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Mass Audience Media Articles


Geranios, Nicholas K. "Energy Crunch Could Last for Years" ASSOCIATED PRESS, 6 Nov. 2005

Bootle, Roger. "Bernanke will Soon be Tested on Inflation." TELEGRAPH UK, 30 Oct. 2005

Lewis, Aidan. "OPEC Official: Use Profits for Refineries." ASSOCIATED PRESS, 30 Oct. 2005

Crutsinger, Martin. "Jobless Claims Up; Durable Goods Orders Dip." ASSOCIATED PRESS, 27 Oct. 2005

Deffeyes, Kenneth and Peter Huber. "It's the End of Oil / Oil Is Here to Stay." TIME MAGAZINE, 23 Oct. 2005

Keefe, Bob. "Energy Supply Woes Trickle Down to Shopper. COX NEWS, 23 Oct. 2005

Thompson, Robert. "The Five-Minute Guide: Oil" ESQUIRE, 21 Oct. 2005

Crutsinger, Martin. "Key Economic Indicator Declines Sharply." ASSOCIATED PRESS, 20 Oct. 2005

Lynch, David J. "Debate Brews: Has Oil Production Peaked?" USA TODAY, 16 Oct. 2005

Hall, Kevin G. Hall. "Is There a Recession Looming?" KNIGHT RIDDER, 29 Sept. 2005

Jahn, George. "When Will Oil Start Running Out? Experts Argue: Now or 30 Years Away." ASSOCIATED PRESS, 15 Sept. 2005

Appenzeller, Tim. "The End of Cheap Oil" NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, June 2004



Oppenheimer, Andre. The final outcome of summit: two Americas MIAMA HEARALD, 6 Nov. 2005

Pearson, Natalie Obiko. "Tribe Questions Missionaries' Expulsion." ASSOCIATED PRESS, 29 Oct. 2005

Lustig, Robin. "US Planning Invasion, says Chavez. BBC NEWS, 20 Oct. 2005

Toothaker, Christopher. "U.S. Envoy Denies Plan to Invade Venezuela." ASSOCIATED PRESS, 29 Sept. 2005

Small Press


Hommelberg, Eric. "Gold & Inflation." FREE MARKET NEWS, 28 Oct. 2005

Merk, Axel. "Is a Dollar Crisis Looming?" RESOURCE INVESTOR, 10 Oct. 2005 [1]

Marbani, Kim. "The Inflation Part of Stagflation has Started in Full Vigor" INDIA DAILY, 5 Oct. 2005

Signorelli, Vlad. "Wanted: A New Fed Chairman. THE CONSERVATIVE VOICE, 17 Oct. 2005



Bliss, Shephard. "Time Magazine Finally Covers Peak Oil" DISSIDENT VOICE, 1 Nov. 2005