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I'm Adam, from the South / South West of the UK (depending on your definition) and was born in Cornwall (that's certainly in the South West). A merchant seafarer by trade I've done a lot of random things on my way to this profession.

Principally I created this account to help fullfact.org with their fact-checking for the UK's EU Referendum but I'm sure I'll use it for other things in the future.

Adam.james870 (talk) 15:16, 3 May 2016 (UTC)

Mathilde here Mathildefrot (talk) 10:41, 14 May 2016 (UTC)

Group A Articles


Write an article on the UK-EU negotiations last February: FF’s Explaining the EU deal.

UK withdrawal from the EU

  • Article 50 process? FF
  • Proposed alternatives?

European Commission: FF

  • Check & update figures (e.g. staff numbers)
  • Add ‘delegated’ and ‘implementing’ acts
  • Expand on negotiation of trade deals (TTIP)
  • Add creation of ‘Project Teams’ to Juncker.


  • Needs updating and references added
  • Expand administration? I.e. explicitly mention ‘eurogroup’ FF
  • No discussion of leaving the euro: FF

Opinion polling for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum:

  • List is tagged as incomplete. Extra worksheets are available to help with this article.

Want to do something else?

  • Try distilling things for Simple Wikipedia! European Union and EU referendum could both use some work.
  • Use citation hunt to quickly find statements on pages about the EU that need citations.