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List of minor Greek mythological figures

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This list contains persons named in ancient Greek religion and mythology of minor notability, about whom either nothing or very little is known, aside from any family connections.


Name Ancient Greek Description
Abarbarea Ἀβαρβαρέη the name of several mythological figures
Abaris Ἄβαρις the name of several mythological figures
Abas Ἄβας the name of several mythological figures
Abderus Ἄβδηρος aided Heracles during his eighth labour and was killed by the Mares of Diomedes
Abia Ἀβία nursemaid of Glenus, a son of Heracles
Abrasax Ἀβρασάξ name of a divine being in the Greek Magical Papyri[1]
Abrota Ἀβρώτη wife of Nisos, king of Megara
Acallaris Ἀκαλλαρίδος daughter of Eumedes
Acamas Ἀκάμας the name of several mythological figures
Acarnan Ἀκαρνάν the name of several mythological figures
Acaste Ἀκάστη the name of several mythological figures
Achaeus Ἀχαιός the name of several mythological figures
Achates Ἀχάτης the name of several mythological figures
Achelois Ἀχελωίς the name of several mythological figures
Acmon Ἄκμων the name of several mythological figures
Acoetes Ἀκοίτης the name of several mythological figures
Aconteus Ἀκόντιος the name of several mythological figures
Akraia Ἀκραία the name of several mythological figures
Acraepheus Ἀκραιφεύς a son of Apollo
Actaea Ἀκταία the name of several mythological figures
Actaeon Ἀκταίων a hunter transformed into a stag by Artemis and devoured by his own hounds
Actaeus Ἀκταῖος the name of several mythological figures
Actor Ἄκτωρ the name of several mythological figures
Admete Ἀδμήτη the name of several mythological figures
Admetus Ἄδμητος the name of several mythological figures
Adraste Ἀδρήστη the name of several mythological figures
Adrasteia Ἀδράστεια the name of several mythological figures
Adrastus Ἄδραστος the name of several mythological figures
Aegaeon Αἰγαίων the name of several mythological figures
Aegiale Αἰγιάλη/Αἰγιάλεια the name of several mythological figures
Aegialeus Αἰγιαλεύς the name of several mythological figures
Aegimius Αἰγίμιος a king of Thessaly and progenitor of the Dorians
Aegle Αἴγλη the name of several mythological figures
Aegyptus Αἴγυπτος the name of several mythological figures
Aepytus Αἵπυτος the name of several mythological figures
Aedon Ἀηδών daughter of Pandareus, changed into a nightingale
Aello Ἀελλώ the name of several mythological figures
Aeolus Αἴολος the name of several mythological figures
Aepytus Αἴπυτος the name of several mythological figures
Aerope Ἀερόπη the name of several mythological figures
Aesacus Αἴσακος son of Priam who was transformed into a bird
Aesepus Αἴσηπος the name of several mythological figures
Aethalides Αἰθαλίδης the name of several mythological figures
Aethilla Αἴθιλλα/Αἴθυλλα sister of Priam, king of Troy
Aethlius Ἀέθλιος first king of Elis
Aethra Αἴθρα the name of several mythological figures
Aetolus Αἰτωλός the name of several mythological figures
Agamede Ἀγαμήδη the name of several mythological figures
Agamedes Ἀγαμήδης a famed architect
Aganippe Ἀγανίππη the name of several mythological figures
Agapenor Ἀγαπήνωρ leader of the Arcadians during the Trojan War
Agasthenes Ἀγασθένης a king of Elis
Agastrophus Ἀγάστροφος a Paeonian ally of the Trojans
Agave Ἀγαύη the name of several mythological figures
Agelaus Ἀγέλαος the name of several mythological figures
Agenor Ἀγήνωρ the name of several mythological figures
Aglaea Ἀγλαία the name of several mythological figures
Aglaulus Ἄγλαυρος the name of several mythological figures
Agreus Ἀγρεύς the name of several mythological figures
Agrius Ἄγριος the name of several mythological figures
Agron Ἄγρων son of Eumelus who was transformed into a plover for disrespecting Hermes, Athena and Artemis
Alabandus Ἀλάβανδος the founder of the town of Alabanda
Alastor Ἀλάστωρ the name of several mythological figures
Alcaeus Ἀλκαίος the name of several mythological figures
Alcander Ἄλκανδρος the name of several mythological figures
Alcathous Ἀλκάθοος the name of several mythological figures
Alcidice Ἀλκιδίκη wife of Salmoneus, king of Elis
Alcimache Ἀλκιμάχη the name of several mythological figures
Alcimede Ἀλκιμέδη the name of several mythological figures
Alcimedes Ἀλκιμέδης the name of several mythological figures
Alcimedon Ἀλκιμέδων the name of several mythological figures
Alcimenes Ἀλκιμένης the name of several mythological figures
Alcimus Ἄλκιμος the name of several mythological figures
Alcinoe Ἀλκινόη the name of several mythological figures
Alcippe Ἀλκίππη the name of several mythological figures
Alcmene Ἀλκμήνη mother of Heracles
Alcon Ἄλκων the name of several mythological figures
Alcyone Ἀλκυών/Ἀλκυόνη the name of several mythological figures
Alector Ἀλέκτωρ the name of several mythological figures
Alexirrhoe Ἀλεξιῥῤόη the name of several mythological figures
Alke Ἀλκή the name of several mythological figures
Almus Ἄλμος one of the sons of Sisyphus
Aloeus Ἀλωεύς the name of several mythological figures
Alope Ἀλόπη a woman seduced by Poseidon in the form of a kingfisher
Alphesiboea Ἀλφεσιβοίας the name of several mythological figures
Althaea Ἀλθαία mother of Meleager
Althaemenes Ἀλθαιμένης son of Catreus, king of Crete; it was prophesied he would kill his own father
Amarynceus Ἀμαρυγκεύς a chief of the Eleans
Ameinias Ἀμεινίας a boy who fell in love with Narcissus
Amethystos Ἀμέθυστος a maiden that was changed into amethyst
Ampelos Ἂμπελος a satyr who was a personification of the grapevine and lover of Dionysus
Amphictyon Ἀμφικτύων a king of Athens
Amphidamas Ἀμφιδάμας the name of several mythological figures
Amphimachus Ἀμφίμαχος the name of several mythological figures
Amphinome Ἀμφινόμη the name of several mythological figures
Amphinomus Ἀμφίνομος a son of Nisos and one of Penelope's suitors during the Odyssey
Amphion Ἀμφίων) the name of several mythological figures
Amphissa Ἄμφισσα the name of several mythological figures
