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User:Andrew Lancaster/Drafts/Nicomachean Ethics

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Several sections have been worked up here and then moved to the main article. Currently I am playing with ideas to compress the long Nicomachean Ethics#Book II summary


Concerned with Mean Excess Deficiency
fear (phobos) and confidence (tharsos) Courage (andreia): mean in fear and confidence First Type. excess has no special name but exceeds in fearlessness Cowardly (deilos): exceeds in fear and is deficient in confidence
Second Type. Rash (thrasus): exceeds in confidence


Concerned with Mean Excess Deficiency
pleasure (hēdonē) and pain (lupē) Temperance (sōphrosunē) Profligacy, dissipation, etc. (akolasia) scarcely occurs, but we may call it Insensible (anaisthētos)


Concerned with Mean Excess Deficiency
giving and getting (smaller amounts of) money Liberality (Rackham), generosity (Sachs) (eleutheriotēs) Prodigality (Rackham), Wastefulness (Sachs) (asōtia) Meanness (Rackham), Stinginess (Sachs) (aneleutheria)


Concerned with Mean Excess Deficiency
giving and getting greater things Magnificence (megaloprepeia) Tastelessness (apeirokalia) or Vulgarity (banausia) Paltriness (Rackham), Chintziness (Sachs) (mikroprepeia)

greatness of soul

Type of behavior Mean Excess Deficiency
great honor (timē) and dishonor Greatness of Soul (traditional translation "magnanimity") (megalopsuchia) Vanity (chaunotēs) Smallness of Soul (mikropsuchia)

smaller honors

Type of behavior Mean Excess Deficiency
lesser honor (timē) and dishonor no special term in ancient Greek for the right amount of ambition (Over-)ambitiousness (philotimos) lack of ambition (aphilotimos)


Type of behavior Mean Excess Deficiency
anger (orgē) Gentleness (praotēs) Irascibility (Rackham), Irritability (Sachs) (orgilotēs) Spiritlessness (aorgẽsia)


Type of behavior Mean Excess Deficiency
truth (alēthēs) Truthfulness(alētheia) Boastfulness: pretense as exaggeration (alazoneia) Self-deprecation: pretense as understatement (eironia, same word as "irony")
ἀληθής ἀλήθεια ἀλαζονεία εἰρωνεία


Type of behavior Mean Excess Deficiency
pleasantness and social amusement Wittiness (Rackham) Charming (Sachs) (eutrapelos) Buffoonery (bõmolochia) Boorishness bõmolochos


Type of behavior Mean Excess Deficiency
general pleasantness in life Friendliness (philia) First Type. obsequious, if for no purpose (areskos) quarrelsome (duseris) and surly (duskolos)
Second type. flatterer, if for own advantage (kolax)

