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User:وجاہت علی عمرانی/Molana Mohsin Ali Imrani

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Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani was born in 1917 in the family of the great mourning poet and religious scholar of Seraiki Waseeb, Hazrat Maulana Mahmood Molai.



After primary and secondary education, in 1935, his father, the late Maulana Khuda Bakhsh, enrolled him in Madrasa-tul-Waizin, Lucknow, a well-known religious seminary in the subcontinent, to teach Arabic, Persian and Maulvi Fazil. After Maulvi Fazil's certificate, he joined Aligarh Muslim University to pursue further studies.

Religious and Juries prudential education


In addition to secular education, his father, Maulana Khuda Bakhsh, and his uncle, Maulana Abdul Haq, taught him history, the Qur'an, hadiths, and edicts, as well as all the sciences and arts of teaching, jurisprudence, logic, and grammar. After completion, your father Maulana Khuda Bakhsh sent you to Lucknow, India in 1934-35 for further education.

He obtained the certificate of Munshi Fazil (Arabic-Persian) from the Sultan of the Madrassas in 1939. Then they went to Madrasa Al-Waizin. Fortunately, you and Allama Najamul Hassan Kararvi were given the same room for accommodation in this madrassa. At that time, Ayatollah Qiblah Syed Adeel Akhtar was the director of Madrasa Al-Waizin who valued him. Ayatollah Qibla Syed Adeel Akhtar conferred the title of Imrani on Maulana Mohsin Ali who later became his nickname which became the reason for the fame of the family. A Pandit from Anbala whose name was Naik Ram converted to Islam in Madrasa Al-Waizin and after that his name was changed to Ghulam Al-Hasnain. You and you both taught him about religion for about six months. He received the certificate of Sader Al-Afazil from there. The certificate of President Al-Afazil was the highest certificate of the seminary of Lucknow in this era. Which was considered as equal to permission of ijtihad in Najaf seminary Thus Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani, as a result of his lessons and research work, reached the stage of Kalam, philosophy, logic, literature, jurisprudence, hadith and commentary in his youth.

Religious services

  • Together with Mujtahid Allama Fazil Naqvi, a classmate of Madrasa Nazimiya and Sultan Madrasa, he established a large library in his house and nurtured research, knowledge and thought from the books of the same library. In the same library, pre-Islamic literature in Arabic literature, Quranic literature and modern Arabic literature, Hafiz and Saadi in Persian literature, Khaqani and Khayyam, Mir Aman in Urdu literature, Anis, Dabir, Ghalib, Tafsir Quran, Hadith The Prophet, jurisprudence and principles, theology and philosophy, astrology, history and politics were all subjects on which students of different levels used to come to learn.
  • When he returned to Dera Ismail Khan after completing his education, according to the orders of Allama Hafiz Kifayat Hussain, Syed Ibn Hassan Jarchovi, Mirza Yusuf Hussain and Allama Mufti Jafar Hussain, he started going to different cities to preach the true religion and promote mourning. When I went to preach in Bannu, a tribal town in NWFP, there was only a small, dilapidated Shiite mosque with one room in Bannu. He started congregational prayers and gatherings there and continued to teach religious education, jurisprudence, etc. to the local Shia population. In front of this mosque was the office of Haji Haqnawaz Khan, a lawyer belonging to Dr. Baghdad Khan, a well-known family of Bannu at that time. On a daily basis, Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani started debating and debating with Haji Haq Nawaz Khan about Shia religion. Eventually, due to well-reasoned answers and references, Haji Haqnawaz Khan entered the Shia religion with his entire family, and at that time, Haji Haqnawaz Khan bought a house around the same one-room mosque for a hefty sum of money. He dedicated it and built a full-fledged mosque and imambargah, which is still standing today.
  • Apart from going to different parts of the country for preaching Haqqa and Majalis, he, like his ancestors, visited the main Imam Bargah of Dera Ismail Khan, Imam Hassan (as) known as Thala Pir Bhora Shah from 1968 to 1979 on Muharram and Chehlum Syed Al-Shuhada. Apart from this, he used to hold special gatherings and dhikr of Aal-e-Muhammad. Especially in backward areas like Bannu, Kohat, Peshawar, Mardan, Kotli, Azad Kashmir, Landi Kotal, he went for the promotion of Haqqa religion and included dozens of non-sectarians in the Ahlul Bayt sect and with their help, mosques and He laid the foundation of Imambargahs.
  • Along with his old friend Allama Najam-ul-Hassan Kararvi and preacher of Islam Mirza Yusuf Hussain, he continued to visit, hold meetings and travel across the country in connection with the promotion of the religion of Haqqa and the rights of Shia Ali. He emerged as a fearless leader due to his contacts and contacts with various organizations at the national level. Many times they were bound for Shiite rights.
  • In addition to founding mosques and imambargahs in the suburbs and villages of Dera Ismail Khan, he also founded several religious organizations and brought the Shia nation together on one platform. Especially in the middle of the city of Dera Ismail Khan, he founded the Jamia Imamia Mosque and Madrasa Imam-ul-Asr-ul-Zaman Aj and Anjuman-e-Mehban Ahl-e-Bayt. Where you have been teaching prayers, teaching and Eid prayers for a long time. He also started teaching and prayers at Haideri Masjid Basti Diwala. Jamia Masjid Lato Faqir's schools and madrassas also continued to provide in-charge services. In collaboration with Syed Ghulam Abbas Shah Zaidi, a person belonging to Chah Syed Munawar Shah of Dera Ismail Khan and known as a prominent figure in religious circles, a regular Eid Gah and Shrine of Mubarak was held at Waqf Kotli Imam Hussain. Laid the foundation
  • For some time, he and Allama Najam-ul-Hassan Kararvi took over the editorship of the famous magazine "Al-Waiz" of Madrasa Al-Wa'izin Lucknow.
  • In 1948, at the special request of Allama Najam-ul-Hassan Kararvi, he, in consultation with the Ulema, helped establish the "Pakistan Majlis Ulema Shia" in Peshawar.
  • In 1956, he worked side by side with Allama Hussain Bakhsh Jara in connection with the establishment and foundation of Jamia Ulema Bab Al-Najaf.
  • He also worked for the Islamic Ideological Council of Pakistan for some time in early 1974 with the late Allama Hafiz Kifayat Hussain.
  • Dera Ismail Khan, the district president of the Shia Demands Committee of Pakistan, the oldest and largest organization of Shia aan e Ali in Pakistan, served for five consecutive years.

