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User:1a16/ Culture of tobacco

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User:1a16/ Nationalist tendencies within the United States government and Constitution of the United States

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS (WP:DEV) not an article; is a sub-page of the User: 1a16

This sub-page presumes health is a good.

This article is written on the premise that source shows: Kills about 5.4 million people a year and tobacco "kills" more than 7 million people each year. (updated values of May 2017 World Health organization) [1] is a bad (morality) for humanity, with focus on the word bad indicating bad (as a non-tautology or otherwise).

An example of this is, during the year 2018, 5.4 to 7 million people will die as a direct cause of tobacco, as compared to deaths caused by the Nazi party of Nazi Germany of World War 2 (1939 - 1945). On the premise, 70% of either number would quit smoking tobacco if they could, [2] but the deaths aren't important to government, due to economic reasons, is the same as, the reason for Nazi Germany aggression was for economic reasons, has created a moral distortion (c.f. Cognitive_distortion#References) - psychopathy is a good (is the moral distortion), because ill-health, doesn't matter, (is the moral distortion) for the motivated individuals involved in the elements details, by continuing with the mass distribution of tobacco. To restate this, tobacco as legal is to state death, as an evil, is good, because a sacred substance has been harnessed by a colonial civilaztion (for commercial motivations or otherwise) creating mass death (c.f. Christian Mass), there-by creating a locus of control for stress management amongst populations, by controlling the progression of time through life toward inevitable death.

...except for; the value of 70% indicates - using DSM definitions of anti-social personality disorder - serious irresponsible behavior with regards to a population. [3]

A secondary colony culture appropriating the customs and practices of the aboriginal culture; has to live a form of delusion, due to lack of knowledge of the original culture belonging to the aboriginal culture, in order to dominate.




www.tobacco-cessation.org/PDFs/NativeAmericanActionPlan.pdf - the addictive properties of tobacco harms the foetus within populations of pregnant women


Tobacco companies of the Americas and globally


nouvelle vedette : Tobacco companies (Novembre 19th - 2017)


locations is the intended navigation course (addition Novembre 19th - 2017)

search criteria ; locations of American tobacco companies t^

address of British American tobacco London Globe House, 4 Temple Pl, London WC2R 2PG https://www.google.co.uk/search?rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-GB%3AIE-Address&rlz=1I7LENP&dcr=0&ei=S84RWvqSH8T6atHBhcAG&q=address+of+British+American+tobacco+London&oq=address+of+British+American+tobacco+London&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30k1.45926.47024.0.47289.

address of British American tobacco Southampton - Regents Park Rd, Southampton SO15 8TL https://www.google.co.uk/search?rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-GB%3AIE-Address&rlz=1I7LENP&dcr=0&ei=yMwRWtjjDIGUaMHUu4AN&q=address+of+British+American+tobacco+Southampton&oq=address+of+British+American+tobacco+Southampton&gs_l=psy-ab.3...371380.385542.0.386268.

shows British American Tobacco - 2 offices London, Southampton


locations of American tobacco companies (shows different return to the original return)

The nature of tobacco smoking as a current practice of the culture of the United States understood as abuse not use


The first reactions to tobacco use in Europe were primarily focused on its narcotic effects.[4]

King James I Counterblast to Tobacco published in 1604 stated the smoking of tobacco was "...a custome lothsome to the eye, hatefull to the nose, harmefull to the braine, daungerous to the Lungs, and in the blacke stinking fume thereof, nearest resembling the horrible Stigian smoke of the pit that is bottomelesse [5]

spf=1497123667680 at criteria: Stigian made by 1a16 (talk) 11:43, 10 June 2017 (UTC)

spf=1497123667682 at criteria: Stigian dark, black, pitch-black, pitch-dark, inky, sooty, dusky, dim, murky, shadowy, unlit; (intended very dark=chocolate as destination)

Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco have no connection to Aboriginal spirituality


In its original form, tobacco had both honor and purpose. The chemical additives found in commercial tobacco take away from tobacco's original purpose in Aboriginal ceremonies. Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco have no connection to Aboriginal spirituality.

