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User:16 BIT MARIO1

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Hey! I'm 16_BIT_MARIO1, but you can call me 16_Bit. I'm the same 16_BIT_MARIO1 as on HRWiki, Nintendo NSider forums and the Animal Crossing Ahead pattern generator,in case you were wondering.Take a look around.

Current Events

  • I'm currently working on a project."What is it?",you may ask. I will not tell until I'm almost done with it.I will,however,tell you that it has to do with entertainment. No lazors to burninate the universe.
  • I am in the planning stages for making a movie! Huzzah!
    • No,that is not the afforementioned project.

General Stuff

  • I made over 50 patterns on Animal Crossing Ahead!(Yay!)
  • I have 4 video game consoles,2 of which are broken.(NES and SNES)
  • I love Klay World, so I made this.

Favorite Stuff
