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  1. Once you are signed up, you will be assigned a color to play with.
  2. Yellow asks blue a question. If it is correct blue asks red and blue gets a point. If not, blue goes down a point and blue asks an approp. question to red.
  3. The game continues that way until someone has 33 points. When that happens, the 33-pointer chooses whether to end or continue the game. Reguardless, an award is given and that person wins the round.
  4. The game resumes until 66 points, and the same thing happens.
  5. It continues like this: 33, 66, 99, 133, 166, 199, 233, 266, 299, 333...966, 1000. At 1000 (if the game even lasts that long) the 1000-pointer recives an award that many may be amazed with!