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My take on things[edit]

My take on things — Life, the Universe & Everything
Philosophy of science[edit]
Philosophy of mathematics[edit]
Philosophy of physics[edit]
Philosophy of technology[edit]
Philosophy of mind[edit]
Philosophy of religion[edit]
  • Igtheist & Theological noncognitivist, but with Atheist & Antitheist leanings.
  • The theist is >99.99% atheist; from the uncountable deities throughout human history, they believe theirs is the exception that proves rule.
  • The atheist merely takes that last extra step, and in doing so gains the benefit of a consist rather than arbitrary basis of judgment.
  • General all-round deity doubter and supernatural skeptic; except for flying spaghetti monsters of course, which are indeed unquestionably real.
  • If "gods" really were to exist, they'd undoubtedly ride around on invisible pink unicorns. Well I would! Wouldn't you?
  • Religions are fads: like civilizations, they rise and fall; try finding current worshipers of Atum, Zeus, Jupiter or Odin — the gods of today are just as transient.
Philosophy of ethics[edit]