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User:Amarena4/Heritage studies and ICT 2020-2021

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the assignment of the course "Heritage Studies and ICT" at the University of Bergamo, I have decided to contribute to three Wikipedia articles: the Italian and the English articles regarding Spirano and the Italian one regarding the Church of Saints Gervasio and Protasio (heritage).

My contribution


First of all, I registered on Wikipedia (both in Italian and English version) and wrote some information in my user page in order to let other pepole know something about the project I was following. Moreover, I added the link of the page of the course so that everybody was able to discover something more about the assignment.

I then decided on what articles contribute, I search the information and I start to write on the articles. In particular, I found relevant and helpful information in the following books which I cited in my contribution:

• Marco Carminati, Il circondario di Treviglio e i suoi comuni, Treviglio 1892.

• Natale Maffioli, Spirano: due millenni tra storia ed arte, Graffio snc, 2007.

• Barbara Oggionni, Pianura da scoprire: guida ai 24 comuni dello IAT di Treviglio e territorio, Treviglio, Clessidra, 2005.

Spirano (Italian article)



First of all, I amplified the section "Storia" with a paragraph called "Asperianum" which explained the origin of the anctient name of the town and how it has changed until the current name.

I joined to the section "Monumenti e luoghi d'interesse" some paragraphs:

The first one is about a church called "I Morti dell'Arca" where I described the location in which we can find the church and the legend created by tradition.

The second paragraph is about the country church of San Rocco in which I described the history of the church, the use that population has made of it during centuries and all the restoration works. In this paragraph I also added an image found on Wikimedia Commons regarding the church of San Rocco which is under public domain: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:003SpiranoSRocco.JPG

In the third paragraph I wrote about the "Campo Santo", its history and the recunstruction the population made.

The fourth paragraph is about the historic center in which I described how it was organized and what are the elements that we can actually see. I also included the descriptions of some parts of the ancient history center such as the "Stallazzo" or the "Centro Civico".

The last paragraph of this section regards the church of the "Madonna del Carmine" in which I described the history of the church and the restoration works.

In this article I created a table in the section "Amministazione" (which was empty) and I listed the names and the party of all the mayors of Spirano from 1995 to now.

In the end, I added the biography.

Spirano (English article)



In this article I created the section "History", I translated the content from the italian page of Spirano and I reported the fact that what I was written was a translation of the Italian article. I also updated the number of inhabitants according to the last version reported on the Italian page of Spirano by another user after checking the reliability of the source.

I then created the section "Monuments and places of interest" and, as in the italian page, I added the paragraphs about Morti dell'Arca, the church of San Rocco, the campo santo, the historic center and the church of the Madonna del Carmine by writing the same informations I already reported in the Italian article. However, in this page, I also included a paragraph regarding the church of the Saints Gervasio and Protasio in which I described the history of the church, all the works made and also the history of the tower bell.

In this section I also lend two images from Wikimedia Commons: the first one is an image of the church of San Rocco which is under public domain (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:003SpiranoSRocco.JPG) while the second one is an image about the tower bell and it was under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 so I was free to share and adapt it (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GiorcesSpiranoBG1.JPG).

Last, I created the section "Municipal Administration" in which I produce a table listing the names and the parties of the mayors of Spirano from 1995 to now and then I created the bibliography.

Chiesa dei Santi Gervasio e Protasio (Spirano)



I put some information to the section "Storia" in order to enrich it, in particular about the inscription on the black stone plaque placed inside the church in honor of the consecration.

I generated the section "Elementi della chiesa" in which I briefly outline the characteristics of the elements inside the church: the organ, the mayor altar, the altar of the Madonna del Patrocinio, the altar of San Sebastiano, the altar of Sant'Anna, the altar of the Addolorata and some information about the tower bell. Last, I created the bibliography.



In all the three articles to which I have participated, I have left the summary of my contribution in the appropriate section "discussions" in order to inform other users about the changes I have applied to the pages.




Moreover, for every addition or modification made, I have always briefly summarized my intervention. I also had the chance to be helped by some users who correct some information or (in the case of the English page of Spirano) helped me with some practical errors regarding the references.

Stakeholders and contributions


During my researches, I had the chance to speak to the librarian of my hometown (Spirano) and he recommended me several books with useful elements for my project. In particular, he recommended me the book Spirano: due millenni tra storia ed arte which was written by a Salesian priest and is entirely dedicated to Spiranese architecture, to the history of the town and its monuments. Indeed, a copy of the book was given to all the families of the city through the bank.