Practical role in Tehreek-e-Pakistan

Portrait of Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani by renowned artist Ajab Khan
Portrait of Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani by renowned artist Ajab Khan

When he returned to Dera Ismail Khan after completing his education in 1940, he was inspired by the Tehreek-e-Pakistan and various personalities in Lucknow and Aligarh, especially Allama Ragheb Ahsan, and gathered the local youth at the behest of Allama Ragheb Ahsan and Prince Fazal Dad Khan as President. The Muslim League, Muhammad Nawaz Khan and General Secretary Maula Dad Khan Baloch were working to establish the Muslim League with full cooperation and patronage of the youth and were the first to be honored as General Secretary and to unite the youth and strengthen the hands of the elders. ۔ Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani was a fiery speaker, a preacher of evil and a talker of wrath. During the speech, I used to increase the enthusiasm of the people when I read the sections I wrote in the meetings. When the civil disobedience movement against the Tehreek-e-Pakistan started in Dera Ismail Khan and on a daily basis when protests and demonstrations marched from Hafiz Jamal Square, people would automatically stop waiting under the cloak to see Maulana Mohsin Imrani. Has to make a speech. There would have been such a reasoned speech regarding the Tehreek-e-Pakistan that people would have been more enthusiastic and dozens of people would have been arrested on a daily basis. Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani was responsible for constant liaison and correspondence with the leaders of the Akbaris and the Muslim League. It is your responsibility not to present your arrest but to make arrangements for daily processions and meetings and to make lists of those arrested and send them to Peshawar and Aligarh and all official matters. When Muhammad Ali Jinnah visited Dera Ismail Khan for a few hours, Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani also had the honor of presenting a letter of thanks to Quaid-e-Azam in the presence of Ms. Fatima Jinnah and Abdul Qayyum Khan on behalf of the Youth Muslim League. Elders and activists testify that the quatrain that Maulana Mohsin Imrani read about the Quaid-e-Azam during his presentation of the letter of thanks and speech became so popular that people repeated it in the streets and at meetings.

