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Ch 1. Rhetoric & Persuasion
[edit]- Persuasion
- Rhetoric
- General Information
- A Dialogue Concerning Oratorical Partitions
- A General Rhetoric
- Above my paygrade
- Accent reduction
- Accismus
- Accumulatio
- Actio
- Ad captandum
- Ad hominem
- Adoxography
- Adynaton
- Allegory
- Allusion
- Amplification (rhetoric)
- Anacoenosis
- Anacoluthon
- Anadiplosis
- Analogy
- Analysis of subjective logics
- Anangeon
- Anaphora (rhetoric)
- Anapodoton
- Anastrophe
- Antanaclasis
- Antanagoge
- Antimetabole
- Antiphrasis
- Antithesis
- Antithetic parallelism
- Antonomasia
- Apheresis (linguistics)
- Aphorismus
- Apocope
- Apokoinu construction
- Apologetics
- Apologue
- Apophasis
- Aporia
- Aposiopesis
- Apostrophe (figure of speech)
- Appeal to advantage
- Apposition
- Argument from analogy
- Argumentative dialogue
- Ars dictaminis
- Art Bollocks
- Art of memory
- Asiatic style
- Asyndeton
- Atticism
- Aureation
- Aussie battler
- Auxesis (figure of speech)
- Bait-and-switch
- Belgrade Competition in Oratory
- Bloviation
- Bomphiologia
- Breaking point (psychology)
- Bromide (language)
- Brutus (Cicero)
- Burlesque
- Buzzword
- Catachresis
- Cataphora
- Chiasmus
- Chiastic structure
- Children's interests (rhetoric)
- Chironomia
- Chreia
- Christine (book)
- Circumlocution
- Classification (literature)
- Climax (figure of speech)
- Cluster criticism
- Code word (figure of speech)
- Cognitive rhetoric
- Collective noun
- Colon (rhetoric)
- Comma (rhetoric)
- Communication Theory as a Field
- Comparatio
- Compliance (psychology)
- Compliance gaining
- Composition studies
- Consolatio
- Contrast (literary)
- Conversion narrative
- Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style
- Corpsing
- Correption
- Crocodile tears
- Declamatio
- Decorum
- Description
- Diacope
- Diaeresis (philosophy)
- Dialectic
- Dialogue
- Dialogus de oratoribus
- Difrasismo
- Dilemma
- Dionysian imitatio
- Dioscorus of Aphrodito
- Dispositio
- Dissoi Logoi
- Dodo bird verdict
- Door-in-the-face technique
- Double entendre
- Dramatistic pentad
- Dysphemism
- Ecphonesis
- Egalitarian dialogue
- Ekphrasis
- Elision
- Elocutio
- Elocution
- Emotive conjugation
- Enallage
- Enantiosis
- Encomium
- Enthymeme
- Enumeratio
- Epanalepsis
- Epanorthosis
- Epenthesis
- Epideictic
- Epistrophe
- Epizeuxis
- Eponym
- Eristic
- Essentially contested concept
- Ethos
- Eunoia
- Euphemism
- Euphuism
- Exergasia
- Exophora
- Exordium (rhetoric)
- Fable
- Fairy tale
- Fallacy
- False analogy
- Falsism
- Fiction-writing mode
- Figura etymologica
- Figure of speech
- Figure of thought
- First Year Composition
- Flattery
- Flip-flop (politics)
- Flummery
- Flying pig
- Foot-in-the-door technique
- For All Practical Purposes
- Funeral oration (ancient Greece)
- Genre criticism
- Glittering generality
- Glossary of rhetoric terms
- Gnome (rhetoric)
- Grapevine (gossip)
- Greguería
- Handwaving
- Hardworking families
- Hendiadys
- Hendiatris
- Herd mentality
- Historical present
- Homeoptoton
- Homeoteleuton
- Hook (rhetoric)
- Hypallage
- Hyperbaton
- Hyperbole
- Hypocatastasis
- Hypophora
- Hysteron proteron
- Identification in Burkean rhetoric
- Ideograph (rhetoric)
- Ideological criticism
- Illth
- Imitation (art)
- Ingratiation
- Innuendo
- Intellectual cover
- International Society for the History of Rhetoric
- Invective
- Inventio
- Ipse dixit
- Irony
- Isocolon
- Jean-Marie Klinkenberg
- Jeremiad
- Jugend debattiert international
- Just-so story
- Kairos
- Katabasis
- Kenning
- Keywords
- L'esprit de l'escalier
- Laconic phrase
- Language As Symbolic Action
- List of buzzwords
