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Comments from Heather


Andrena- Nice start! Please be sure to check out this handout on editing biographies: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Editing_Wikipedia_Articles_Biographies.pdf. Did you search the main library page for her name AND Metropolitan Community Church? That could be a start. Keep it up!

10/31- Wow!! It looks to me like you're all done. You've made several changes to the main space. Thank you!


  • September 27, 2019 completed tutorials on how to use editing and citing for Wikipedia
  • September 27, 2019 chose my article that I will edit after skimming through several, I chose my article because of the lack of information it had
  • September 29, 2019 (7:30am) added my article to my sandbox
  • September 29 (8am) after trying to find more info on my first chosen article and coming up with nothing I changed my article selection
  • September 29 (8am) found more resources on article, plan to read later to start coming up with more info I can add into article
  • October 5, 2019 I found an website that has the information on my article that made me think that the info published previously is plagiarized, however I am not too sure if someone else would agree. The website is https://lgbtqreligiousarchives.org/profiles/jean-white
  • October 6, 2019 researched more on my article and found new material to add (1.5 hours)
  • inserted new resource and information for my article (30 mins)
  • October 19, 2019 did contributing images and media files training and then researched for images on Jean White to save in Wiki Commons (45 minutes)
  • October 20, 2019 (2pm) researched the BC library for more resources on article (1 hour)
  • Oct. 20, 2019 (5pm) did some more research and saved a couple books in the BC library on Metropolitan Community Church to see if i can find anything about Jean White (1 hour)
  • Oct. 20, 2019 (7pm) added an image that went with article to use this weeks training (30 minutes)
  • Oct. 27th completed training for the week and started to add info to live article
  • oct. 27th added image to live article
  • October 30 changed "LGBT" in main article to "LGBTQ" as suggested



Jean White (1941-8 November 2010) was the founding pastor within the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in London.

She received her training as a State Registered Nurse at the London Teaching Hospital, Whitechapel, London. Later she received training as a Midwife in Bristol and at the Elsie Ingles School of Midwifery in Edinburgh, Scotland and undertook a course in Tropical Diseases at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Liverpool. In 1963-64, White studied at the International Bible Training Institute in Burgess Hill, Sussex, and in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1964 she went as a medical missionary to Macao. She served as a missionary in Asia from 1964-70. Three of those years were spent under “compound arrest” in the “no-man’s area”, between Macao and the mainland of China, during the Red Guard uprising.

As founding pastor of the MCC, White served on the denomination's Board of Elders and served the original Metropolitan Community Church of London for many years. She worked as director of World Church Extension of the denomination. She was pastor of MCC, South London, at the time of her death on 8 November 2010, aged 69, following a battle with pancreatic cancer. She is survived by her long-time partner, Mary Smail, an accomplished church musician and MCC lay leader.

Metropolitan Community Church Logo

New Added Information For Article

  • Jean White was a nurse, midwife, missionary, pastor, counselor, and campaigner for LGBT community and their inclusion in the Church
  • born in 1941 in South London and was raised part of the Brethren Church
  • early 1960's was a medical missionary in Sussex and Stockholm, found it strange her own church would allow her to lead worships overseas but never in her home church in the UK
  • while in China Jean became aware she needed to be honest about her sexuality and when she returned to London she came out as a lesbian 1970's Jean joined a group called Fellowship of Christ the Liberator, which was a prayer group for the LGBT
  • 1972 her and her group joined the Metropolitan Community Church
  • 1979 the group elected Jean as an elder
  • before internet existed Jean wrote thousands of letters to show her support and spread awareness as to what it was like being in LGBT community and a Christian, sometimes she used codes to refrain from authorities from deciphering her letters
  • 1970's and early 1980's Jean helped set up the Gay's the Word bookshop in Central London for gay literature to be more easily accessed
  • 1980's during AIDS pandemic Jean ministered a couple funerals a week every month when very few ministers took part in such ceremonies
  • while sick in hospital after undergoing surgery Jean acted as a Chaplin for other patients in the hospital from her bedside

Resources to search later

  • White, Jean. “Jean White: Listening and Sharing.” Practice Nursing, vol. 23, no. 2, 2012, pp. 102–102. INSERT-MISSING-DATABASE-NAME, INSERT-MISSING-SERVICE-NAME, doi:10.12968/pnur.2012.23.2.102. Accessed 29 Sept. 2019
  • New Resource: https://jeanwhite.org.uk/biography
  • Mobilizing Race, Class, and Gender Discourses in a Metropolitan Community Church; Butte College Library; Article; J. Edward Sumerau
  • Queer Women and religious individualism; Butte College Library; ebook; Melissa M. Wilcox