Amphithea Ἀμφιθέα the name of several mythological figures
Amphithemis Ἀμφίθεμις the name of several mythological figures
Amphius Ἄμφιος the name of several mythological figures
Ampyx Ἄμπυξ the name of several mythological figures
Amyclas Ἀμύκλας the name of several mythological figures
Amycus Ἄμυκος the name of several mythological figures
Amymone Ἀμυμώνη the one daughter of Danaus who refused to murder her husband, thus escaping her sisters' punishment
Amyntor Ἀμύντωρ the name of several mythological figures
Amythaon Ἀμυθάων a son of Cretheus, father of Melampus and Bias
Anaxagoras Ἀναξαγόρας a king of Argos
Anaxarete Ἀναξαρέτη a Cypriot maiden turned to stone by Aphrodite for refusing her suitor's advances
Anaxibia Ἀναξίβια the name of several mythological figures
Anaxo Ἀναξώ the name of several mythological figures
Ancaeus Ἀγκαῖος the name of two separate Argonauts, each of whom was killed by a boar
Anchiale Ἀγχιάλη the name of several mythological figures
Anchialus Ἀγχίαλος the name of several mythological figures
Anchirroe Ἀγχιρρόη the name of several mythological figures
Andraemon Ἀνδραίμων the name of several mythological figures
Andreus Ἀνδρεύς the name of several mythological figures
Androgeus Ἀνδρόγεως the name of several mythological figures
Antenor Ἀντήνωρ a counselor of Priam
Anthas/Anthes Ἄνθας/Ἄνθης founder and king of Anthea, a part of what later became Troezen
Anthedon Ἀνθηδών the name of several mythological figures
Antheus Ἀνθεύς the name of several mythological figures
Antianeira Ἀντιανείρης the name of several mythological figures
Anthus Ἄνθος the name of several mythological figures
Anticlea Ἀντίκλεια mother of Odysseus
Anticlus Ἄντικλος one of the Greek warriors who hid inside the Trojan Horse
Antigone Ἀντιγόνη the name of several mythological figures
Antilochus Ἀντίλοχος a son of Nestor who participated in the Trojan War
Antimachus Ἀντίμαχος the name of several mythological figures
Antinoe Ἀντινόη the name of several mythological figures
Antinous Ἀντίνοος the name of several mythological figures
Antiochus Ἀντίοχος the name of several mythological figures
Antion Ἀντίων father of Ixion
Antiope Ἀντιόπη the name of several mythological figures
Antiphates Ἀντιφάτης the name of several mythological figures
Antiphus Ἄντιφος the name of several mythological figures
Apemosyne Ἀπημοσύνη a daughter of Catreus who was raped by Hermes
Aphareus Ἀφαρεύς the name of several mythological figures
Apheidas Ἀφείδας the name of several mythological figures
Apis Ἄπις the name of several mythological figures
Apisaon Ἀπισάων the name of several mythological figures
Apsyrtus Ἄψυρτος a son of Aeëtes, murdered by his sister Medea
Arabius Ἀράβιος the name of several mythological figures
Arcadia Ἀρκαδία the name of several mythological figures
Arcas Ἀρκάς son of Zeus and Callisto
Arceophon Ἀρκεοφῶν a Phoenician man who committed suicide after being spurned by his beloved
Arcesilaus Ἀρκεσίλαος one of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War
Archemachus Ἀρχέμαχoς the name of several mythological figures
Architeles Ἀρχιτέλης the name of several mythological figures
Areilycus Ἀρηίλυκος the name of several mythological figures
Areithous Ἀρηίθοος the name of several mythological figures
Aretaona Ἀρετάων the name of several mythological figures
Arete Ἀρήτη wife of Alcinous
Arethusa Ἀρέθουσα the name of several mythological figures
Aretus Ἄρητος the name of several mythological figures
Arganthone Ἀργανθώνη famed huntress and lover of Rhesus
Arge Ἄργην the name of several mythological figures
Argeus Ἀργεύς the name of several mythological figures
Argia Ἀργεία the name of several mythological figures
Argiope Ἀργιόπη the name of several mythological figures
Argus Ἄργος the name of several mythological figures
Argynnus Ἄργυννος beloved of Agamemnon
Arisbas Ἀρίσβας the name of several mythological figures
Arisbe Ἀρίσβη the name of several mythological figures
Aristodemus Ἀριστόδημος A descendant of Heracles who helped lead the Dorian Invasion
Aristomachus Ἀριστόμαχος the name of several mythological figures
Arsinoe Ἀρσινόη the name of several mythological figures
Arsinoos Ἀρσίνοος the name of several mythological figures
Ascalabus Ἀσκάλαβος a boy who was changed into a lizard by Demeter
Ascalaphus Ἀσκάλαφος the name of several mythological figures
Asius Ἄσιος the name of two people who fought during the Trojan War
Asopis Ἀσωπίς the name of several mythological figures
Aspalis Ἀσπαλίς a maiden of Melite, Phthia associated with a local cult of Artemis
Astacus Ἄστακος the name of several mythological figures
Asteria Ἀστερία the name of several mythological figures
Asterius Ἀστέριος the name of several mythological figures
Asterodia Ἀστεροδεία the name of several mythological figures
Asteropaios Ἀστεροπαῖος a Paeonian ally of the Trojans
Asterope Ἀστεροπή the name of several mythological figures
Astraeus Ἀστραῖος the name of several mythological figures
Astyanassa Ἀστυάνασσα Helen of Troy's maid
Astyanax Ἀστυάναξ infant son of Hector and Andromache, killed during the Sack of Troy
Astycrateia Ἀστυκράτεια the name of several mythological figures
Astydameia Ἀστυδάμεια the name of several mythological figures
Astynome Ἀστυνόμη the name of several mythological figures
Astynous Ἀστύνοος the name of several mythological figures
Astyoche Ἀστυόχη the name of several mythological figures
Astypalaea Ἀστυπάλαια a lover of Poseidon
Atrax Ἄτραξ founder of Atracia in Thessaly
Atymnius Ἀτύμνιος the name of several mythological figures
Auge Αὐγή mother of the hero Telephus
Autochthe Αὐτόχθη a daughter of Perseus and Andromeda who married Aegeus
Autolycus Αὐτόλυκο a son of Hermes
Automedon Αὐτομέδων Achilles' charioteer
Autonoë Αὐτόλυκο the name of several mythological figures
Autonous Αὐτόνοος the name of several mythological figures
Axion Ἀξιόν) the name of several mythological figures
Axylus Ἄξυλος a participant in the Trojan War who fought on the side of Troy
Azan Ἀζᾶν the name of several mythological figures


