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This is a page for listing possible sources, references etc for a page on the topic Surriyya. Also variant spellings of the term.

Sources can be in any language, online or hard copy. A URL for online sources, or an ISBN for books, is helpful. An archived URL is even better than a live one, archiving can be requested at the Wayback Machine for pages not already archived. Sources behind paywalls are acceptable but free ones preferred.

I reserve the right to refactor this page however I see fit, but will not normally remove any proposed here. If I think they are inappropriate I will instead link to the talk page and invite discussion there.

Do not sign contributions here. Signed contributions go on the talk page. First person pronouns of course refer here to User:Andrewa. It's my user page.

The Quran


It is stated here that the Quran never uses surriyya (sex slaves were referred to simply as slaves), and some regions of Islam did not speak Arabic (e.g. Turkish in the Ottoman empire)

See also


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