- List of fallacies
- List of female rhetoricians
- List of metonyms
- List of politically motivated renamings
- List of polysemes
- Literary consonance
- Literary topos
- Litotes
- Loaded language
- Logographer (legal)
- Logos
- Lone wolf (trait)
- Loose sentence
- Loosely associated statements
- Love–hate relationship
- Low-ball
- Magnanimity
- Main contention
- Marc Fumaroli
- Master suppression techniques
- Meiosis (figure of speech)
- Memoria
- Merism
- Mess of pottage
- Metalepsis
- Metanoia (rhetoric)
- Metaphor
- Metaphor and metonymy
- Metaphoric criticism
- Metaplasm
- Method of loci
- Metonymy
- Modern Rhetoric
- Modes of persuasion
- Mokita
- Molko v. Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
- Monologue
- Mudsill theory
- Narrative criticism
- Narrative mode
- Nasreddin
- Negation (linguistics)
- New rhetorics
- Nimism
- Non sequitur (logic)
- Oath
- Occupatio
- Open loop
- Oracy
- Overview (debate)
- Oxymoron
- Palilogy
- Panegyrici Latini
- Parable
- Parachesis
- Parade of horribles
- Paradiastole
- Parallelism (grammar)
- Parallelism (rhetoric)
- Paraphrase
- Paraprosdokian
- Parasyntheton
- Parenthesis (rhetoric)
- Parisosis
- Paromoiosis
- Parrhesia
- Pars pro toto
- Past exonerative
- Pathetic fallacy
- Pathos
- Pensée unique
- Pericope
- Periodic sentence
- Peroration
- Persuasive precedent
- Persuasive technology
- Phaedrus (dialogue)
- Phraseology
- Phrop
- Pissing contest
- Platitude
- Pleonasm
- Ploce (figure of speech)
- Polemic
- Polite fiction
- Politicards
- Pollyanna principle
- Polyptoton
- Polysyndeton
- Praegnans constructio
- Priamel
- Principle of charity
- Pro-war rhetoric
- Procatalepsis
- Progymnasmata
- Prolepsis
- Promise
- Pronuntiatio
- Prophetic perfect tense
- Proselytism
- Prosopopoeia
- Protrepsis and paraenesis
- Protreptic
- Proving a point
- Psychobabble
- Pundit pivot
- Question dodging
- RAS syndrome
- Ratiocinatio
- Recitation
- Redundancy (linguistics)
- Repetition (rhetorical device)
- Rest of the world
- Rhetoric (Aristotle)
- Rhetoric of science
- Rhetoric of social intervention model
- Rhetoric Society of America
- Rhetoric to Alexander
- Rhetorica ad Herennium
- Rhetorical criticism
- Rhetorical device
- Rhetorical exercises
- Rhetorical modes
- Rhetorical operations
- Rhetorical question
- Rhetorical situation
- Rhetorical stance
- Rhetorical velocity
- Robust decision
- Roger Dodger (phrase)
- Rogerian argument
- Ronald Reid's Three Topoi
- Sandancer
- Sarcasm
- Sardonicism
- Satire
- Scare quotes
- Scesis Onomaton
- Scheme (linguistics)
- See a man about a dog
- Sesquipedalianism
- Shadow of the leader
- Signifyin'
- Similarity
- Simile
- Simple non-inferential passage
- Six Feet Under
- Social trap
- Sophism
- Soraismus
- Sound bite
- Spoonerism
- Stephen Toulmin
- Stylistic device
- Superficial charm
- Symploce
- Synaeresis
- Synalepha
- Syncope (phonetics)
- Synecdoche
- Synesis
- Synonymia
- Syntaxis
- Talking point
- Tautology (rhetoric)
- Tautophrase
- Tertium comparationis
- The beatings will continue until morale improves
- The Common Topics
- The New Science
- The Speculative Society
- Theodorus of Gadara
- Theories of Rhetoric and Composition Pedagogy
- Thesis
- Thomas Sheridan (actor)
- Tip of the tongue
- Tmesis
- Topical logic
- TOTimal
- Totum pro parte
- Translation (rhetoric device)
- Transparency (linguistic)
- Tricolon
- Trilemma
- Trope
- Trope (literature)
- Truism
- Understatement
- Unity of opposites
- Verbosity
- Visual rhetoric
- Visual rhetoric and composition
- Vow
- Wallflower (people)
- Weak mindedness
- Weasel word
- Wellerism
- With flying colours
- Wooden iron
- Wooden language
- Word play
- Zeugma