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I'm Sebastian A. Corrales (1997–Present) a Latino/American who lives in Everett, WA and attends Everett Community College for a 2-year associates degree in Aerospace. I graduated Mariner High school with the Principals award while also graduating from Sno isle tech in 2016. I was born in Peru, but iv'e been living in the US almost all my life and planing to move out in the near future too. Right now for excitement I upload video's of the 'Greaser' lifestyle on you tube and learning how to play the guitar to play some rock-a-billy music. Sometimes I read books and watch old classics from the 50's when theirs absolutely nothing to do. I'm a Cool Cat to stick with if you believe "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today"- James Dean.

Article Critique


"I visited the ___Greaser (subculture)__ page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: multiple issues, In pop culture, and link to  Visor Down page ."

Multiple issues

According to the Article , its not even containing original research (last updated June 2016) or needs additional citations for verification ( last updated June 2009). This is a clear indication that the person or persons who developed this article have left out too many unanswered questions one might have. Who's to say the people who typed the article had any clue of what was truly a greaser and the culture of the greaser?

No Cites to any sources

If there are absolutely no cites to any sources for the fashion of the greasers, any type of fashion could be introduced into the article to have a cheap summary of what a greaser might of worn. However whether the person who wrote the article might might of known much about what the greasers wore, he or she doesn't have any credentials to back up the statements written. Only one source is visible and that's the person who wrote the article, if there was cites and sources anyone reading the article would know theirs other web-places that say the same; Therefore making the article more believable.

Visor down Page

While visiting on of the articles links I came Across the Visor down page. In this page I found out that it was submitted by visordown news on wed 18/12/2013 11:36. This isn't Even a person who wrote this , but by a group of people that are still anonymous to the reader. The TOP 10 PRODUCTION CAFÉ RACERS was submitted on 2013 which is four years ago. A lot of the 10 vintage-looking motorcycles might have changed by now or are not even running anymore. Even though the website link gave an outdated article it still looked good in the aspect of real motorcycles that resemble that of those used during the greaser time (40's-60's).


To tell you the truth the article was good enough. I say this because its amazing that an article dedicated to greasers is even around today. Most people and media doesn't mention greasers anymore because greasers don't belong to this present day era; In fact they would belong around 60 years ago! This explains why there is a lot of wholes in the article to cite and have sources. Nevertheless The article used proper punctuation, non offensive language and creditable figure heads (people) to influence the rise of the greaser-subculture.