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Consonant tables


  • Near-close front unrounded vowel (sound between cardinal [i] and [e]): [i̞], [e̝], [ɪ̟]
  • Near-close front rounded vowel (sound between cardinal [y] and [ø]): [y̞], [ø̝], [ʏ̟]
  • Near-close back unrounded vowel (sound between cardinal [ɯ] and [ɤ]): [ɯ̞], [ɤ̝], [ɯ̠̽]
  • Near-close back rounded vowel (sound between cardinal [u] and [o]): [u̞], [o̝], [ʊ̠]

Dental, alveolar and postalveolar consonants

Voiceless dental Voiced dental Voiceless alveolar Voiced alveolar Voiceless postalveolar Voiced postalveolar
Sibilant affricate t̪s̪ d̪z̪ ts dz t̠ʃ d̠ʒ
Spirant affricate t̪θ d̪ð tθ̠ /tɹ̝̊ dð̠/dɹ̝ t̠ɹ̝̠̊ d̠ɹ̝̠
Sibilant fricative s z ʃ ʒ
Spirant fricative θ ð θ̠ /ɹ̝̊ ð̠/ɹ̝ ɹ̝̠̊ ɹ̝̠
Approximant ð̞̊/ɹ̪̊ ð̞/ɹ̪ ɹ̊ ɹ ɹ̠̊ ɹ̠
Flap ɾ̪̊ ɾ̪ ɾ̥ ɾ ɾ̠̊ ɾ̠
Trill r̪̊ r r̠̊
Lateral affricate t̪ɬ̪ d̪ɮ̪ t̠ɬ̠ d̠ɮ̠
Lateral fricative ɬ̪ ɮ̪ ɬ ɮ ɬ̠ ɮ̠
Lateral approximant l̪̊ l l̠̊
Lateral flap ɺ̪̊ ɺ̪ ɺ̊ ɺ ɺ̠̊ ɺ̠

Alveolo-palatal, palatal and palato-velar consonants

Voiceless alveolo-palatal Voiced alveolo-palatal Voiceless palatal Voiced palatal Voiceless palato-velar Voiced palato-velar
Nasal ɲ̟̊/n̠̊ʲ ɲ̟/n̠ʲ ɲ̊ ɲ ŋ̟̊/ɲ̠̊ ŋ̟/ɲ̠
Plosive c̟/t̠ʲ ɟ̟/d̠ʲ c ɟ k̟/c̠ g̟/ɟ̠
Sibilant affricate t̪s̪ d̪z̪ ts dz t̠ʃ d̠ʒ
Spirant affricate cç̟/t̠ɹ̝̠̊ʲ ɟʝ̟/d̠ɹ̝̠ʲ ɟʝ kx̟/cç̠ gɣ̟/ɟʝ̠
Sibilant fricative s z ʃ ʒ
Spirant fricative ç̟/ɹ̝̠̊ʲ ʝ̟/ɹ̝̠ʲ ç ʝ x̟/ç̠ ɣ̟/ʝ̠
Approximant j̟̊/ɹ̠̊ʲ j̟/ɹ̠ʲ j ɰ̟̊/j̠̊ ɰ̟/j̠
Flap ɾ̠̊ʲ ɾ̠ʲ
Trill r̠̊ʲ r̠ʲ
Lateral affricate t̪ɬ̪ d̪ɮ̪ t̠ɬ̠ d̠ɮ̠
Lateral fricative ʎ̝̟̊/ɬ̠ʲ ʎ̝̟/ɮ̠ʲ ʎ̝̊ ʎ̝ ʟ̟̝̊/ʎ̝̠̊ ʟ̟̝/ʎ̝̠
Lateral approximant ʎ̟̊/l̠̊ʲ ʎ̟/l̠ʲ ʎ̥ ʎ ʟ̟̊/ʎ̠̊ ʟ̟/ʎ̠
Lateral flap ɺ̪̊ ɺ̪ ɺ̊ ɺ ɺ̠̊ ɺ̠

Velar, velo-uvular and uvular consonants

Voiceless velar Voiced velar Voiceless velo-uvular Voiced velo-uvular Voiceless uvular Voiced uvular
Nasal ŋ̊ ŋ ɴ̥̟/ŋ̠̊ ɴ̟/ŋ̠ ɴ̥ ɴ
Plosive k g q̟/k̠ ɢ̟/g̠ q ɢ
Affricate kx qχ̟ /kx̠ ɢʁ̟/gɣ̠ ɢʁ
Fricative x ɣ χ̟ /x̠ ʁ̟/ɣ̠ χ ʁ
Approximant ɰ̊ ɰ ʁ̞̟̊/ɰ̠̊ ʁ̞̟/ɰ̠ ʁ̞̊ ʁ̞
Flap ɢ̟̆̊/ʀ̟̆̊ ɢ̟̆/ʀ̟̆ ɢ̥̆/ʀ̥̆ ɢ̆/ʀ̆
Trill ʀ̟̊ ʀ̟ ʀ̥ ʀ
Lateral affricate t̪ɬ̪ d̪ɮ̪ t̠ɬ̠ d̠ɮ̠
Lateral fricative ʟ̠̝̊ ʟ̠̝
Lateral approximant ʟ̥ ʟ ʟ̠̊ ʟ̠
Lateral flap ɺ̪̊ ɺ̪ ɺ̊ ɺ ɺ̠̊ ɺ̠




