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b c ç d f g[a] ğ h j k[a]
front back front back
/b/ /d͡ʒ/ /t͡ʃ/ /d/ /f/ /ɟ/ /ɡ/ /ɰ/ /h/ /ʒ/ /c/ /k/
l[a] m n p r s ş t v y z
front back
/l/ /ɫ/ /m/ /n/ /p/ /ɾ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /t/ /v/ /j/ /z/
  1. ^ a b c When next to front vowels, they are palatalised. However, in loanwords the back vowels ⟨a⟩ and ⟨u⟩ can be written as ⟨â⟩ and ⟨û⟩ respectively to be treated as front vowels. ⟨â⟩ and ⟨û⟩, as well as ⟨î⟩ (for the dotted ⟨i⟩) can ambiguously be long vowels. The use of circumflexed accents on vowels is also becoming archaic, and rarely used, but the rules still apply.


Front e i ö ü
/e/ /i/ /ø/ /y/
Back a ı o u
/a/ /ɯ/ /o/ /u/




  • /f/ is realised as bilabial [ɸ] before the rounded vowels /y, u, ø, o/, and to a lesser extent, at the end of words after those rounded vowels. Otherwise labialdental [f].
  • /v/ is realised as bilabial approximant [β̞] between two vowels, with at least one of them, usually the following one, being rounded. However, before or after a rounded vowel (but not between vowels), it is realised as bilabial fricative [β]. Otherwise labialdental [v].
  • /n, t, d, s, z, ɫ/ are realised as dental [n̪, t̪, d̪, s̪, z̪, ɫ̪] respectively. Also, /l/ is palatalized post-alveolar [l̠ʲ].
  • /ɾ/ is only realised as [ɾ] between vowels. At the beginning of words it is realised as [ɾ̞]. At the end of words and before voiceless consonants, it is realised as devoiced [ɾ̞̊].
  • /ɫ, l/ are often realised as voiceless [ɫ̪̊, l̠̊ʲ], at the end of words and before voiceless consonants.
  • /b, d, ɟ, ɡ/are also realised as voiceless /c, k, p, t/ in the same contexts as above.
  • /n/ is realised as velar [ŋ] before /k, ɡ/, and palatal [ɲ] before /c, ɟ/.
  • /p, t, c, k/ are usually realised as aspirated [pʰ, t̪ʰ, cʰ, kʰ] at the beginning of syllables.
  • /h/ is realised as velar fricative [x] at the end of words. It is realised as a palatal fricative [ç] after front vowels.
  • /ɰ/ is the most complex sound for determining realisation. Between front vowels it is an approximant, either front-velar [ɰ̟] or palatal [j]. At the end of words and before consonants, it lengthens the preceding vowel. It is also silent except the instance between front vowels.


  • /e, o, ø/ are realised as mid [e̞, o̞, ø̞].
  • /e/ is often realised as lowered [æ] before end-of-syllable /m, n, l, ɾ/, with a few exceptions which can be pronounced as both [æ] and [e̞].
  • /a/ is practically realised as back [ɑ], and unconventionally as central [ä].
  • /i, y, ɯ, u, e, ø/ are realised as lowered [ɪ, ʏ, ɯ̞, ʊ, ɛ, œ] at the end of phrases or individual words.



Key: A = a/e, I = i/ı/u/ü

Most words usually stress the last syllable of words. Beware of these grammatical exceptions:

  • On adverbs, which is usually on the first syllable:
    • Exceptions to this are adverbs ending in -An, where if the penultimate (second-last) syllable is heavy, it is stressed there, otherwise on the antepenultimate (third-last) syllable.
  • Certain suffixes, which shift the stress one syllable to the left:
    • Personal predicate suffixes, particularly the ones that include -lAr may not always be at the end of the syllable, but the stress always has to be at the left of it.
    • Interrogative and negative suffixes -m(A/I), adjectival suffixes -lA, -(c/ç)A
  • Certain verb forms:
    • The verbal tense/aspect/mood suffixes (-mAktA, -mAlI, -(A/I)r, -(y)AcAk, -mIş, -Iyor, -(d/t)I and -sA) which are stressed at the rightmost syllable and not necessarily at the end of a word.
    • For verbs with the negation suffix (-m(A/I)), the stress usually falls just before the suffix, and may not necessarily be at the end of a word either.
  • In compounds, where only the first element keeps its stress, while the other elements lose it.
  • Proper names, of places and foreign people:
    • When the antepenultimate (third-last) syllable is heavy (VC or CVC) and the penultimate (second-last) is light (V or CV), the stress is on the penultimate. However, if the penultimate is heavy (regardless of the antepenult), stress is on the penultimate, and the last syllable does not matter here.
  • Loanwords, particularly from Italian and Greek, where they usually fall on the penultimate syllable.

Any inflectional suffixes, unlike regular suffixed nouns, do not affect irregular stress rules. Hence, compound words, the selected proper names and those particular loanwords are ignored when the appropriate stress rules are taking place, while regular stressed words have the inflectional suffixes stressed (due to the fact that the last syllable is stressed in regular words).


  1. The word can simply be entered.
  2. For verbs, predicates, adjective, adverbs and the selected proper names with different stress as mentioned above, |pos=v, |pred, |a/|adj, |adv or |prop can be entered respectively. Also use |a/|adj for the interrogative and negative suffixes, except for verbs, where |v can be used instead.
  3. |sezer=1 can also be used in replacement of |pos=prop.
  4. Those particular loanwords from Italian and Greek can use |loan=1 to enable penultimate stress.
  5. For compound words and multi-word phrases with entirely different stressed patterns on each word, hyphens can be put after a certain syllable indicate stress. Inflected words with irregular stress can use the hyphen method for now.
  6. Use |e=1 to show that a word is both pronounced [æ] and [e̞].
  7. Finally, use |long=1 on circumflex vowels signify lengthening.


  • ordu — /oɾˈdu/[o̞ɾˈd̪ʊ]
  • gâvur (gavur) — /ɟaˈvuɾ/[ɟɑˈβ̞uɾ̞̊]
  • düğün — /dyˈɰyn/[d̪yˈjyn̪]
  • benim — /beˈnim/[be̞ˈn̪im]
  • benim (|pos=pred) — /ˈbe.nim/[ˈbe̞.n̪im]
  • Türkçe (|pos=a) — /ˈtyɾk.t͡ʃe/[ˈt̪ʰyɾ̞̊k.t͡ʃɛ]
  • nerede (|pos=adv) — /ˈne.ɾe.de/[ˈn̪e̞.ɾe̞.d̪ɛ]
  • sükûnet (|long=1) — /sy.cuːˈnet/[s̪y.cʰuːˈn̪e̞t̪]
  • iktisâden (iktisaden; |pos=adv, |long=1) — /ic.tiˈsaː.den/[ic.t̪ʰiˈs̪ɑː.d̪æn̪]
  • kendi (|e=1) — /cenˈdi/[cʰæn̪ˈd̪ɪ], [cʰe̞n̪ˈd̪ɪ]
  • seviyorum (|pos=v) — /se.viˈjo.ɾum/[s̪e̞.viˈjo̞.ɾum]
  • Vaşington (|pos=prop) — /vaˈʃink.ton/[vɑˈʃiŋk.t̪ʰo̞n̪]

Module tests


The same words as above

  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".

Nonsense sequences

  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish/narrow".
  • Script error: No such module "User:Awesomemeeos/turkish".