amursky Bay is proclaimed as an area of emergency situation from 6 of March up to total ice thawing by the decision of Regional Committee for Safety in Emergency Situations and Fire Accidents.

Sea ice demolition could be easily and regularly be complemented in the Fram Straight and on the East Coast of Greenland to carry the ice during the easternly winds or the sea current. In areas like this ordinary ice breaking should go ahead with planning if accidental sea ice losses are to be avoided as there is no difference between intentional and accidental sea ice demolition by the regular shipping.

Sea Ice Creation by Ice Chipping


A reverse modification to FESCO's spring-time sea ice demolition operations is proposed by Veli Albert Kallio to run an ice breaking vessel in autumn-time to carry out sea ice creation by ice chipping. A suitable time is late autumn when there are reducing amount of heat and sunlight and weathers and sea water are cooling and naturally re-freezing. Finland-based Atmosmare Foundation [3] have an agreement-in-principle to purchase an ice-breaker from Canada, the project awaits operational funds to start running the ice-breaking vessel to test viability of ice creation by ice chipping and various other forms of geoengineering.[4]

The sea ice creation by ice chipping method utilises some of the processes in the Arctic Ocean that naturally occur around the Antarctic continent on the Southern Ocean, when its strong winds and sea currents transport the loosened sea ice north from the edge of sea ice that then rapidly re-freezes further out on sea, this scattering of loose ice then rapidly stretching the ice edge of the Antartic sea ice towards the north during the onset of the Antarctic autumn and winter seasons.[5] [6][1][7]

Ice chipping for sea ice creation induces sea ice stretching by pacifying the sea behind the loosened ice and facilitating the growth of new ice in the leads behind or around the loosened ice floes themselves depending how the ice chipping is executed. The lower the air and sea water temperatures and the stronger the sea currents or wind drift are, the more productive is the ice creation from ice chipping.


  1. ^ KRASIN carried out ice chipping in Amursky Bay. The icebreaker KRASIN have finished ice breaking in Amursky Bay on March 19th; 21.03.2006. Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO); FESCO Transportation Company News and Events, Web-page: http://www.fesco.ru/en/press-center/news/2006-03-21-00406/
  2. ^ Krasin carrying out ice chipping. Web-page: http://www.fesco.ru/_img/common/www/mb_module/icebreakers/icebreakers_10.jpg
  3. ^ Atmosmare Foundation are the most senior Finnish geoengineering group whose patron is Aura Mare Group, the holding company of Meriaura oyshipping line with several smaller sponsors. the Principal Researcher Risto Isomäki, Senior Partner Professor Jukka Salo, Project Development Director Esko Pettay
  4. ^ There are several projects underway: http://www.atmosmare.com/arktisen_alueen_toimet.shtml
  5. ^ Giant icy tongue, 60 Seconds, New Scientist, Issue 2662, 28 June 2008, page 7.
  6. ^ Giant icy tongue, 60 Seconds, New Scientist, Issue 2662, 25 June 2008, web-edition: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg19826624.000-60-seconds.html
  7. ^ Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1029/2007JC004541.