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User:Acooley/Chinese practice

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New Vocabulary
  • 餐厅 cāntīng
  • 餐馆 cānguǎn
  • 只 zhī
  • 分钟 fēnzhōng
  • 借 jiè
  • 还 huán
  • 等一会 děng yīkuài
  • 接着 jiēzhe
  • 讨论 tǎolùn
  • 另外 lìngwài
  • 城市 chéngshì
  • 午饭 wǔfàn
  • 朝鲜 Cháoxiǎn
  • 辣 là
  • 高速公路 gāosù gōnglù
  • 正在 zhèngzài
  • 施工 shīgōng
  • 可能 kěnéng
  • 也许 yěxǔ
  • 不同 bùtóng
  1. The drive from where I work to the restaurant only takes about 20-25 mins.
    • 从我办公室开到那个餐厅(餐馆)只需要20到25分钟。
    • cóng wǒ bàngōngshi kāi dào nàge cāntīng (cānguǎn) zhī xūyào 20 dào 25 fēnzhōng.
  2. Today I returned to Qianyan the books I borrowed from her a few months ago.
    • 几个月前,我从倩燕那里借了两本书。今天我还给她了。
    • jǐge yuè qiàn, wǒ cóng Qiànyān nàlǐ jiè le liǎngběn shū. jīntiān wǒ huán gěi tā le.
    • 今天我还给倩燕 (我几月前从她那里借的)两本书。
    • jīntiān wǒ huán gěi Qiànyān (wǒ jǐyuè qiàn cóng tā nàlǐ jiè de) liǎngběn shū.
  3. Can we talk about this more later? I am leaving for a lunch meeting in another city.
    • 我们等一会再接着讨论行吗?我要去另外一个城市吃午饭。
    • wǒmen děng yīkuài zài jiēzhe tǎolùn xíng ma? wǒ yào qù lìngwài yīge chéngshì chī wǔfàn.
  4. Many Korean food are very spicy, but they taste great.
    • 很多朝鲜菜很辣,但很好吃。
    • hěnduō Cháoxiǎncái hěn là, dàn hěn hǎo chī.
  5. That highway is under construction. You may have to take a different route to go there.
    • 那条高速公路正在施工,你可能(也许)要用一条不同的路去那里。
    • nàtiáo gāosù gōnglù zhèngzài shīgōng, nǐ kěnéng (yěxǔ) yào yòng yìtiáo bùtóng de lù qù nàlǐ.


New Vocabulary
  • 昨天 zuótiān
  • 晚上 wǎnshang
  • 终于 zhōngyú
  • 下雨 xiàyù
  • 浇草 jiāocǎo
  • 时间 shíjiān
  • 会议 huìyì
  • 抱 bào
  • 放 fàng
  • 钥匙 yàoshi
  • 找 zhǎo
  • 已 yǐ
  • 准备 zhǔnbèi
  • 就 jiù
  • 紧张 jǐnzhāng
  • 听说 tīngshuō
  • 主任 zhǔrèn
  • 通情达理 tōngqíngdálǐ
  • 早晨 zǎochén
  • 把 bǎ
  • 送 sòng
  • 修车厂 xiūchēchăng
  • 检修 jiǎnxiū
  1. It finally rained last night. I'm glad that I don't have to water the lawn today.
    • 昨天晚上终于下雨了。我很高兴我今天不用浇草。
  2. Do you know what time we'll have the meeting tomorrow?
    • 你知道我们明天什么时间开会?
  3. Where did you put my keys? I can't find them anywhere.
    • 你抱我的钥匙放在哪里?我哪里都找不到。
  4. You shouldn't be nervous if you're prepared. I heard the director is a very reasonable guy.
    • 如果您已准备好了,您就不用紧张。听说主任很通情达理。
  5. Monday morning I took the car in because it was having trouble.
    • 星期一早晨因为汽车有问题,我把了车送到修车厂去检修。


