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Criticism of the Arab League [Jan 29, 2012]


The Arab League has been branded by critics, a totally racist organization. Its main victims: non-Arabs, especially Kurds; Copts[1] Berbers,[2] Jews[3][4][5][6][7] Palestinian Arabs.[8] and Africans.[9][10][11][12] Some even categorized the Arab League as the KKK version by Arab nations.[13]

A wave of criticism rose as the Arab League sent in Dec 2011 a commission "monitoring" Syria's violence (massacres) on its own people who protested its tyranny. The commission was headed by Mohammad Ahmed Mustafa al-Dabi, who served as head of infamous Omar al-Bashir's military intelligence, while heinous war crimes including genocide were committed on his watch.[14][15][16]

  1. ^

    Arab League unless the league changes its racist organisation and identity to allow the recognition not only of the Kurdish nation in Iraq and Syria but also of many other nations in Arab nation-states such as Amazighi nation, people of South Sudan, Druzes and Copts? The Arab League as a useless ideological racist Arabist institution has existed only to promote Arabism and Arab racism against colonised non-Arab nations. This league has a criminal record in supporting Iraqi Ba'thists' genocide against our nation in Southern Kurdistan and supporting Syrian Ba'thists' racist Arabising policies in Western Kurdistan.

    Dr Kamal Mirawdeli, "Kurdistani intellectuals must unite now - lest history should repeat itself as a tragic farce!" Pt. 1, KurdishMedia.com, September, 24, 2003, http://www.kurdmedia.com/article.aspx?id=9285
  2. ^ "Moroccan Berbers Call for Independent Berber State, Say Arab League is 'Racist.'" www.tamazgha.fr, March 3, 2007; www.kabyle.com, March 3, 2007. http://www.thememriblog.org/berbertest/blog_personal/en/806.htm
  3. ^ "Germans Probing Anti-semitism." − Spokane Daily Chronicle, Jan 14, 1960.

    Several hundred demonstrated again in Paris last night against the signs of racism. Jacques Soustelle, French minister in charge of the Sahara, told the crowd that "the Arab league and pan-arabism are the source of the anti-semitic outbursts."

  4. ^

    Sharp resolutions condemning the "racist policy" of the Arab League, and attacking President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic as dictator trying to provoke a world conflagration through his actions and propaganda," were adopted here last week at a meeting of a newly emerging political party, the "Committee for Democratic Defense and Action."

    "New French Party, Headed by Soustelle, Hits Arab League's Racist Policy." Jewish Telegraphic Agency 19 Oct 1960. http://archive.jta.org/article/1960/10/19/3061487/new-french-party-headed-by-soustelle-hits-arab-leagues-racist-policy. Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Oct 28, 1960, p. 9,


  5. ^ I. Speigel, "Anti-Defamation Body Declares Two groups Spread Arab Hate,"

    The study said that the Palestine liberation organization had offices in New York City. and operated "on a milliondollar-a-year budget provided by the Arab League.

    New York Times, October 23, 1967, http://www.google.com/search?q=%22on+a+milliondollar-a-year+budget+provided+by+the+Arab+League%22&tbs=nws:1,ar:1&source=newspapers
  6. ^ "Egypt's 'racist' cartoonists stand by their work."

    ...mounting an ad-hoc exhibition of their work on the railings outside Arab League headquarters in Cairo on March 31. The 15 cartoonists stood firmly by the works they were displaying, explaining them to passersby... "This is our response to the recent Israeli provocation," said cartoonist Raouf Ayad. "They say we are racists. Well, we are, as long as they make no concessions on the peace process.

    Jerusalem Report, May 1, 1997,


  7. ^

    Despite Israel's lack of importance and despite the weakness of the moral charges against it, Israel is an outcast. Israeli nationalism - Zionism - has been declared racism. The Arab League enforces secondary and tertiary boycotts against Israel. Jews may not enter Saudi Arabia, except for American soldiers. Malaysia forbids the performance of "Jewish" music. This endless policy of boycott and non-recognition is officially the policy of most Arab states. Countries like Libya, Iraq or Saudi Arabia have never suggested that they would make peace if Israel did X or Y or Z. Their opposition to Israel, supported by leftists everywhere in the world, is one of permanent enmity. Since such a stance excludes the possibility of peace, it is implicitly genocidal and therefore radically evil.

