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Story of the Rise and Fall of Shirley Banks Bucks

Shirley's Band
MembersShirley Banks
Big Bank Bucks
Past membersMr. Bucks
Sandy Bucks

Shirley Banks


She was born in Texas in 1970. She was the youngest of 10 children. Her parents married young and they were childhood sweethearts. Her father was a labourer and worked on their farm and her mother stayed at home minding the children.



She was home schooled, and was very handy around the farm, helping her father out with the daily chores.



She helped out in the local store where she became interested in finance and transactions. She was spotted by a local businessman as having good communication skills and he offered her a job in his finance company.

Favourite Food


She enjoys freshly baked scones as it reminds her of her Mum’s cooking and with her new found wealth she set up a cookery school.



She worked her way up the corporate ladder becoming the first lady CEO of the Bank of Achievers. She is one of the wealthiest ladies in the US and is now married with 3 children who are all Harvard graduates. She took her husband’s name “Bucks” and is now known as “Shirley Banks Bucks”. She set up a cookery school and delivers to the homeless. Oprah Winfrey had her as a guest on her talk show and they became great friends.



She has been featured in “Top Ten Wealthy People” Forbes magazine 2017.



She died suddenly whilst tasting one of the scones made by a student in her cookery school. The cause of death was described as misadventure by choking on a current. Shirley Banks Bucks now rests beside her parents in a plot beside her family farm in Texas.