  1. Use the proper modifier for different nouns: (e.g., a pair of socks 一双袜子)
    • one pair of glasses
      • 一副眼镜 yífù yǎnjìng
    • one book
      • 一本书 yīběn shū
    • one piece of paper
      • 一张纸 yīzhāng zhǐ
    • one apple
      • 一个苹果 yīge píngguǒ
    • one piece of wood
      • 一把板
  2. Use 姓 in a sentence, in which
    • it means "name"
    • it means " personality"
    • as a verb, means "what's your family name"?
    • it means "gender"
  3. Translate the following sentences
    • I don't mind the dry heat in the summer, but it gets very uncomfortable if it is humid.
    • I want the class to be over quickly so that I will have a few days to relax before the next term starts again (this is a little difficult - skip it if you have trouble)
  4. In your own words, write 3 sentences about the car repair event.


  1. (to the taxi driver) Are you going to the Pudong Airport?
    • 你去浦东机场吗?
  2. How much is it to take me to the airport?
    • 去机场多少钱?
  3. Can you take me to XXX hotel?
    • 你可以送我去 ( 到 -arrive ) xx 酒店?
  4. Do you know where XXX hotel is? I need to go there.
    • 你知道xx酒店吗?我要去那里。
  5. Where are you going? I am going to the Nanjing Road, near the 1st Department Store.
    • 你去哪里?我去南京路。 靠近第一百货商店 ( 商店-department store) (的所 ) 。 or you can say, 在第一百货商店附近
  6. Here's 50 Yuan, I need the change.
    • 这里是 ( 有 ) 五十元。 我 要找 ( 零 ) 钱。找钱 -give changes
  7. How long does it take to get to Huai-Hai Road? I must be there by 7:00.
    • 去淮海路要多少时间 ( 花几小时 ) ? ( 我需要到那里七点钟前 ) 。 我需要在七点钟前到那里
  8. Can you stop here? I can get off here and walk. (The cabs aren't allowed to stop/part on certain streets, the drivers may have to drop you off at a nearby location).
    • 你能停止这里?我能在这儿下车走过去 ( 路 ) 。你能在这里停(车)吗 ? 走过去-walk over there
  9. Where is the hotel? How do I get there from?
    • 酒店在哪里?从这儿怎样去那里? or 去那里怎样走? (as the native would say)
  10. Do I need to make a reservation? How/where do I find (use the verb "call" here) a taxi?
    • 我必须预定吗?我再哪里 ( 呼 )叫 车?
  11. Phrases:
    • Left turn 向左转
    • right turn 向右转
    • across the street ( 在 ) 过街 ( 对面 ) , or 过马路 (马路 is often used as "street by the locals, maybe because in the old days, only horses rode on the streets?)
    • across the traffic lights ( 在十字路口对面 )过红绿灯 ("red-n-green light" is used to refer traffic lights)
    • on the other side of the street 在街对面 or 在马路 对面
    • one street (similar to a block here in the States) 一条马路
    • one bus-stop ( 一个公共汽车站 ) or simply 一 站

Other Words

New Vocabulary
  • 出差 chūchāi "business trip"
  • 恢复 huīfù "recover"
  • 教堂 jiàotáng "church"
  • 妻子 qīzǐ "wife"
  • 放松 fàngsōng "relax"
  • 房租 fángzū "the rent"
  • 租房 zūfáng "rental property"
  • 上课 shàngkè "go to class"
  • 结束 jiéshù "end"
  • 最近 zuìjìn "recently"
  • 如此 rúcǐ "just like this"
  • 生活 shēnghuó
  • 住 zhù
  • (出)毛病 (chū) máobing
  • 希望 xīwàng
  • 经常 jīngcháng
  • 小时 xiǎoshí


New Vocabulary
  • 计程车: [ jì chéng chē ] taxi
  • 讲: [ jiǎng ] tell
  • 叫: [ jiào ] call, cry out
  • 一辆: yí liàng one vehicle (counter)
  • 货币兑换处: [ huò bì duì huàn chǔ ] currency exchange desk
  • 次: [ cì ] time (one time, two times, etc.)
  • 预定: [ yù dìng ] reservation
  • 查证: [ chá zhèng ] verify
  • 办理: [ bàn lǐ ] conduct
  • 登记: [ dēng jì ] registration
  • 手续: [ shǒu xù ] formalities