Name Ancient Greek Description
Batea Βάτεια wife of Dardanus and mother of Ilus
Baubo Βαυβώ an old woman who jested with Demeter while the goddess was mourning the loss of Persephone
Baucis Βαυκίς a virtuous old woman whose hospitality the gods rewarded
Bianna Βίαννα a Cretan woman who migrated to Gaul and disappeared in a chasm of the earth
Bienor Βιήνωρ the name of several mythological figures
Biston Βίστων a son of Ares and eponym of Bistonia in Thrace
Bolina Βολίνα a mortal woman transformed into an immortal nymph by Apollo
Bormus Βῶρμος a Mariandynian youth abducted by nymphs
Borus Βῶρος the name of several mythological figures
Botres Βότρης a son of Eumelus, transformed into a bee-eater
Briseis Βρισηίς a princess of Lyrnessus, taken by Achilles as a war prize
Briseus Βρισεύς father of Briseis
Broteas Βροτέας a son of Tantalus
Bucolion Βουκολίων illegitimate son of the Trojan king Laomedon and half-brother of Priam
Budeia Βούδεια name of two separate figures
Buphagus Βουφάγου a son of Iapetus
Bura Βούρα a daughter of Ion
Butes Βούτης the name of several mythological figures
Byblis Βυβλίς a woman who fell in love with her twin brother


