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Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990
Great Seal of the United States
Long titleAn Act to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide grants to improve the quality and availability of care for individuals and families with HIV disease, and for other purposes.
  • AIDS Prevention Act of 1990
  • Ryan White Care Act
Enacted bythe 101st United States Congress
EffectiveAugust 18, 1990
Public law101-381
Statutes at Large104 Stat. 576
Titles amended42 U.S.C.: Public Health and Social Welfare
U.S.C. sections created42 U.S.C. ch. 6A, subch. XXIV § 300ff et seq.
U.S.C. sections amended42 U.S.C. ch. 6A, subch. XXIII § 300ee et seq.
Legislative history
  • Introduced in the Senate as S. 2240 by Edward Kennedy (DMA) on March 6, 1990
  • Committee consideration by Senate Labor and Human Resources
  • Passed the Senate on May 16, 1990 (95-4)
  • Passed the House on June 13, 1990 (passed voice vote)
  • Reported by the joint conference committee on July 31, 1990; agreed to by the House on August 4, 1990 (passed voice vote) and by the Senate on August 4, 1990 (passed voice vote)
  • Signed into law by President George H.W. Bush on August 18, 1990

The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act (Ryan White CARE Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 101–381, 104 Stat. 576, enacted August 18, 1990), was an act of the United States Congress and is the largest federally funded program in the United States for people living with HIV/AIDS. It helps people gain access to pharmaceutical drugs for HIV who otherwise could not afford them, and also funds medical care providers. The Act is named in honor of Ryan White, an Indiana teenager who contracted AIDS through a tainted hemophilia treatment. He was diagnosed with AIDS in 1984 and was subsequently expelled from school because of the disease. White became a well-known advocate for AIDS research and awareness, until his death on April 8, 1990.[1] The Act is also known as the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.[2] It is estimated to serve over 500,000 people each year.[3]





In 1984, Ryan White received an HIV-contaminated blood transfusion and became one of the first hemophiliacs diagnosed with AIDS.[4]


Informed at age 13 that his life expectancy was three to six months, White tried to return to school and the discrimination and fear he received drew national attention that increased public awareness about people with HIV.[4] He was was eventually befriended by public figures including Elton John and Michael Jackson. NEEDS REFERENCE


The Act was passed with bipartisan support.[2]

AND SIGNED ON August 18, 1990 by President SPECIFY Bush

When the bill was signed, 150,000 people in the US had been diagnosed with AIDS, and two-thirds of them had died.[2]

MAY BE MOVED The US Dept. of Health and Human services called White a "courageous young man" who "educated the nation about his disease".[2]

Characteristics of the Act


created the most comprehensive Federal program that provides services exclusively to people living with HIV.


The Act sought funding to improve availability of care for low-income, uninsured and under-insured victims of AIDS and their families.[5]

Ryan White programs are "payer of last resort" which fund treatment when no other resources are available. As AIDS has spread, the funding of the program has increased. In 1991, the first year funds were appropriated, around US$220 million were spent; by the early 2000s, this number had almost increased 10-fold. The Act was reauthorized in 1996, 2000, 2006, and 2009. The program provides some level of care for around 500,000 people a year and, in 2004, provided funds to 2,567 organizations. The Ryan White programs also fund local and state primary medical care providers, support services, healthcare provider training programs, and provide technical assistance to such organizations.[5]

In fiscal year 2005, federal funding for the Ryan White CARE Act was $2.1 billion. As of 2005, roughly one-third of this money went to the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAP) which provides drugs for 30 percent of HIV-infected patients.[6] The primary activity of ADAP is providing FDA-approved prescription medication.[7]

The Ryan White CARE Act mandates that EMS personnel can find out whether they were exposed to life-threatening diseases while providing care. This notification provision was included in the original 1990 act, dropped in the 2006 reauthorization, and reinstated in the 2008 reauthorization.[8]

2006 reauthorization

President Bush signs the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006, in the Oval Office, December 19, 2006.

The Ryan White Care Act was due to be reauthorized at the end of 2005, but Congress could not reach agreement on changes, and the Act was extended for one year under the old terms.[9]

In 2006, the act was reauthorized for three more years, ending on September 30, 2009 with a funding level of $2.1 billion.[10]

Prior to the reauthorization, the Act allocated money based on the proportion of patients with AIDS in each region. The 2006 reauthorization changed this allocation mechanism to also consider the number of people without an AIDS diagnosis but who still have HIV infection.[10]

A significant portion of funding from the Act is emergency relief for Eligible Metropolitan Areas. The 2006 reauthorization redefined EMAs as cities with a population greater than 50,000, instead of previous versions which required 500,000.[9]

2009 reauthorization

President Obama signs the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.

