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Argon plasma in the nano-PSI vessel

nano-PSI is a device at the Dutch Institute For Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER). It is used for experimental physics research. PSI stands for Plasma Surface Interactions.

The subtrate is held at a substrate holder in position in a low-pressure vessel. Due to the plasma created using a Cascaded Arc Plasma Source,[1] an energetic partical flux arives at the surface of the substrate. This enhaces surface modifications, Plasma processing.

The subbstrate holder can be biased and heated or cooled. A capacitor bank can be used to create large heat fluxes. Gasses like Helium, Nitrogen, Argon, Xenon can be used as a process gas. A Langmuir probe[2] can be used for termining plasma conditions.

See also:


  1. ^ [1]G.M.W. Kroesen, D.C. Schram, and J.C.M. de Haas, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 10(4):531–551, 1990.
  2. ^ [2]J. van Eck and H. M. J. KinderdijkK
  3. ^ [3]Annemie Bogaertsa, Erik Neytsa, Renaat Gijbelsa, Joost van der Mullenb