Name Ancient Greek Description
Caeneus Καινεύς formerly Caenis, a woman who was transformed into a man and became a mighty warrior
Calesius Καλήσιος Axylus' charioteer
Caletor Καλήτωρ the name of two men involved in the Trojan War
Calais Κάλαις an Argonaut and son of Boreas
Callidice Καλλιδίκη queen of Thesprotia and wife of Odysseus
Callithyia Καλλίθυια the first priestess of Hera
Calyce Καλύκη the name of several mythological figures
Calydon Καλυδὼν eponym of Calydon Aetolia
Calypso Καλυψώ the name of several mythological figures
Canace Κανάκη daughter of Aeolus and lover of Poseidon
Canethus Κάνηθος the name of several mythological figures
Canthus Κάνθος the name of several mythological figures
Capaneus Καπανεύς an arrogant warrior who was struck down by Zeus
Capys Κάπυς the name of several mythological figures
Carius Κάριος son of Zeus believed to have learned music from nymphs
Carystus Κάρυστος son of Chiron
Cassiopeia Κασσιόπεια the name of several mythological figures
Caucon Καύκων the name of several mythological figures
Caunus Καῦνος son of Miletus who fled from his twin sister's incestuous advances
Cebriones Κεβριόνης illegitimate son of Priam
Celtine Κελτίνη a Celtic princess and lover of Heracles
Cerambus Κέραμβος a talented yet arrogant singer who was transformed into a beetle
Cerdo Κερδοῦς wife of Phoroneus
Cestrinus Κεστρῖνος son of Helenus and Andromache
Ceyx Κήυξ husband of Alcyone
Chaeresilaus Χαιρησίλεω son of Iasius
Chalciope Χαλκιόπη the name of several mythological figures
Chalcodon Χαλκώδων the name of several mythological figures
Charops Χάροψ the name of several mythological figures
Chelone Χελώνη changed into a tortoise by Hermes
Chione Χιόνη the name of several mythological figures
Chloris Χλωρίς the name of several mythological figures
Chromia Χρωμία daughter of Itonus
Chrysanthis Χρυσανθίς a woman who told Demeter of the abduction of Persephone
Chrysaor Χρυσάωρ son of Medusa and brother of Pegasus
Chryseis Χρυσηίς a woman enslaved as a war prize by Agamemnon, who was later forced to return her
Chryses Χρύσης a priest of Apollo and father of Chryseis
Chrysippe Χρυσίππη the name of several mythological figures
Chrysippus Χρύσιππος a divine hero of Elis
Chrysothemis Χρυσόθεμις the name of several mythological figures
Chthonia Χθωνία the name of several mythological figures
Chthonius Χθόνιος the name of several mythological figures
Chthonophyle Χθονοφύλη a daughter of Sicyon and wife of Phlias
Cilix Κίλιξ founder of Cilicia
Cilla Κίλλα the name of several mythological figures
Cleite Κλείτη the name of several mythological figures
Cleitus Κλεῖτος the name of several mythological figures
Cleoboea Κλεόβοια the name of several mythological figures
Cleobule Κλεοβούλη the name of several mythological figures
Cleodaeus Κλεοδαῖος grandson of Heracles
Cleopatra Κλεοπάτρη wife of Meleager
Clinis Κλεῖνις a Babylonian man, transformed into a bird
Clonius Κλονίος the name of several mythological figures
Clymene Κλυμένη the name of several mythological figures
Clymenus Κλύμενος the name of several mythological figures
Clytie Κλυτίη the name of several mythological figures
Clytius Κλυτίος the name of several mythological figures
Clytodora Κλυτοδώρα the name of several mythological figures
Clytus Κλύτος the name of several mythological figures
Coeranus Κοίρανος the name of several mythological figures
Comaetho Κομαιθώ the name of several mythological figures
Coon Κόων son of Antenor who fell against Agamemnon
Copreus Κοπρεύς herald of Eurystheus
Coresus Κόρησος the name of several mythological figures
Coronis Κορωνίς the name of several mythological figures
Cragaleus Κραγαλεύς a man transformed into stone by Apollo
Cratos Κράτος god of strength
Crete Κρήτη the name of several mythological figures
Creusa Κρέουσα the name of several mythological figures
Crino Κρινώ the name of several mythological figures
Crisus Κρῖσος founder of the town of Crissa
Ctesippus Κτήσιππος the name of several mythological figures
Ctesylla Κτήσυλλα a maiden of Ioulis
Ctimene Κτιμένη younger sister of Odysseus
Cyanippus Κυάνιππος the name of several mythological figures
Cychreus Κυχρεύς son of Poseidon and Salamis
Cycnus Κύκνος the name of several mythological figures, most of whom were transformed into swans
Cydippe Κυδίππη the name of several mythological figures
Cydon Κύδων the name of several mythological figures
Cynurus Κύνουρος a son of Perseus
Cyparissus Κυπάρισσος a boy beloved by Apollo and transformed into a cypress tree after his death


Name Ancient Greek Description
Daedalion Δαιδαλίων a man transformed by Apollo into a hawk
Daedalus Δαίδαλος a skilled inventor and artisan
Dascylus Δάσκυλος the name of several mythological figures
Deileon Δηιλέων the name of several mythological figures
Deimachus Δηίμαχος the name of several mythological figures
Deioneus/Deion Δηιονεύς/Δηίων the name of several mythological figures
Deiphobus Δηίφοβος a son of Priam and Hecuba who fought in the Trojan War
Deipyle Δηιπύλη wife of Tydeus and mother of Diomedes
Delphus Δέλφος the name of several mythological figures
Demodice Δημοδίκη the name of several mythological figures
Demonassa Δημώνασσα the name of several mythological figures
Demonice Δημονίκη the name of several mythological figures
Demophon of Eleusis Δημοφῶν a son of Celeus, king of Eleusis, whom Demeter attempted and failed to immortalize
Deucalion Δευκαλίων survivor of the Deluge
Dexamenus Δεξάμενος the name of several mythological figures
Dia Δία mother of Pirithoos
Dias Δίας the name of two mythological figures
Dictys Δίκτυς the name of several mythological figures
Dimoetes Διμοίτης brother of Troezen
Diocles Διοκλῆς the name of several mythological figures
Diomede Διομήδη the name of several mythological figures
Dirce Δίρκη wife of Lycus
Dius Δῖος the name of several mythological figures
Dolius Δολίος a slave of Penelope
Dolon Δόλων a fast runner who fought for Troy in the Trojan War
Dolops Δόλοψ the name of several mythological figures
Dolus a apprentice of Prometheus
Dorus Δῶρος progenitor of the Dorians
Dotis Δωτίδος the name of several mythological figures
Dryas Δρύας the name of several mythological figures
Dryope Δρυόπη a woman transformed into a black poplar
Dymas Δύμας the name of several mythological figures