لاکھوں میں فقط ایک مسلماں دیکھا

میدانِ سیاست میں نمائیاں دیکھا

جو بِک نہ سکا غیر کے ہاتھوں محسن

اے قائدِ اعظم تیرا ایماں دیکھا

  • In connection with the 1945-46 elections, Abdul Rahim Khan Saduzai, Allah Bakhsh Choudhigar, Dr. Mir Alam Khan Raqib, Nawabzada Zulfiqar Khan and Sardar Rabinwaz along with Kokb Sarhadi persuaded the people by going door to door for the Muslim League. And kept informing and asking for votes. After the great victory of the Muslim League in these elections, a convention of elected representatives was held in Delhi in 1946 under the chairmanship of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Ragheb Ahsan extended a special invitation to Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani to attend the convention in which regional issues and other responsibilities were addressed. Could not attend due to He worked day and night for the accommodation, food, service and rehabilitation of the Muslims who migrated to Dera Ismail Khan after the partition on the orders of Akbaris and celebrities, selflessly and without any greed or reward.
  • In 1950, when Malik Khuda Bakhsh Advocate was a member of the Constituent Assembly and there were some contradictions and difficulties regarding Zakat. In the light of the hadiths, he prepared a questionnaire which was sent to all the eminent scholars of that time in order to eliminate the contradictions which were creating difficulties in the matter of Zakat.
  • When the national anthem of Pakistan was officially aired in 1954, a huge procession led by Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani was taken out from Islamia School on the occasion of Independence Day in 1955 and before the first procession in the land of Dera Ismail Khan. Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani also has the honor of reciting the national anthem by standing all the guests and dignitaries on his seats before his speech.
  • When the catastrophic earthquake hit Balochistan in 1945, Sardar Rabinwaz Kokab, Abdul Karim Sabir, Ataullah Khan Ata and other activists of the Tehreek-e-Wiligi and literary friends, led by the late father, launched a massive campaign to help the victims. Collecting relief goods from the bazaar and the neighborhood and delivering them to the desired areas, Ustad Juma Khan, a local transporter, donated two of his trucks to carry the goods free of charge.
  • He had gone to Kharian with Allama Mirza Yusuf for a speech in 1965 when India invaded Pakistan and started a war. At the same time in the 2 Tank campaign, Chaudhry Muhammad Ikram along with Advocate who was then the President of the Muslim League of Kharian District received donations and items for the security of the country and the Pakistan Army from all corners of Kharian city. Back in Dera Akbar, the same campaign continued vigorously. The proud people of Dera, with national enthusiasm, piled up donations to the Defense Fund.



Haji Khan Haq Nawaz Khan of Bannu was inspired by Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani to convert to the Shia religion and his intellectual level and character. Requested to take Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani made the same request to his teachers and friends Allama Mirza Yusuf Hussain, Allama Najamul Hassan Krawri and other scholars and his father Maulana Khuda Bakhsh, who accepted it and went to have a formal relationship. With Barat in 1945, all the leading scholars, friends and relatives of the country became. Allama Mirza Yusuf Hussain conducted a formal marriage ceremony and changed the name of the bride from Wilayat Bibi to Mumtaz Begum. Allama Mirza Yusuf Hussain gave the bride a special silver bracelet as a gift.

Literary services

پہلا شعری مجموعہ کلام “ سنبل و ریحان “Molana Mohsin Ali Imrani
پہلا شعری مجموعہ کلام “ سنبل و ریحان “Molana Mohsin Ali Imrani

By the way, being brought up in a family literary and research environment, he started writing poetry from a young age and took correction from his father Maulana Khuda Bakhsh. Due to his visit to a literary land like Lucknow and his participation in literary festivals there and his friendship with the poets there, he became a regular disciple of Mr. Behzad Lucknow, a well-known poet of Lucknow at that time. He was associated with India Radio and received many accolades for reciting his ghazals at the All India Radio in 1938 under the auspices of All India Radio. Received understanding and made his mark in the literary circles of Lucknow in his youth. Ghazal recited in Mushaira:

برہمی کا کوئی علاج کرو

میرے جی کا کوئی علاج کرو

آدمی، آدمی کو ڈستا ہے

آدمی کا کوئی علاج کرو

مٹ رہے ہیں نشاں منزل کے

رہبری کا کوئی علاج کرو

آگہی بھی تسلسل ِغم ہے

آگہی کاکوئی علاج کرو

مے گساری ازل سے پیاسی ہے

تشنگی کا کوئی علاج کرو

زندگی تشنہ حقیقت ہے

زندگی کا کوئی علاج کرو

Worked day and night for the promotion of literature in Dera Ismail Khan. Bazm Iqbal was the founder of many literary organizations besides the Institute of Science and Art and organized dozens of memorable and grand Pakistan poetry readings. You are also credited with bringing the Seraiki poets on one platform by founding the first regular Seraiki literary organization in Dera Ismail Khan. After the partition of Pakistan, as the president of the national level literary organizations, the Institute of Science and Art and Bazm-e-Iqbal, he founded an annual Pakistan Mushaira at Islamia School on Iqbal Day. In the form of a procession, Islamia School was brought from the cannon bazaar via Ghas Mandi, Chogla and Muslim Bazaar. On the way, people would greet the poets from outside with flowers and garlands and then the great poetry would begin.






