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Lubango appears to be relatively unaffected by the 40-year conflict that ravaged many other communities in Angola, and has maintained most of its old-world charm.  Formerly known as Sá da Bandeira during the Portuguese colonial period, Lubango was first settled when fertile land attracted fifty-five Boer families (the Dorslandtrekkers) from Transvaal in the early 1880s. These settlers developed the land and obtained Portuguese citizenship.  When the Portuguese authorities refused to give them ownership of the land, forty-five of these families moved to German South-West Africa, where they settled in the area of Grootfontein.  In 1882 approximately one thousand settlers came from the impoverished Portuguese island of Madeira. These Portuguese farmers thrived and their subsistence farming consisting of mostly sweet potatoes was very successful. By 1910 there were over 1700 Madeirans living in the settlement that was referred  to as Lubango. Lubango is in the south-western region of  Angola and is the capital of Huila province. Located 150km northeast of the port of Namibe, the city of Lubangois nestled in a lush tropical valley surrounded by mountains.  It is situated on the Huila plateau having a very rich atmosphere of cool, moist climate with savannah vegetation. In addition, different types of animals are found in this province. Bicuar National Park is also situated in Lubango. However Bicuar National Park was established as game reserve in April, 1938, Bicuar National Park qualified as a national park in December 1964. The park is home to a vast array of exotic African wildlife including elephants, antelopes, Giraffes, zebra, Lions, Cheater, and etc.

Nossa Senhora Do Monte This is one of the famous gardens in Lubango. it is very exotic and radiant in nature. the arrangement of the trees in this garden is uniquely arranged and sorted in a way that strangely make people walking and chilling in the park very comfortable. Lubango is a unique, tranquil and pictures  city that offers a number of points of interest. There is the Cristo Rei.Tunda-Vala , and  the famous Serra da Leba Mountain Road.

Cristo Rei Christ the King (Cristo Rei) is on extraordinary statue of Christ over looking the city of the Lubango in South of Angola. This brilliant white marble statue that sits upon the escarpment that surrounds the town is visible from everywhere in Lubango. Christ the King- This is also known as the Jesus statue is only one of four in the world and probably the most beautiful and noticeable attraction in Lubango, and it is unique in Africa.

Serra da leba Serra da leba is a mountain range i the province of Huila in Angola located near the city of Lubango. Serra da leba is a famous for is altitude for its beauty, its natural landscape and also for the serra da leba path. the leba mountain path is a breath taking road which is spirals like a giant sneak. its a kind of high way a true section of road almost fatal, without protection with cantilevered hairpin bend all the way to the top.

Fenda Da Tundavala The Fenda da tundavala is a spectacular view point in the rim from the greatest escarpment of the leba hill, which creates a rather a unique view of its kind ; and encompasing a distance of tens (10) of kilometers This Fenda daTundavala is a vertical cut about 1,000 meters along the western wall of the plateau. It is said that here many lives were lost during the war. There are so many places of great beauty ... so is simply stunning. Above below, stretching up to the horizon, we can observe the Mucubais land, native people of this region who lives in the Namibe Desert and Serra da leba. A tribe little known outside of Angola that measures its wealth by oxen and which in no way mix with other tribes, and very little social.

Lubango rerrrrr Tribes in Lubango

In Lubango we have only one tribe which is the Mumuilas women. they belong to a group of African nomads and their aesthetic natural are breasts out, necklaces and their famous colorful cloths. Therefore, the material that takes them is always very rich (according to an anonymous reporter, Mumuilas has the most beautiful breasts of all Angola! Plastic surgeons, aesthetic research usually make trips to Lubango for their own specific purposes!!! ... RSSS). In general, the Mumuilas are goat and cattle herders, which form its main source of income and livelihood. Also some products are arising from this growing of their hair and transformed into exotic material. According to various interviews and eye witnesses, they bathe in milk and cow dung and take care of your hair with these products. However, Rastafarian culture lovers, would love their dread locks to be looking as exotic as the Mumulians.



1) Mumuilas[1]
2) Mumuilas Photos [2]
3) Lubango[3]
4) Africa[4]
5) Angolan Market[5]
6) Africa Pictures[6]