Name Ancient Greek Description
Echion Ἐχίων the name of several mythological figures
Echetlus/Ekhetlaios Ἔχετλος/Ἐχετλαῖος an Athenian mythical hero fought in the Battle of Marathon
Eioneus Ἠιονεύς the name of several mythological figures
Electryone Ἠλεκτρυώνην a daughter of Helios and Rhode
Eleius Ἠλεῖος the name of several mythological figures
Eleusis Ἐλευσῖνι eponymous hero of the town of Eleusis
Eleuther Ἐλευθήρ the name of several mythological figures
Elpenor Ἐλπήνωρ a crew member of Odysseus, who died in an accident; his shade approached Odysseus in the Underworld to beg him for a proper burial
Elymus Ἔλυμος progenitor of the Elymians
Emathion Ἠμαθίων the name of several mythological figures
Enalus Ἔναλος a man from Lesbos
Enarete Ἐναρέτη wife of Aeolus
Endeis/Endais Ἐνδηίς/Ἐνδαίς daughter of Chiron
Endymion Ἐνδυμίων eternally sleeping lover of the moon goddess Selene
Enyeus Ἐνυεύς the name of several mythological figures
Epeius Ἐπειός the name of several mythological figures
Epicasta Ἐπικάστη the name of several mythological figures
Epidaurus Ἐπίδαυρος eponymous hero of the city Epidaurus
Epipole Ἐπιπολή a woman that went to Trojan War in disguise of a man
Epirus Ἤπειρος daughter of Agave and Echion, after whom the region of Epirus was named
Epistrophus Ἐπίστροφος the name of several mythological figures
Episteme ἐπιστήμη Episteme is a personification of knowledge or science
Epochus Ἔποχος the name of several mythological figures
Epopeus Ἐπωπεύς the name of several mythological figures
Ereuthalion Ἐρευθαλίων the name of several mythological figures
Eribotes Ἐρυβώτης one of the Argonauts
Eriopis Ἐριῶπις the name of several mythological figures
Eriphyle Ἐριφύλη mother of Alcmaeon and wife of Amphiaraus
Erymanthus Ἐρύμανθος the name of several mythological figures
Erythras Ἐρύθραν the name of several mythological figures
Euippe Εὐίππη the name of several mythological figures
Euchenor Εὐχήνωρ the name of several mythological figures
Eulimene Εὐλιμήνη a Cretan girl who was put to death after having an affair with a man other than her betrothed
Eumaeus Εὔμαιος Odysseus' loyal swineherd
Eumedes Εὐμήδης the name of several mythological figures
Eunostus Εὔνοστος a Boeotian hero
Euphorion Εὐφορίων son of Achilles and Helen
Europs Εὕρωψ the name of several mythological figures
Euryalus Εὐρύαλος the name of several mythological figures
Euryanassa Εὐρυάνασσα the name of several mythological figures
Eurybates Εὐρυβάτης herald of the Greek armies and squire to Odysseus during the Trojan War
Eurycleia Εὐρύκλεια the name of several mythological figures
Eurycyda Εὐρυκύδα a lover of Poseidon
Eurydamas Εὐρυδάμας the name of several mythological figures
Eurydice Εὐρυδίκη the name of several mythological figures
Eurylochus Εὐρύλοχος the name of several mythological figures
Eurymachus Εὐρύμαχος the name of several mythological figures
Eurymedon Εὐρυμέδοντα the name of several mythological figures
Eurymedousa Εὐρυμέδουσα the name of several mythological figures
Eurypyle Εὐρυπύλη the name of several mythological figures
Eurypylus Εὐρύπυλος the name of several mythological figures
Euryte Εὐρύτη the name of several mythological figures
Eurythemis Εὐρυθέμιδος the name of several mythological figures
Eurythemista Εὐρυθεμίστη the name of several mythological figures
Eurytion Εὐρυτίων the name of several mythological figures
Eurytus Εὔρυτος the name of several mythological figures
Evaechme Εὐαίχμη the name of several mythological figures
Evippus Εὔιππος the name of several mythological figures


Name Ancient Greek Description
Galanthis/Galinthias Γαλανθίς/Γαλινθιάς servant and friend of Alcmene, who foiled Hera's plan to prevent Heracles' birth and was transformed into a weasel in punishment
Gerana Γεράνα a Pygmy queen changed into a crane
Golgos Γόλγος son of Adonis and Aphrodite
Gorge Γόργη the name of several mythological figures
Gorgo Γοργόνος the name of several mythological figures
Gorgophone Γοργοφόνη daughter of Perseus and Andromeda
Guneus Γουνεὐς the name of several mythological figures