اڑا کہ رنگ کسی کے حَسیں اشاروں کا

فلک نے باغ لگایا ہے چاند تاروں کا

کچھ ایسا گردش ِ دوراں نے رنگ بدلا ہے

گُلوں پہ ہونے لگا ہے گماں شراروں کا

یہاں وہ آئے جو ہو بے نیاز ہوش و خرد

کہ میکدے میں نہیں کام ہو شیاروں کا

گُلوں سئ سیکھیئے انداز ہم نشینی کے

دمِ وداع جو منہ چومتے ہیں خاروں کا

غمِ حیات کی افسردگی وہ کیا جانے

جسے مِلا ہو سہارا تیرے اشاروں کا

بھلائیں یاد تیری دل سے کس طرح محسن

یہی سہارا ہے لے دے کہ بے سہاروں کا

سلام و مناقب


He wrote hundreds of everlasting lamentations, salutations and manaqibs of the Ahl al-Bayt. Some specific laments are still read and heard with great devotion in ancient processions.

مقبول عام نوحے

  • کربل کے مسافر کی ہے غم ناک کہانی
  • کربلا کے ہاتھ آئیں حیدری قربانیاں
  • دیوار و دَر سے اٹھتی ہے فریاد آج بھی
  • آج کی رات غم کی رات ہے

علی کا دَر ہی فقط ایسا دَر ہے دنیا میں

جواب آتا ہے محسنؔ سوال سے پہلے

عزادارِ حسین

آج مٹتا جا رہا ہے دل سے کردار ِ حسین ؑ

بن گیا زَر کا پجاری ہر عزادارِ حسین ؑ

تاجرانہ زہنیت ہر صاحبِ ممبر کی ہے

چند پیسوں کے عوض ہے ذکر و اذکارِ حسین ؑ

سودا بازی ہو رہی ہے مجلسِ شبیر میں

کیا اسی مقصد کی خاطر ہے یہ دربارِ حسین ؑ

حشر میں کیا منہ دکھائیں گے رسولِ پاک کو

بیچتے پھرتے ہیں ممبر پر جو اذکارِ حسین ؑ

امتیازِ شمر و حُر جن کے ذہنوں میں نہیں

کس طرح کہتے ہیں، ہم ہیں عزادارِ حسین ؑ

خوف کیا محسن ؔ یزیدانِ زمانہ سے مجھے

دَار پر بھی مسکراتے ہیں وفادارِ حسین ؑ

آل اور قران کی باتیں کرو

مومنو ایمان کی باتیں کرو         ۔    آل ؑ اور قرآن کی باتیں کرو

وقت کے تیور بڑے گستاخ ہیں     ۔    عظمتِ انسان کی باتیں کرو

مقصدِ مجلس پہ بھی ہو تبصرہ         ۔    ممبروں کی آن کی باتیں کرو

صورت و سیرت میں کچھ تطبیق ہو    ۔    زاہد و عرفان کی باتیں کرو

کس لیے آیا تھا جنت سے لباس    ۔    خلد کے رضوان کی باتیں کرو

کوثر و تسنیم کے شیدائیو        ۔    تشنہ لب مہمان کی باتیں کرو

پیروئی ِ حضرت سجاد ؑ میں         ۔    شام کے زندان کی باتیں کرو

قوم کو محسن ؔ جواب در پیش ہے     ۔    اس نئے طوفان کی باتیں کرو

تم اپنی بگڑی بناؤ علی علی کہہ کر

محبو ہوش میں آؤ علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر          ۔    تم اپنی بگڑی بناؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

حسینیت کے چراغوں سے روشنی لے کر     ۔    عمل کی راہ سجاؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

خم ِ غدیر پہ جو مصطفےٰ نے بانٹی تھی         ۔    وہی شراب پلاؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

