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My name is Ali. I'm from Iraq. My major is Dentistry, and I like hiking and workout at a gym a lot. Also, I like to write some quotations, and I like designing by Adobe Photoshop program, so I’m looking forward to growing my designs skills to hopefully develop and inspire my own experiences.

I see my best hobby is taking photo and designing because I see the designing is the best thing to explain what is going on your mind and your feeling as well, but unfortunately, I left this hobby (designing) because of my education and how busy I'm!



When I was in Iraq, I studied Computer Science at Al-Mustansiriya University in Baghdad for a while and then when I got a visa to live in United States, so I left my university with looking forward to seeing what the future hiding to me in the U.S. So I came to the United States with 0% English skills, I went to Everett Community College and I took program ESL to learn how to speak English.

Article Review


I visited the wildlife in Iraq page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: The age of wildlife in Iraq, The importance of marshes in Iraq for the wildlife, and policy directions against marshes. People tend to be more connected with their own culture, and that is part of what makes researching the wildlife and marshes of Iraq important to me. So, I searched for "Wildlife of Iraq" and I saw most the information on Wikipedia is good, and some of them need links to make the article clear for a reader. So, for making some corrections, I added some links, and I want Wikipedia to be covered  "Wildlife of Iraq" as good as it should be.

The age of wildlife in Iraq


The age of the Wildlife of Iraq is estimated to be about 5000 years BC. There were many lions, so the Babylonians were famous for their lions. Babylonians even painted their history and their lives with lions on the rocks. Moreover, in the central and southern regions of Iraq and in the area of Karbala, there are many camels , but not as many as Saudi Arabia.

The importance of marshes in Iraq for the wildlife


Marshlands are an important part of the protection and sustainability of wildlife in Iraq. There are a lot of lakes and marshes in Iraq, especially in southern Iraq, where there are many marshes.

In addition, marshlands are an important part of wildlife in Iraq, where many farmers living in southern Iraq rely on agriculture through the marshes as a rice farmer. There are many kinds of fishes in the Iraqi marshes, so marshes are important for the wildlife in Iraq.

Policy directions against marshes


The wildlife associated with marshlands is very closely linked since many animals rely on existing marsh water. Unfortunately, the marshes were deliberately dried up by the former Iraqi government for political reasons. The marshes continued to be scaled down for several years until a group of Iraqi delegations tried to put the marshes on its "World Heritage" list to prevent Turkey from building dams and cutting water to the marshes in southern Iraq.



I'm so glad to talk some part of my culture and give the idea about life in Iraq. The wildlife in Iraq and the Iraqi marshlands are so beautiful because they mix between the pretty past and the dreamily future, the future who everyone in south Iraq wishes to marshlands keep as a long time is possible to keep that beauty heritage.