Name Ancient Greek Description
Haemon Αἵμων the name of several mythological figures
Halaesus Ἅλαισος the name of several mythological figures
Halirrhothius Ἁλιρρόθιος a son of Poseidon who was killed by Ares
Harpalion Ἁρπαλίων the name of several mythological figures
Harpalyce Ἁρπαλύκη the name of several mythological figures
Harpalycus Ἁρπάλυκος the name of several mythological figures
Hecamede Ἑκαμήδη daughter of Arsinoos who was captured and given to Nestor as a servant
Heleus Ἕλειος a son of Perseus and Andromeda
Hemithea Ἡμιθέα princess of the Island of Naxos who leapt into the sea to escape her father's wrath; Apollo transformed her into demi-goddess
Henioche Ἡνιόχη the name of several mythological figures
Herippe Ἑρίππη a woman from Miletus, abducted by the Gauls
Hermippe Ἑρμίππη wife of Orchomeus and mother of Minyas by Poseidon
Hero Ἡρώ priestess of Aphrodite who inadvertedly caused her lover Leandros' death and then died of suicide by throwing herself into the water
Hesychia Ἡσυχείη personification of quiet and silence
Hilaeira Ἱλάειρα one of the Leucippides, wife of Castor
Hippocoon Ἱπποκόων the name of several mythological figures
Hippodamas Ἱπποδάμας the name of several mythological figures
Hippodamia Ἱπποδάμεια the name of several mythological figures
Hippolytus Ἱππόλυτος a son of Theseus
Hippotes Ἱππότης the name of several mythological figures
Hippothoe Ἱπποθόη the name of several mythological figures
Hippothous Ἱππόθοος the name of several mythological figures
Hodites Ὁδίτην the name of several mythological figures
Hodoedocus Ὁδοίδοκος son of Cynus, father of Oileus
Hyacinthus Ὑάκινθος a lover of Apollo changed into a flower
Hyacinthus of Lacedaemon Ὑάκινθος father of four daughters who were sacrificed to avert plague
Hyamus Ὕαμος maternal grandfather of Delphus
Hyettus Ὕηττος an Argive, reputedly the first person to ever commit murder over adultery
Hylas Ὕλας arms bearer to Heracles
Hyllus Ὕλλος son of Heracles and Deianira
Hyperbius Ὑπέρβιος the name of several mythological figures
Hyperenor Ὑπερήνωρ the name of several mythological figures
Hyperes Ὑπέρης the name of several mythological figures
Hyperippe Ὑπερίππη the name of several mythological figures
Hypermnestra Ὑπερμνήστρα the name of several mythological figures
Hyperochus Ὑπέροχος the name of several mythological figures
Hyperphas Ὑπέρφαντος the name of several mythological figures
Hypsenor Ὑψήνωρ the name of several mythological figures
Hyrmine Ὑρμίνη the wife of Phorbas
Hyrnetho Ὑρνηθώ the wife of Deiphontes


Name Ancient Greek Description
Ialmenus Ἰάλμενος a son of Ares who sailed with the Argonauts
Iasus Ἴασος the name of several mythological figures
Icarius Ἰκάριος the name of several mythological figures
Icarus Ἴκαρος a son of Daedalus, who fell to his death
Iliona Ἰλιόνη a daughter of Priam and wife of Polymestor
Ilioneus Ἰλιονεύς the name of several mythological figures
Imbrius Ἴμβριος a son-in-law of Priam
Ino Ἰνώ a Theban princess who became the sea goddess Leucothea
Iodame Ἰοδάμαν daughter of Itonus, turned to stone by Athena
Iolaus Ἰόλαος a nephew of Heracles who aided his uncle in one of his Labors
Iole Ἰόλη a daughter of Eurytus
Ion Ἴων a son of Apollo and Creusa, wife of Xuthus
Iphianassa Ἰφιάνασσα the name of several mythological figures
Iphianeira Ἰφιάνειρα the name of several mythological figures
Iphicles Ἰφικλῆς the name of several mythological figures
Iphidamas Ἰφιδάμας the name of several mythological figures
Iphimedeia Ἰφιμέδεια a lover of Poseidon
Iphinoe Ἰφινόη the name of several mythological figures
Iphitus Ἴφιτος the name of several mythological figures
Iphthime Ἰφθίμη the name of several mythological figures
Itonus Ἴτωνος the name of several mythological figures


Name Ancient Greek Description
Lamedon Λαμέδων a son of Coronus of Sicyon
Lampus Λάμπος the name of several mythological figures
Laodamas Λαοδάμας the name of several mythological figures
Laodamia Λαοδάμεια the name of several mythological figures
Laodice Λαοδίκη a daughter of Priam
Laonome Λαονόμη the name of several mythological figures
Leontichus Λεόντιχος star-crossed lover stoned to death for his affair with the betrothed Rhodine
Laophoon Λαοφόων a Paeonian ally of the Trojans in the Trojan War
Laothoe Λαοθόη the name of several mythological figures
Lapithes Λαπίθης the name of several mythological figures
Leandros Λέανδρος lover of Hero who died trying to make his way to her tower in the middle of swimming across a river after her torch went out
Leitus Λήιτος a leader of the Achaean forces during the Trojan War
Leos Λεώς name of two Attic heroes
Lepreus Λεπρεύς a grandson of Poseidon and an enemy of Heracles
Lethaea Ληθαία a woman turned into stone for her vanity
Leucippus Λεύκιππος the name of several mythological figures
Leucon Λεύκων the name of several mythological figures
Leuconoe Λευκονόη the name of several mythological figures
Leucophrye Λευκοφρύνη daughter of Mandrolytus; she betrayed her city for the love of a man
Leucus Λεῦκος the name of several mythological figures
Lityerses Λιτυέρσης a son of Midas killed by Heracles, and eponym of a kind of reaping songs
Lophis Λόφις the young son of a Boeotian king
Lycaon Λυκάων the name of several mythological figures
Lycaste Λυκάστη the name of several mythological figures
Lycastus Λύκαστος the name of several mythological figures
Lycorus Λυκωρεύς the name of several mythological figures
Lycurgus Λυκοῦργος the name of several mythological figures
Lynceus Λυγκεύς king of Argos
Lysianassa Λυσιάνασσα the name of several mythological figures
Lysimache Λυσιμάχη the name of several mythological figures
Lysippe Λυσίππη the name of several mythological figures