حقیقتوں کی تجلی بکھیر دو ہر سو        ۔    دلوں کو طور بناؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

متاعِ عشق حسینی بِنائے ایماں ہے        ۔    یہ رہزنوں سے بچاؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

بڑھو حمایت ِ مظلوم کا علم لے کر         ۔    فصیلِ ظلم گراؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

نہ خوف کھاؤ ستم گار حکمرانوں سے         ۔    یزیدیت کو مٹا ؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

اٹھا ؤ پرچم ِ عباس تان کر سینہ         ۔    فضائے دہر پہ چھاؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

دیا تھا سبطِ پیمبر نے جو تہہِ شمشیر         ۔    وہی پیام سناؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

غم ِ حسین میں محسن ؔ بصد عقیدت ِ دل    ۔    ہمیشہ اشک بہاؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

دیار ِ شمر ویذید وزیاد میں محسن ؔ        ۔    وِلا کے گیت سناؤ  علی ؑ علی ؑ کہہ کر

حاجیوں نے مل کے ڈھایا کعبہ ِ ایمان کو

حافظوں نے تیر مارے ناطقِ قران کو

کہاں ہے تاب سوال و جواب کی مولا

سمجھ کے بخش دے محسن کو بس گدائے حسین ؑ

کربلا کے ہاتھ آئیں حیدر ی قربانیاں

ریت کے ذروں میں رہ گئیں سینکڑوں تابانیاں

باپ کے ہاتھوں پہ یوں تڑپا کہ دنیا کہہ اُٹھی

دین زندہ کر گئیں اصغر تیری نادانیاں

انبیاء بھی آگئے روتے ہوئے ماتم کناں

خاک و خون میں دیکھ کر مولا تری قربانیاں

گھر اجڑ کر رہ گیا ہے دشت میں شبیر کا

امتِ ظالم نے کی ہیں دن میں من مانیاں

گلشنِ زہرا کے غنچوں سے لہو رسنے لگا

چل رہی ہیں ہر طرف ظلم و ستم کی کانیاں

دیکھ کر شمرِ لعیں سے یہ کہا سجاد نے

اب ہمارے پاس رہ گئی ہیں بے سرو سامانیاں

ماتمِ شبیر میں مصروف محسن ؔ تم رہو

کام آئیں گء قیامت میں یہ نوحہ خوانیاں

نوروز عالمِ افروز

ہے جشن ِ تاجپوشی جنابِ امیر کا     دل خوش ہوا ہے آج صغیر و کبیر کا

مسند نشینِ تخت خلافت علی ہوئے    پورا ہوا ہے وعدہ بشیراً نذیر کا

نوروز ہے خوشی کے ترانے سنائیں گے    مولائی لوگ اپنے گھروں کو سجائیں گے

جن کے دلوں میں جامِ غدیری کا ہے نشہ     وہ مست ہو کے حیدری نعرے لگائیں گے

منشورِ کردگار کی تائید ہو گئی         اسلام کے وقار کی تمہید ہو گئی

جس وقت آئے تختِ خلافت پہ مرتضیٰ    ہم سب موالیوں کے لیے عید ہوگئی

مومنو نظر اوصافِ جلی آتے ہیں         خم پہ مولا جو بنے تھے وہ ولی آتے ہیں

آج نوروز ہے خوشیوں کا سماں ہے محسنؔ    مسندِ احمد ِ مرسل پہ علی ؑ آتے ہیں

Books & Publications

  • سنبل و ریحان (شعری مجموعہ)
  • اداس کیوں ہو (شعری مجموعہ)
  • سلسبیل و مؤدت (مناقب و سلام)
  • نکہت و نور (مناقب و سلام)
  • فرات ِ فکر (مناقب و سلام)
  • فکرَ محسن (مناقب و سلام)
  • درجنوں تحقیقی قلمی نسخے


لوحِ مزار Molana Mohsin Ali Imrani
لوحِ مزار Molana Mohsin Ali Imrani

On March 31, 1979, this genius working man Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani met his real creator after suffering a heart attack at 12 o'clock in the night after his own mushaira in the town hall of Dera Ismail Khan. Burial took place in Kotli Imam Hussain (as) Central Cemetery, Dera Ismail Khan.


