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Louie Beatty


Alouicious Randolph Xerxes "Aluredus Caddebelloc" Beatty DIX is said to be the final result of a ritualistic sacrifice to Kali made by a group of fanatics dedicated to the eradication of the human species. Referred to as "Louie" by the The Russian Committee for State Security, Its motivations and whereabouts are currently under investigation. It has appeared throughout various world religions and mythologies, being depicted as the catalyst for The Rapture, Ragnarök, The Permian Basin Superorganism and is described as the true ruler over the Duat. it has been described as humanoid with its last known residence being where The Brimstone Crags now reside.



Though the descriptions have changed throughout each reported sighting, Louie is most commonly described as a Caucasian Irish male with photo evidence showing to be 5'8 (though when presented with this all surviving victims have shown great distress, before correcting that it is at least 6'2). The number of arms, legs and flippers present varies depending on how Louie is feeling that day. In areas where Louie is present, the smell of cider and sulphur are described to pervade the area, though it is uncertain if the latter is a result of the odor emitted from the entity, or the resulting destruction of the areas it inhabits.



In most situations, louie will attempt to lure in prey through means of sustained mental duress, such as gaslighting it's prey into denying the present danger and that the claymore forged from human misery he's holding was always there. If the victim is fooled into denying the danger, the consequences vary depending on the motivations of Louie, with mutilation and dissection of victims being considered an act of mercy. In circumstances where the victim is left alive, the internal organs of the victim may be removed and replaced seemingly at random, such as bagpipes replacing the lungs or a tupperware container to replace the stomach.

In select attacks on victims money may also be taken, with no amount in recorded cases ever exceeding €10. In these situations a note is often left on or near the victims corpse, with the note reading "Im terribly sorry but I REALLY needed the money and I didn't ask for his revolut I promise I'll give it back when I can besides I probably needed the money more than him anyway so he was basically obligated to give it to me anyway and what would he even need it for anyway like humans can live weeks without food so really Im doing him the favour by making him cut back". The repayments from these attacks have not yet been seen, leading some to believe that these repayments will signal the apocalypse.



Not every encounter with Louie has proven to be strictly harmful. If the individual has a function to Louie then they are frequently spared and Louie will engage them in conversation. These are some of the  few instances where information can be learned from it, and what little we know of the entity comes from these encounters.

Louie formerly advocated against the human consumption of meat, saying that there are better options and that animals have no reason to be so fruitlessly farmed and killed, continuing that ritual sacrifice and transformation into hell barons is clearly a better use for them.

Louie also has a particular fondness for alcohol, this is suspected by investigators to be where the money taken from victims is most frequently used. DNA taken from "Louie events" has led researchers to believe that his cardiovascular system is composed entirely of alcohol instead of the mixture of blood cells and plasma found in humans. Despite this propensity for alcohol, Louie has shown to be remarkably susceptible to its effects in even small doses, with intoxication ironically being a more placid state of mind than normal.

Notable actions


During the events described in the book of genesis, Louie claimed to be the snake which caused adam and eve to be banished from eden. When told to elaborate, he replied "they were asking for it, and I think that it's simply childish to say I'm a snake like accept that you lost".

Louie also did a cartwheel to prove he was sober, that's about it really.