Name Ancient Greek Description
Machaon Μαχάων a physician and son of Asclepius who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War
Macris Μακρἰς a daughter of Aristaeus and Autonoe
Maeon Μαίων the name of several mythological figures
Magnes Μάγνης the name of several mythological figures
Mantius Μάντιος a son of Melampus and father of Cleitus
Mariandynus Μαριανδυνός eponymous hero of the Mariandyni
Mecisteus Μηκιστεύς the name of several mythological figures
Meda Μήδα the name of several mythological figures
Medôn Μέδων the name of several mythological figures
Megapenthes Μεγαπένθης the name of several mythological figures
Melanippus Μελάνιππος the name of several mythological figures
Melantho Μελανθώ the name of several mythological figures
Melas Μέλας the name of several mythological figures
Meliboea Μελίβοια the name of several mythological figures
Melicertes Μελικέρτης son of Athamas and Ino who was transformed into the marine god Palaemon
Melite Μελίτη the name of several mythological figures
Memphis Μέμφις the name of several mythological figures
Menippe Μενίππη a daughter of Orion who was transformed into a comet
Messene Μεσσήνη an ambitious Argive princess for whom Messenia was named
Metaneira Μετάνειρα wife of Celeus, king of Eleusis
Metioche Μενίππη a daughter of Orion who was transformed into a comet
Mestor Μήστωρ the name of several mythological figures
Mestra Μήστρα daughter of Erysichthon who possessed the gift of shape-shifting
Miletus Μίλητος a son of Apollo and founder of the city Miletus
Minyas Μινύας the founder of Orchomenus in Boeotia
Molurus Μόλουρος the man killed by Hyettus
Munichus Μούνιχος the name of several mythological figures
Myrina Μύρινα the name of several mythological figures
Myrmidon Μυρμιδόνος the eponymous progenitor of the Myrmidons
Myrmidone Μυρμιδών the name of several mythological figures
Myrrha Μύρρα the mother of Adonis
Myrtilus Μυρτίλος the charioteer of Oenomaus
Myrto Μυρτώ the name of several mythological figures
Mysius Μύσιος an Argive who offered hospitality to Demeter
Mytilene Μυτιλήνη the name of several mythological figures


Name Ancient Greek Description
Narcissus Νάρκισσος a young man who fell in love with his own reflection
Naubolus Ναύβολος the name of several mythological figures
Nausicaa Ναυσικάα a Phaeacian princess who aided Odysseus
Nausithous Ναυσίθοος the name of several mythological figures
Neleus Νηλεύς king of Pylos.
Neoptolemus Νεοπτόλεμος a son of Achilles
Nicippe Νικίππη the name of several mythological figures
Nireus Νιρεύς the name of several mythological figures
Nyctimene Νυκτιμένη a woman transformed by Athena into an owl
Nyctimus Νύκτιμος a son of Lycaon who was killed and served up as a meal to Zeus


Name Ancient Greek Description
Oenoe Οἰνόη the name of several mythological figures
Oenone Οἰνώνη the first wife of Paris, whom he abandoned in favour of Helen
Oenotrus Οἴνωτρος a son of Lycaon
Olenus Ὄλενος the name of several mythological figures
Omphale Ὀμφάλη a queen of Lydia to whom Heracles was required to become a slave for the period of a year
Oncius Ὄγκιος a son of Apollo and eponymous hero of Oncium, Arcadia
Orchomenus Ὀρχομενός the name of several mythological figures
Orestheus Ὀρεσθεύς the name of several mythological figures
Orion Ὠρίων a hunter whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion
Orithyia Ὠρείθυια an Athenian princess abducted by Boreas and made the goddess of cold, gusty mountain winds
Ormenus Ὄρμενος the name of several mythological figures
Ornytion Ὀρνύτιων a son of Sisyphus and ruler over Corinth
Ornytus Ὄρνυτόν the name of several mythological figures
Orsilochus Ὀρσίλοχος the name of several mythological figures
Othryoneus Ὀθρυονεύς a suitor of Cassandra
Oxylus Ὄξυλος the name of several mythological figures


