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Friday Anderson Jumbe was born on 4th April 1955 and is the President of New Labour Partry (NLP) in Malawi. He was the last Minister of Finance and Economic Planning in the Government led by United Democratic Front Party headed by Dr Bakili Mulizi as President of the country. Before joining politics he was a prominent figure in the corporate and business world. He held senior management positions in both private and parastal organizations including that of General manager of National Oil Industries (for seven years) and Agricultural Marketing and Development Corporation (ADMARC) as Chief executive Officer for eight years. As an economist he started his career as a projects analyst in Malawi Development Corporation in 1977.

In the corporate world he headed boards of huge enterprises including Illovo Sugar Corporation, National Bank of Malawi, Auction Holdings Ltd and Finance Corporation of Malawi. He also served on various boards of private companies between 1985 and 2002 when he was appointed Minister of Finance & Economic Planning, the post he held until 2004.He was elected Member of Parliament for Chiradzulu Central Constituency where he comes from. He studied economics and political science and obtained a Bachelors degree in 1977 from the University of Malawi ,Chancellor college. He obtained a post graduate diploma in project planning and appraisal from University of Bradford in 1980. In 1985 he obtained a Masters of Science degree in Finance and banking for Development from Fianafrica in Milan, Italy. He is currently finalising his dissertation for a Doctoral degree in Finance from Exlpoits University. He is expecting to graduate in September 2013. Married with 3 children and two grandchildren, his passion in politics is motivated by his strong desire to transform the economy from its current status to being a model for economic prosperity using local abundant labour and other natural resources of the country. He prides over having vast knowledge and experience on the economy of Malawi and its social fabric. He has been involved in the economic reforms of the country in different roles and wishes to participate or influence policy aimed at resuscitating the economy. In fact his PhD research work is on the Malawi economy and its performance under aid packages from donors and multilateral institutions. He started his political carrier in 2002 when he was appointed cabinet minister. He was later elected as member of the national executive of UDF and was the Director of economic affairs until 2009 when he was elected interim President of the Party until 2012. He later in that year together with other senior members founded the New Labour Party. Jumbe is the current president of the Party . NLP as a political party has ideologies tending towards social democratic inclination and embrace the need for Malawi to use its a own abundant resources of people ,natural resources and rich culture to Improve the welfare of its people and income redistribution.

Jumbe is a Christian ,son of a reverend of Zambezi Evangelical Church and has served as a member of its board of trustees since 2002 .Married to Millicka he has three children. The first child is Brenda (born in 1978) and has BSC honours (accounting Practice) and chartered Accountant. Sandra is second born (born in 1986) and is a Health Psychologist currently doing a PhD in Bristol. Samantha is the last born (1992) and is doing an honours degree in Biomedical science at the University of West England. Millicka has a degree in Human Resource management and an MBA obtained in Bristol. Jumbe likes sports and was chairman of wanderers Football Club between 1989 and 1993 and Chairman of Lawn Tennis Association of Malawi from 1997 to 2000. All things equal Jumbe desires to participate in the 2014 Presidential race in Malawi.