— Aboriginal Tobacco Program (americanindianhealth.nlm.nih.gov) [6][7]







http://natamcancer.org/nnacc_dwnlds/SHEETS/02-18-07_Tob-ceremony_04-12-09.pdf , http://academic.udayton.edu/health/syllabi/tobacco/native04.htm, http://academic.udayton.edu/health/syllabi/tobacco/lesson03.htm, https://web.stanford.edu/class/e297c/trade_environment/health/htobacco.html, https://www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/cultural-survival-quarterly/bringing-back-tobacco, http://www.nchumanities.org/programs/road-scholars/american-tobacco-culture-our-heritage,

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=UXHYAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA705&lpg=PA705&dq=Native+American+tobacco+culture&source=bl&ots=qRaofCzOb4&sig=jA_mEpH3FdmXNBPj53AhskX4sxs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjEzvD4-rLUAhVCBsAKHbSkB3c4FBDoAQhDMAQ#v=onepage&q=Native%20American%20tobacco%20culture&f=false, https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/sgr/1998/highlights/am_indian_alaska_native/, http://www.tobacco-cessation.org/PDFs/NativeAmericanActionPlan.pdf,

Comparison to number of deaths during the Nazi Holocaust, on the basis of death by air-borne means, and anti-tobacco smoking within the Nazi party of World War two, as a value of mortalities, indicating lethality both by intentional homicide (the Nazi party) and homicide by negligence to the application of reason (the U.S. government), as indicated in definitions of civilized, (with regardfs to W.H.O. indications of number of killed per year, especially with regards to deaths directly by the smoking of tobacco or otherwise use of tobacco)


Doctors living in Germany became the first to identify the link between smoking and lung cancer. [8]

Cross referencing "abnormally aggressive" in the 1959 definition of anti-social personality disorder, with element seriously irresponsible conduct being the continued legalization of tobacco, as gun-ownership supported by Second Amendment to the United States Constitution


| Estimated number of guns per capita by country: World map of civilian gun ownership

Taking into consideration the composers of DSM didn't use the proceeding sources when formulating the concept of normal, with regards to classification of disorder: anti-social personality, the proceeding definitions are included as a survey of understanding of the concept: normal -

https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/normal - Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/normal - conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/normal - according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle •, conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern



Normality (behavior)


Biology Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies.

Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical:

Definitions of criminal negligence with respect to if the government of the United States is criminally negligent to not ban tobacco use, or restrict use severly due to World Health Organisation figures of death directly from tobacco


criminal negligence - (law) recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/criminal+negligence

...prove beyond a reasonable doubt the mental state involved in criminal negligence. Proof of that mental state requires that the failure to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk that a result will occur must be a gross deviation from the standard of a reasonable person. - https://definitions.uslegal.com/c/criminal-negligence/

A harm or evil done to a person as indicative of resulting from criminal negligence - unjustifiable risk - gross deviation from the standard of a reasonable person (presuming death and ill-health is not desired by reasonable people)


  1. ^ http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs339/en/ - Accessed June 9th, 2017
  2. ^ In U.S. national polls (circa 2014), of the total number asked in polls the proportion of 70% of the total number of people asked would like to quit smoking tobacco but cannot (from) - D. Hales - An Invitation to Health p.452 Cengage Learning, 1 January 2014 ISBN 1285783115 - Accessed June 9th, 2017
  3. ^ Criminal negligence defined as "wanton disregard for human life" is additionally coupled intimately with Definition includes the following elements: British definition (1959) "...a persistent disorder of mind (whether or not accompanied by sub-normal intelligence) which resulted in abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct..." (source: British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Clinical guidelines)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0015230/ National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine Accessed June 7th, 2017
  4. ^ https://web.stanford.edu/class/e297c/trade_environment/health/htobacco.html - Accessed June 9th, 2017
  5. ^ https://web.stanford.edu/class/e297c/trade_environment/health/htobacco.html - Accessed June 9th, 2017
  6. ^ Aboriginal Tobacco Program (ATP) works with Aboriginal communities to decrease and prevent the misuse of tobacco. Lisa Odjig - http://www.tobaccowise.com/cms/One.aspx?portalId=44644&pageId=46570 - Accessed June 9th, 2017
  7. ^ https://americanindianhealth.nlm.nih.gov/traditionaltobacco.html - Accessed June 9th, 2017
  8. ^ Roffo, A. H. (January 8, 1940). "Krebserzeugende Tabakwirkung [Carcingogenic effects of tobacco]" (PDF) (in German). Berlin: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag. Retrieved 2009-09-13.



https://www.mtholyoke.edu/~ghost20j/classweb/ghost20j/Perpetrator%20Motivations%20Behind%20the%20Holocaust%20German%20Nationalism.html source of Mount Holyoke College

criteria: Criminal negligence > http://www.hse.gov.uk/corpmanslaughter/about.htm