护照: [ hù zhào ] passport

  • 文件: [ wén jiàn ] document
  • 停留: [ tíng liú ] stay over
  • 夜: [ yè ] night (also works as counter)
  • 离开: [ lí kāi ] depart, leave
  • 房间: [ fáng jiān ] room
  • 仍然: [ réng rán ] still
  • 开放: [ kāi fàng ] open (store, etc. is ~)
  • 叫醒: [ jiào xǐng ] wake-up call
  • 睡: [ shuì ] sleep
  • 过头: [ guò tóu ] overdo
  • 航程: [ háng chéng ] a flight
  1. I need a taxi. Can you tell me where I can find (call) one?
    • 我要计程车。你可以给我讲在哪里我能叫一辆吗?
  2. Excuse me, where is currency exchange place? I need some Ren-Ming-Bi.
    • 对不起,货币兑换处在哪里?我要一些人民币。
  3. I'm here for a business trip. I will be in China for 2 weeks.
    • 我来了出差。我三个月在中国。
  4. I have been here once before, also for business.
    • 我一次前来了这儿,那个时候也是出差。
  5. I have a reservation in this hotel. Can you please check? I'd like to check-in. My name is Aaron Cooley and here's my passport.
    • 我在这所酒店有预定。清查证。我想办理登记手续。我叫Aaron Cooley,给你护照。
  6. What other documents (certificates) do you need?
    • 你要另外的文件吗?
  7. I will be staying here for one night. I will check out tomorrow morning.
    • 我停留一夜。我明天早上离开房间。
  8. Is there any place around here to get late dinner? Is the restaurant in the hotel still open?
    • 在这儿有很晚可以吃饭的餐厅吗?酒店的仍然餐厅开放
  9. Can you give me a wake-up call tomorrow morning at 7:00? I may over sleep because of the jetlag.
    • 你能明天早上6点钟打电话叫醒我吗?因为有时差感,可能睡过头。
  10. Can you get me a taxi at 8:00? I need to go to Pu-dong Airport. My flight is at 11:00.
    • 你能八点给我叫计程车吗?我要去浦东机场。我的航程11点离开。


New Vocabulary
  • 试: [ shì ] try (something out)
  • 邮件: [ yóu jiàn ] mail (also e-mail)
  • 希望: [ xī wàng ] hope
  • 明白: [ míng bai ] understand
  • 游船: [ yóu chuán ] yacht, cruise ship
  • 旅行: [ lǚ xíng ] trip, journey
  • 放松: [ fàng sōng ] relax
  • 加勒比海: [ jiā lè bǐ hǎi ]: the Carribean
  • 祝贺: [ zhù hè ] congratulations
  • 找: [ zhǎo ] find
  • 投资: [ tóu zī ] investment
  • 真: [ zhēn ] really
  • 能: [ néng ] can
  • 吃苦: [ chī kǔ ] work hard, struggle
  • 聪明: [ cōng ming ] intelligent
  • 考虑: [ kǎo lǜ ] consider
  • 从事: [ cóng shì ] do (a job)
  • 咨询: [ zī xún ] consulting
  • 计划: [ jì huà ] plan
  • 毕业: [ bì yè ] graduate
  • 以后: [ yǐ hòu ] after
  • 保持: [ bǎo chí ] maintain, keep
  • 联系: [ lián xì ] contact



你在游船旅行放松了一些?你去的是加勒比海吗? 祝贺你找了投资银行工作。你真能吃苦,也很聪明! 我考虑从事咨询和投资银行工作,但我计划2009年毕业。




New Vocabulary
  • 亲爱: [qīn ài] dear
  • 厉害: [lì hai] formidable, sharp as a razor
  • 佩服: [pèi fu] admire
  • 尽量: [jìn liàng] as much as possible
  • 乐意: [lè yì] be happy to
  • 祝好: [zhù hǎo] best wishes



我中文名字叫 梅诗思,你叫我 诗思 就好。很高兴能帮到你,以后有什么问题的话请尽量问,不用客气,我很乐意帮你!

祝 好!
