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User:Amulumudi/Navi Pillay/Bibliography

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will be compiling your bibliography and creating an outline of the changes you will make in this sandbox.



Edit this section to compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.



Andrews, Penelope E. 2006. “The South African Judicial Appointments Process.” Osgoode Hall Law

Journal 44(3): 565–72. https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/ohlj/vol44/iss3/8 (October 31,


Cameron, Edwin. 2010. “Dugard’s Moral Critique of Apartheid Judges: Lessons for Today John Dugard:

A Life in Pursuit of Higher Law: Notes and Comments.” South African Journal on Human Rights

26(2): 310–19. https://heinonline.org/HOL/P?h=hein.journals/soafjhr26&i=317 (October 13, 2023).

———. 2018. “Judges, Justice, and Public Power: The Constitution and the Rule of Law in South

Africa.” Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 18(1): 73–97. https://doi.org/10.1080

/14729342.2018.1455478 (October 13, 2023).

“Commissioners of the CoI.” OHCHR. https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/coiopt-israel

/commissioners (November 1, 2023).

Cumming-Bruce, Nick. 2014. “South Sudan’s Warring Leaders Draw Rebuke From U.N. Rights Chief.”

The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/01/world/africa/south-sudans.html

(October 26, 2023).

Engle, Karen. 2019. “Feminist Governance and International Law: From Liberal to Carceral Feminism.”

In Governance Feminism, Notes from the Field, eds. Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran, Rachel

Rebouché, and Hila Shamir. University of Minnesota Press, 3–30. https://www.jstor.org/stable

/10.5749/j.ctvdjrpfs.4 (October 13, 2023).

Heyns, Christof. 2012. “Interview with Navi Pillay, United Nations High Commissioners for Human

Rights.” South African Yearbook of International Law 37: 9–21. https://heinonline.org

/HOL/P?h=hein.intyb/sayrbk0037&i=19 (October 30, 2023).

“Judge Navaneetham Pillay Oral History Interviews.” https://scnc.ukzn.ac.za/doc/Audio

/VOR/PillayNavi/PillayNavi%20transcript.htm (November 1, 2023).

Memmott, Mark. 2013. “Mass Graves Discovered In South Sudan; Is Civil War Coming?” NPR.


is-civil-war-coming (October 26, 2023).

Naidu, Sam. 2013. Navi Pillay: Realising Human Rights for All. Quercus Publishing.

Neuwirth, Jessica. 2010. “5. Navi Pillay: Up Close And Personal.” In Protecting Humanity, Brill

Nijhoff, 37–39. https://brill.com/display/book/edcoll/9789004189577/Bej.9789004183780.i-

882_006.xml (November 1, 2023).

Pillay, Navanethem. 2009. “Sexual Violence: Standing by the Victim The Frederick K. Cox International

Law Center Lecture In Global Legal Reform.” Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law

42(Issues 1 and 2): 459–68. https://heinonline.org/HOL/P?h=hein.journals/cwrint42&i=465

(November 1, 2023).

Pillay, Navi. 1993. “Judges and Gender: Wife Battery and Child Abuse. Legal Column.” Agenda:

Empowering Women for Gender Equity (16): 62–66. https://www.jstor.org/stable/4065561 (October

13, 2023).

“Press Conference on the Right to Privacy in the Digital Age UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Navi Pillay.” OHCHR. https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2014/07/press-conference-rightprivacy-

digital-age-un-high-commissioner-human-rights (October 13, 2023).

“Review & Outlook: A New Focus on North Korean Human Rights.” 2013. Wall Street Journal.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323468604578245181914683950.html (October

26, 2023).

Sachs, Albie. 1990. “Judges and Gender: The Constitutional Rights of Women in a Post-Apartheid South

Africa.” Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity (7): 1–11. https://www.jstor.org/stable

/4065494 (October 13, 2023).

Scola, Nancy. 2021. “U.N. Human Rights Chief: Surveillance Is Now World’s ‘Dangerous Habit.’”

Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2014/07/16/u-n-humanrights-

chief-surveillance-is-now-worlds-dangerous-habit/ (October 26, 2023).

“UN’s Navi Pillay Attacks Sri Lanka Human Rights Record.” 2013. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com

/news/world-asia-23899082 (October 26, 2023).

UN’s Navi Pillay: Israel Has “no Intention of Ending Occupation” | Talk to Al Jazeera. 2023.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1th-a_2M4 (November 1, 2023).

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