    George Jochnowitz, "The blessed human race: essays on reconsideration," (University Press of America, 2007, 123 pp.) p. 39, http://books.google.com/books?id=E8hxSEnUb3YC&pg=PA39
  8. ^

    In 1959, the Arab League passed Resolution 1457, which states as follows: “The Arab countries will not grant citizenship to applicants of Palestinian origin in order to prevent their assimilation into the host countries.” That is a stunning resolution, which was diametrically opposed to international norms in everything pertaining to refugees in those years, particularly in that decade. The story began, of course, in 1948, when the Palestinian “nakba” occurred. It was also the beginning of the controversy of the Arab-Israeli conflict, with the blame heaped on Israel, because it allegedly expelled Palestinian refugees, turning them into miserable wretches. This lie went public through academe and the media dealing with the issue.

    "The Arab Apartheid By Ben Dror Yemini," Maariv, http://www.nrg.co.il/app/index.php?do=blog&encr_id=f2b4c1b55be76d1e6d7b777256ea0370&id=2428 [Hebrew], (translated from Hebrew) May 14, 2011. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YXt1QMxVyjbE_biHw9IAAi_SigLWLneI3QEJvQKsBQw/edit?hl=en. FPM, June 3, 2006, http://frontpagemag.com/2011/06/03/the-story-of-arab-apartheid
  9. ^

    Egyptian diplomacy moved in March to mislead the Arab world on Southern Sudan by pressing the Arab League to pass a resolution opposing the right to Self- determination of the people of Southern and the Nuba mountains... the Arab League has adopted a racist stance on what has previously been considered to be an internal Sudanese matter. As such, it marks the internationalisation of the conflict. The resolution was so racist... The resolution incites the Arab world to join Khartoum in its racial and religious war against the South. Egypt now appears prepared to commit its own resources to the war in Sudan... The Arab states are also members of the overtly racist Arab League of Nations which passed a resolution in March condemning any moves towards granting Self- determination for Southern Sudan...

    ."Sudan democratic gazette: a newsletter for democratic pluralism: Issues 44-55, (1994), pp. 50, 120. http://books.google.com/books?id=4fcPAQAAMAAJ&q=%22racist+arab+league%22&dq=%22racist+arab+league%22
  10. ^ "Arab League SG a 'racist' says Darfur JEM, demands public apology." March 15, 2011, http://www.sudantribune.com/Arab-League-SG-a-racist-says,38296
  11. ^ "Sudan Darfur rebel spokesman accuses Arab League of discrimination. Sudan Darfur rebel spokesman accuses Arab League of discrimination."

    Dr Khalil Ibrahim has directed strongly-worded criticism at the Arab League, describing it as racist..

    BBC Archive, May 27, 2008 [1]. Al-Sharq al-Awsat website, London, May 27, 2008 [2]
  12. ^ "Somalia: Racism at the Arab League." UK-LONDON-Mareeg.com, December 31, 2009. http://www.mareeg.com/fidsan.php?sid=14512&tirsan=3
  13. ^ Elhadi Adam Elomda, "Arab League and KKK are Two Faces for One Coin." − SudaneseOnline, March 23, 2005,http://www.sudaneseonline.com/earticle2005/mar23-57165.html
  14. ^ D. Kenner, "The World's Worst Human Rights Observer." Foreign Policy, December 27, 2011. As Arab League monitors work to expose President Bashar al-Assad's crackdown, the head of the mission is a Sudanese general accused of creating the fearsome "janjaweed," which was responsible for the worst atrocities during the Darfur genocide. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/12/27/the_worlds_worst_human_rights_observer
  15. ^ "Syrian activists slam Arab League mission head," CNN, December 28, 2011, http://articles.cnn.com/2011-12-28/middleeast/world_meast_syria-opposition-al-dabi_1_ali-kushayb-local-coordinating-committees-syrian-opposition?_s=PM:MIDDLEEAST
  16. ^ "Violence in second Syrian city ahead of Arab League monitors' visit," The Guardian, December 28, 2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/dec/28/syria-egypt

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