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If you need to pronounce my username with latin letters you can use: "Elinterest".
wikidata:Help:Description exactly what I searched for.
No wikibook on method of loci (Q1758418) yet, nor on wikiversity.
Attempting to revert verifiable (software version identifier (P348)) history for Minecraft (Minecraft (Q49740))
This is the 3rd page from earliest to most recent wikidata item history with 100 edits for every page. Any further notes I make I will save locally on my computer in MinecraftQ49740.txt on my desktop to not pollute this space.
wikidata of hightlight or completeness in items
This section is for highlighting items which I consider complete or which I attempt to make complete. One for each 'category' of items:
- Minecraft (Q49740)(latest) (archived)
- software version identifier (P348) is as of yet incomplete. I hope that it is finished one day containing all or most versions released with good/complete references.
- Kanye West (Q15935)(latest) (archived)
- medical condition (P1050) has some interesting points. Check references, new tags I found valuable: quotation (P1683)(put emphasis on a part of the text that is deemed relevant for the reference)
Understanding Lexemes
Interesting questions about Lexemes from project chat
Swedish Wikimedia projects
Mitt användarnamn kan uttalas "Ellinterest".
- Lite random. Hur man gör en förfrågan i wikidata för att hitta ett visst CASnummer om det finns i något objekt i wikidata.
Två relevanta frågor(wikidata)
Läste om Steve Jobs och så hamnade jag på lifestyle (P1576): vegetarianism (Q83364) och perfectionism (Q1121749). Finns mycket i mänskligt beteende och egenskaper som finns att analysera.
Här har vi personer som är inlagda på wikidata med följande medical condition (P1050) (tillsvidare):
- APD( antisocial personality disorder (Q118418)
- histrionisk personlighetsstörning( histrionic personality disorder (Q845787)
- bipolär sjukdom( bipolar disorder (Q131755)
Projekt medicin/psykologi/psykiatri mm. som jag är intresserad av att delta i:
English Wikimedia projects
My username can be pronounced "El Interest"
I spend some time trying to find a reliable source for the claim that the people have APD which are found in the [[Wikipedia:Category:People_with_antisocial_personality_disorder|Category:People_with_antisocial_personality_disorder]]:
- Gary Gilmore (Q560440) - no reliable source found. Most articles on internet searches were just copying the Wikipedia article content.
Articles which I find useful for good/interesting structure:
- There is a table of who claimed what diagnosis Luka Magnotta assumingly has during court proceedings. I find this table helpful.
the status of privacy in Sweden
- This article gives me inspiration to learn more about privacy laws in Sweden
Links to interesting sites and other inspiration I got from a fellow wikidata user
- , check out "Usage of subclasses of actors" and the existing values can be replaced by even some wikidata SPARQL queries.
- More geographic boundaries and areas could need an OpenStreetMap relation ID (P402) identifier. Examples are: Nämdöfjärden (Q10605053), Jaktstuguskogen (Q10539363)