  • Voiced bilabial implosive: [ɓ]
  • Voiced labiodental implosive: [ɓ̪]
  • Voiced linguolabial implosive: [ɗ̼]/[ɓ̺]
  • Voiced dental implosive: [ɗ̪]
  • Voiced alveolar implosive: [ɗ]
  • Voiced postalveolar implosive: [ɗ̠]
  • Voiced retroflex implosive: [ᶑ]
  • Voiced alveolo-palatal implosive: [ʄ̟]/[ɗ̠ʲ]
  • Voiced palatal implosive: [ʄ]
  • Voiced palato-velar implosive: [ɠ̟]/[ʄ̠]
  • Voiced velar implosive: [ɠ]
  • Voiced velo-uvular implosive: [ʛ̟]/[ɠ̠]
  • Voiced uvular implosive: [ʛ]



More implosives


More implosives

Voiceless approximants


Central approximants


Lateral approximants


Coarticulated approximants with dedicated IPA symbols


Nasalised approximants


Coarticulated nasalised approximants with dedicated IPA symbols





Some vowels


Between [e] and [ɛ]: [e̞] or [ɛ̝]
Between [ø] and [œ]: [ø̞] or [œ̝]
Between [ɤ] and [ʌ]: [ɤ̞] or [ʌ̝]
Between [o] and [ɔ]: [o̞] or [ɔ̝]


Front Central Back
Fricative ʝ ʝʷ ʝ̈ ɣ̈ʷ ɣ ɣʷ
Semivowel j ɥ j̈ ẅ ɰ w
Close i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u
Near-close ɪ ʏ ɪ̈ ʊ̈ ɯ̽ ʊ

Dark L

  • Voiceless dental dark L [ɫ̪̊]
  • Voiced dental dark L [ɫ̪]
  • Voiceless dark L [ɫ̥]
  • Voiced dark L [ɫ]
  • Voiceless postalveolar dark L [ɫ̠̊]
  • Voiced postalveolar dark L [ɫ̠]



Approximant affricates

Sound (voiceless) IPA Languages Sound (voiced) IPA Languages
Voiceless bilabial approximant affricate [pɸ] Present allophonically in Kaingang and Taos. Not reported as a phoneme in any natural language. Voiced bilabial approximant affricate [bβ] Allophonic in Banjun[1] and Shipibo[2]
Voiceless labiodental approximant affricate [p̪ʋ̥] Voiced labiodental approximant affricate [b̪ʋ]
Voiceless dental approximant affricate [t̪ð̞̊] Voiced dental approximant affricate [d̪ð̞]
Voiceless alveolar approximant affricate [tɹ̊] Voiced alveolar approximant affricate [dɹ]
Voiceless retroflex approximant affricate [tɻ̊] Mapudungun [verification needed], Malagasy Voiced retroflex approximant affricate [dɻ] Malagasy
Voiceless palatal approximant affricate [cj̊] Skolt Sami (younger speakers), Hungarian (casual speech), Albanian (transcribed as [c]), allophonically in Kaingang Voiced palatal approximant affricate [ɟj] Skolt Sami (younger speakers), Hungarian (casual speech), Albanian (transcribed as [ɟ]), some Spanish dialects. Not reported to contrast with a voiced palatal plosive [ɟ]
Voiceless velar approximant affricate [kɰ̊] Voiced velar approximant affricate [ɡɰ]
Voiceless uvular approximant affricate [qʁ̞̊] Voiced uvular approximant affricate [ɢʁ̞]
Voiceless pharyngeal approximant affricate [ʡħ] Haida. Not reported to contrast with an epiglottal stop [ʡ] Voiced pharyngeal approximant affricate [ʡʕ] Not attested in any natural language
Voiceless glottal affricate [ʔh] Yuxi dialect, allophonic in Received Pronunciation[3] Voiced glottal affricate [ʔɦ] Not attested in any natural language
  1. ^ "Phoible 2.0 -". Archived from the original on 2021-02-04. Retrieved 2020-12-27.
  2. ^ Valenzuela, Márquez Pinedo & Maddieson (2001).
  3. ^ Collins & Mees (2003), p. 148.