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Cisco Wide Area Bonjour


The modern operating systems on computer, mobile, collaboration and more relies on Multicast DNS protocol to support zero-configuration rich services. The mDNS protocol designed by Apple later standardized in RFC6762 is widely adopted by global consumer and commercial grade products. The stand-alone non-routable protocol design is purpose-built to dynamically distribute and discover services within same Layer 2 network broadcast domain, also knowns as Flood-and-Learn (FLN). As enterprise LAN and WLAN networks provides global IP connectivity to mDNS endpoints, the IT organization require to support services between across campus IP subnets.

mDNS Requirements in Enterprise Networks


The enterprise LAN switches and Wireless controllers supports basic mDNS inter-VLAN proxy gateway but additional conditions are required to build efficient and scalable mDNS solution in large enterprise networks:

  • Unicast : The mDNS services to be discovered with Zero-configuration beyond single VLAN, IP subnet or Layer 3 routed network device(s) without extending Layer 2 broadcast domain in any form, i.e., extending VLANs in any form to the centralized mDNS gateway system such as Wireless controllers.
  • Security : In zero-trust network environment stringent security policy demands to limit mDNS device-type(s), service-type(s), user-roles in specific or across any networks.
  • Location : The dynamic mDNS service discovery boundary requirement may required to be within close-proximity limits, stretched across floors and buildings or at variable distance in enterprise based on use-cases.
  • Scalable : The traditional centralized mDNS gateway also known as "Service-On-Stick" may be ideal for small to mid-size environments. The central mDNS gateway becomes create bottleneck as network expands with increased mDNS endpoints, each supporting broad-range of services and combined with large VLANs, subnets and IP gateways.
  • Seamless : With incremental new network service offering the enabling the function in network shall be least to non-disruptive suggesting major design, product infrastructure upgrades.