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Lim Bak Meng
Born(1908-09-22)September 22, 1908
DiedApril 30, 1981(1981-04-30) (aged 72)
Nationality Indonesia Indonesia
Other namesPetrus Limbung
OccupationDayak Unity Party politician

Lim Bak Meng (22 September 1908  – 30 April 1981) is a fighter from West Kalimantan and Dayak Unity Party politician. He is well-known at 40s until 70s, because he many occupy important position at West Kalimantan.[1]

Early life


Lim was born in Kubu Raya Regency on 22 September 1908. Since High School, he entered sport organization in Sanggau, Sambas, dan Mempawah.

Political career and contribution


Before independence


Then, Lim also following nationalist political movement under Partai Indonesia Raya which fighting independence. In addition, Lim actively teached and spread Indonesia language in Chinese schools in Sungai Pinyuh, Ketapang, Sambas, Mempawah, Sekadau, etc.

In 1941, a party named Dayak in Action (DIA) in Putussibau, is established with the chief at first is FC Palaoensoeka and a priest from Jawa Adikarjana and Lim joined the party.[2] Then, the party is moved to Pontianak and renamed it as Dayak Unity Party on 1 November 1945.[2]



During the independece revolution, his role so important and prominent.[1] So, on 12 May 1947, he is joined the West Kalimantan Special Region administrative council that called Dagelijk Bestuur or Badan Pemerintah Harian (BPH); from Dayak Unity Party's fellow there are Oevaang Oeray, Lim Bak Meng himself and AF Korak. There are also HM Sauk which is not from that party.[3][4]

Together with Dr. Soedarso, Thomas Blaise, Hasan Fattah, Ismail Hasan, and other figures, he established Rebellion Board of Indonesia and West Kalimantan and figures such as Thomas Blaise doing the underground movement on the West Kalimantan. The struggle is continues until Dutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference in 1949.[1]

In 1950, the party is short of funds for the party congress. So, Lim Bak Meng making a small trading company which not succesfull named NV Tjemara. He created the company because to fund Dayak Party that held the congress in that year.[5] In fact, the party is doing 2 another efforts, i.e. expecting the help of volunteer and making another policy, that 3% of salary from Dayak civil service is given for this funding.[5]

In 1952, he is established the Catholic Party Commissariat of West Kalimantan and hold the position Ist Chairman.[1] The party then became very calculated in West Kalimantan at the time. Then, on 20 May 1958 he is joining the Plenary Council of National Liberation Front of West Irian in West Kalimantan. He also established the clinic “Kharitas Bhakti”, now known as Hospital Kharitas Bhakti in Pontianak.[6]

On 6 November 1958, he is inducted by Minister of Home Affair at the time, Sanusi Hardjadinata as a member of West Kalimantan local parliament along with his 11 other friends[Note 1] from Dayak Party.[7] In 1959, he was sworn as a member of the Autonomous Region Council First Level of West Kalimantan. In the same year, he is became coach for Institute of National Unity.[1]

In 1960, during the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation, he was sent to Sarawak to explore and spying the power of Netherlands. When the September 30th Movement broke, he was appointed by Military Commander of Tanjungpura at that time, AS Witono to leading the social mission and Chinese ethnic assimilation movement.[1]

During the New Order, he is required to change his name, and Indonesianised his name. In 1970s, better known as Petrus Limbung. Petrus is his baptist name, while Limbung is his native village. He is still active in politics until the mid 1970's. His last position was West Kalimantan 5st Chairman Golkar.[1]

Old age and death


In his old age, he never received any award, materials, or charter. In fact, when Lim's family want to take the retirement money, they were rejected. Lim's family still hold the decree, but the Decree is rejected for various reasons.[1] In 1981, his family was disheartened by mayor T.B. Hisny Halir (Pontianak ex-mayor), that Pontianak city government never gave him recognition or compensation like other West Kalimantan's fighter.[6]

He died on 30 April 1981 on his home in Juanda Street (now as businnes centre), Pontianak.[1]



In 2011, National Council of Armed Fighters '45 Chairman, Syafaruddin Usman presented the award to 5 West Kalimantan's fighters, included Lim Bak Meng. The submission is through the Chairman of West Kalimantan's Council of Chinese Traditional Culture, Harso Utomo Suwito and then submitted to one of his children, namely Andreas Hadi Limbung.[6][8]


  1. ^ These included himself, Isidorus Kaping, Victor Oendong, Saijan bin Tiong, J.A.M. Linggi, M. Andjioe, PF. Bantang, O. Djampi, M. Taufik Lombok, St. Ngo Lahay, S. Massoeka Janting, and Oevaang Oeray.[7]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Aristono. Keluarga Terlantar Demi Misi Spionase di Malaysia:Lim Bak Meng, Pahlawan yang Terlupakan. Pontianak Post. 11 November 2011. Retrieved 5 July 2012. Archived from the original, 1 September 2012.
  2. ^ a b "SEJARAH PERPOLITIKAN DAYAK DI BUMI KALIMANTAN BARAT". Info Pontianak. Archived from the original on 2 September 2012. Retrieved 17 July 2012.
  3. ^ Davidson, Jamie Seth. From Rebellion to Riots: Collective Violence on Indonesian Borneo. New perspectives in Southeast Asian studies. Madison, Wis: University of Wisconsin Press, 2008. pp. 37-40
  4. ^ Andri Supiandi. (9 August 208). "JC Oevaang Oeray Berjuang Melalui Politik: Pejuang Kemerdekaan Kalbar". Kalbariana. Archived from the original on 2 September 2012. Retrieved 17 July 2012.
  5. ^ a b (in English) Document of ari.nus.edu.sg #no. 65
  6. ^ a b c Liem Bak Meng Dianugerahi Tokoh Pejuang 45 Kalbar-Online. 10 November 2011. Retrieved 5 August 2012.
  7. ^ a b File DPRD-Provinsi Kalimantan Barat
  8. ^ Steven Greatness. Pejuang Tionghoa Mendapat Piagam Harian Tribun. 10 November 2011. Retrieved 5 August 2012.

Category:People from West Kalimantan