In 2009, Congress passed the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act,[11] which was signed by President Obama on October 30, 2009.[12] This bill extends the Ryan White Care Act for an additional four years.[13]

2013 expiration


In 2013, the Ryan White CARE Act expired; however the Program remains as Congress continues to appropriate funding.[14]

25th year anniversary


In fiscal year 2015, the Ryan White CARE Act was funded at $2.32 billion.[3] Noting the 25-year anniversary the Act, the Department of Health and Human Services said the virus was suppressed in over 78 percent of those who stayed in the program, which increases the likelihood of longer lifespans and decreased risk of transmission of the virus to others.[2]

CHECK RESOURCE - ALREADY HERE? https://hab.hrsa.gov/about-ryan-white-hivaids-program/resources


  1. ^ Dirk Johnson (1990-04-09). "Ryan White Dies of AIDS at 18; His Struggle Helped Pierce Myths". The New York Times.
  2. ^ a b c d e "Ryan White CARE Act Celebrates 25th Anniversary". Dept. Health and Human Services. August 18, 2015. Retrieved 2019-08-25.
  3. ^ a b "Ryan White 25th Anniversary Resources Infographic". US Dept. of Health and Human Resources. October 2016. Retrieved 2019-08-25.
  4. ^ a b "Who was Ryan White?" HRSA. October 2016. Retrieved 2019-08-26.
  5. ^ a b "The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program". Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS. Archived from the original on 2001-11-27. Retrieved 2007-09-11.
  6. ^ AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) - Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Fact Sheet Archived 2008-10-29 at the Wayback Machine
  7. ^ Jessamy Taylor (2005-08-22). Caring for "Ryan White": The Fundamentals of HIV/AIDS Treatment Policy (PDF). The George Washington University. Retrieved 2007-09-09.
  8. ^ Announcements: Reinstatement of Notification Requirements for Emergency Response Employees Potentially Exposed to Life-Threatening Infectious Diseases; Occupational Exposure to HIV
  9. ^ a b "The Ryan White CARE Act: A Side-by-Side Comparison of Prior Law to the Newly Reauthorized CARE Act" (PDF). Kaiser Family Foundation. December 2006. Retrieved 2007-09-12.
  10. ^ a b Deb Reichmann (2006-12-19). "Bush Signs 3 Health Care-Related Bills". The Washington Post. Associated Press. Retrieved 2007-09-12.
  11. ^ "S.1793: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009". GovTrack.
  12. ^ "Remarks by the President at Signing of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009".
  13. ^ "Statement of Administration Policy: S.1793: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009" (PDF). Office of Management and Budget. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-11-01.
  14. ^ "NACCHO Commemorates the 25th Anniversary of the Ryan White CARE Act".

Category:HIV/AIDS in the United States Category:United States Department of Health and Human Services Category:United States federal health legislation

The Act provides access to drug treatment

The Act sought funding to improve availability of care for low-income, uninsured and under-insured victims of AIDS and their families.[3]

Ryan White programs are "payer of last resort" which fund treatment when no other resources are available. As AIDS has spread, the funding of the program has increased. In 1991, the first year funds were appropriated, around US$220 million were spent; by the early 2000s, this number had almost increased 10-fold. The Act was reauthorized in 1996, 2000, 2006, and 2009. The program provides some level of care for around 500,000 people a year and, in 2004, provided funds to 2,567 organizations. The Ryan White programs also fund local and state primary medical care providers, support services, healthcare provider training programs, and provide technical assistance to such organizations.[3]

In fiscal year 2005, federal funding for the Ryan White CARE Act was $2.1 billion. As of 2005, roughly one-third of this money went to the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAP) which provides drugs for 30 percent of HIV-infected patients.[4] The primary activity of ADAP is providing FDA-approved prescription medication.[5]

The Ryan White CARE Act mandates that EMS personnel can find out whether they were exposed to life-threatening diseases while providing care. This notification provision was included in the original 1990 act, dropped in the 2006 reauthorization, and reinstated in the 2008 reauthorization.[6]