  • Ayatollah Syed Abrar Hussain Parvi
  • Ayatollah Sayyid Ibn Hassan Lucknow Shams-ul-Ulema Ibn Mir Hassan Raza Jaisi
  • Ayatollah Najam Al-Hassan Amrohi
  • Ayatollah Syed Ahmed, Allama Hindi bin Syed Ibrahim
  • Allama Syed Adeel Akhtar Lucknow
  • Mufti Syed Mohammad Ali
  • Allama Hafiz Kifayat Hussain
  • Allama Syed Nasir Hussain Mousavi Maulana Khuda Bakhsh
  • Maulana Abdul Haq
  • Behzad Lakhnawi



The Lord of Glory blessed you with seven sons and four daughters

  • Hashmat Ali Imrani
  • Shaukat Ali Imrani
  • Khatib-e-Ahl-e-Bayt Zakir Liaqat Ali Imrani
  • Khatib-e-Ahl-e-Bayt Zakir Prof. Nazakat Ali Imrani
  • Khatib-e-Ahl-e-Bayt Zakir Karamat Ali Imrani (deceased)
  • Shujaat Ali Imrani
  • Khatib Ahl-e-Bayt Zakir Wajahat Ali Imrani

Sipah-e-Yazid terrorists shot and killed two sons of Maulana Mohsin Ali Imrani in 2006 through targeted killings for the love of the Ahl al-Bayt and the promotion of mourning. The martyr's son was a famous and well-known orator and speaker

  • Shaheed Liaquat Ali Imrani
  • Shaheed Prof. Nazakat Ali Imrani


  • ڈیرہ کی کہانی( مصنف مولاداد خان بلوچ)
  • مسلم سٹوڈٹنس کی خدمات ( مصنف حمید نظامی )
  • ڈیرہ کی ادبی محفلیں (مصنف تسلیم فیروز)
  • تزکرہ شیعہ علماء
  • مشاہیرِ ملت
  • شیعہ حقوق
  • نوائے شیعہ (لکھنو)
  • رسالہ: علمدار  
  • رسالہ : تاریخِ شیعت (لکھنو)
  • رسالہ : شہاب ِ ثاقب
  • رسالہ:خیر العمل
  • رسالہ: شہید  
  • اخبارات (غالب، مخلص، کوثر، پیام نُو) کالمز
    • http://storyofpakistan.com/lahore-resolution/
    • https://www.wikiwand.com/ur/%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AF%D8%B1_%D8%AD%D8%B3%DB%8C%D9%86_%D9%86%D8%AC%D9%81%DB%8C
    • http://aitadal.com.pk/news/?p=187070
    • https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mohsin_ali_Imrani.jpg

Impressions (Letters from Legends Ulama after death)

مبلغ اسلام ، مرزا یوسف حسین (سربراہ مجلس عمل، علمائے شیعہ پاکستان)
مبلغ اسلام ، مرزا یوسف حسین (سربراہ مجلس عمل، علمائے شیعہ پاکستان)
علامہ سید نجم الحسن کراروی (ناظم اعلیٰ پاکستان مجلس علماء)
علامہ سید نجم الحسن کراروی (ناظم اعلیٰ پاکستان مجلس علماء)
علامہ سید شبہیہ الحسنین محمدی (ناظم مظفر المدارس مدرستہ ُ الواعظین)
علامہ سید شبہیہ الحسنین محمدی (ناظم مظفر المدارس مدرستہ ُ الواعظین)
ثقتہُ الاسلام محمد بشیر انصاری ٹیکسلا (صدر مجلس ِ علماء پاکستان)
ثقتہُ الاسلام محمد بشیر انصاری ٹیکسلا (صدر مجلس ِ علماء پاکستان)
الحاج السید محمد عباس (مہتمم مدرستہ القران ، چیئرمین ڈسٹرکٹ مومنین کانفرنس)استر زئی
الحاج السید محمد عباس (مہتمم مدرستہ القران ، چیئرمین ڈسٹرکٹ مومنین کانفرنس)استر زئی
نعیم ُ الملت سرکار الحاج مولانا غلام حسین (مصنف “نعیم الابرار“)
نعیم ُ الملت سرکار الحاج مولانا غلام حسین (مصنف “نعیم الابرار“)
 جناب شوکت واسطی (ادارہ علم و فن پاکستان) Molana Mohsin Ali Imrani
جناب شوکت واسطی (ادارہ علم و فن پاکستان) Molana Mohsin Ali Imran
انجمن محبان اہلبیت ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان Molana Mohsin Ali Imrani
انجمن محبان اہلبیت ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان Molana Mohsin Ali Imrani