Name Ancient Greek Description
Paeon of Paeonia Παίων the father of Agastrophus
Paeon of Messenia Παίων the son of Antilochus
Paeon of Elis Παίων eponym of Paeonia
Paeon (son of Poseidon) Παίων by Helle, sister of Phrixus
Palaemon Παλαίμων the name of several mythological figures
Pallene Παλλήνη the name of several mythological figures
Pandaie Πανδαίη a daughter of Heracles in India
Pandareus Πανδάρεως a friend of Tantalus who got involved with his impious deeds
Pandarus Πάνδαρος a Trojan archer who fought in the Trojan War
Pandora Πανδώρα the name of several mythological figures
Panopeus Πανοπεύς a son of Phocus
Panthous Πάνθοος an elder of Troy
Paris Πάρις a son of Priam whose abduction of Helen resulted in the Trojan War
Parthenos Παρθένος princess of the Island of Naxos who leapt into the sea to escape her father's wrath; and was transformed by Apollo her into a demi-goddess
Parthenopaeus Παρθενοπαῖος one of the Seven Against Thebes
Patroclus Πάτροκλος a comrade/lover of Achilles who was killed by Hector during the Trojan War
Peirous Πείροος a Thracian ally of the Trojans
Peisenor Πεισήνωρ the name of several mythological figures
Peisidice Πεισιδίκη the name of several mythological figures
Peisistratus Πεισίστρατος the youngest son of Nestor
Pelasgus Πελασγός the name of several mythological figures
Pelopia Πελόπεια the name of several mythological figures
Peneleos Πηνελέως an Achaean soldier in the Trojan War
Penthilus Πένθιλος the name of several mythological figures
Periboea Περίβοια the name of several mythological figures
Perigune Περιγούνη daughter of Sinis and lover of Theseus
Perileos Περίλεως the name of several mythological figures
Perimede Περιμήδη the name of several mythological figures
Perimedes Περιμήδης the name of several mythological figures
Periphas Περίφᾱς the name of several mythological figures
Periphetes Περιφήτης the name of several mythological figures
Peristhenes Περισθένης the name of several mythological figures
Petraea Πετραίη the name of several mythological figures
Phaenops Φαῖνοψ the name of several mythological figures
Phaëton Φαέθων the name of several mythological figures
Phalanthus Φάλανθος the name of several mythological figures
Phalerus Φάληρος a son of Alcon who sailed with the Argonauts
Pharis Φᾶρις a son of Hermes and founder of Pharae in Messene
Phemius Φήμιος an Ithacan poet who performs in the house of Odysseus
Pheres Φέρης the name of several mythological figures
Phialo Φιαλώ a lover of Heracles
Philemon Φιλήμων a virtuous old man who was rewarded by Zeus
Philoctetes Φιλοκτήτης a famed archer who participated in the Trojan War
Phlias Φλίας a son of Dionysus who sailed with the Argonauts
Phocus Φῶκος the name of several mythological figures
Phoebe Φοίβη the name of several mythological figures
Phoenix Φοῖνιξ the name of several mythological figures
Phorbas Φόρβας the name of several mythological figures
Phorcys Φόρκυς a Phrygian ally of Priam in the Trojan War
Phrastor Φράστωρ the name of several mythological figures
Phrixus Φρίξος a son of Athamas and Nephele, rescued by Chrysomallus, the ram with the golden fleece
Phrontis Φρονίς a son of Phrixus who sailed with the Argonauts
Phylacus Φύλακος the name of several mythological figures
Phylas Φύλας the name of several mythological figures
Phyleus Φυλεύς a son of Augeas
Phyllis Φυλλίς the wife of Demophon of Athens
Phylonoe Φυλονόη a daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, made immortal by Artemis
Physadeia Φυσάδεια the name of several mythological figures
Physcoa Φυσκόα a member of the Sixteen Women and lover of Dionysus
Phytalus Φύταλος an Attic hero encountered by Demeter
Pieria Πιερία one of the multiple wives of King Danaus of Libya
Pleuron Πλευρῶνος the eponym of Pleuron, Aetolia
Plexippus Πλήξιππος the name of several mythological figures
Podalirius Ποδαλείριος a healer and son of Asclepius who participated in the Trojan War
Polites Πολίτης the name of several mythological figures
Polyboea Πολύβοια the name of several mythological figures
Polycaon Πολυκάων the name of several mythological figures
Polycaste Πολυκάστη the name of several mythological figures
Polydorus Πολύδωρος the name of several mythological figures
Polyidus Πολύειδος a seer from Corinth
Polymele Πολυμήλη the name of several mythological figures
Polypheides Πολυφείδης the name of several mythological figures
Polystratus Πολύστρατος a youth of Dyme, Achaea
Polyxenus Πολύξενος the name of several mythological figures
Polyxo Πολυξώ the name of several mythological figures
Praxithea Πραξιθέα the name of several mythological figures
Presbon Πρέσβων the name of several mythological figures
Proclia Πρόκλεια daughter of Laomedon, sister of Priam and wife of Cycnus
Procrustes Προκρούστης a rogue smith and bandit from Attica who attacked people
Promedon Προμέδων possibly a follower of Orpheus
Pronax Πρῶναξ a brother of Adrastus
Prosymnus Πρόσυμνος a shepherd who aided Dionysus in rescuing Semele from Hades
Protesilaus Πρωτεσίλᾱος the first Greek soldier to die at Troy
Protogeneia Πρωτογένεια the name of several mythological figures
Prothoenor Προθοήνωρ one of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War
Psophis Ψῶφις the name of several mythological figures
Pterelaos Πτερέλαος the name of several mythological figures
Ptous Πτῶος eponym of Mount Ptous in Boeotia
Pygmalion Πυγμαλίων a sculptor who fell in love with his own creation
Pylaeus Πύλαιος a Pelasgian ally of the Trojans
Pylaemenes Πυλαιμένης an Enetian ally of the Trojans
Pyraechmes Πυραίχμης a Paeonian ally of the Trojans
Pyramus Πύραμος tragic lover of Thisbe, on whom Shakespeare's Romeo is based
Pyrrha Πύῤῥα the wife of Deucalion


Name Ancient Greek Description
Rarus Ρᾶρος a possible father of Triptolemus
Rhidine Ῥαδίνη betrothed star-crossed lover stoned to death for her affair with Leontichus
Rhoeo Ῥοιώ a lover of Apollo


Name Ancient Greek Description
Saon Σάων the name of several mythological figures
Sarpedon Σαρπηδών the name of several mythological figures
Schedius Σχεδίος the name of several mythological figures
Schoeneus Σχοινεύς the name of several mythological figures
Scylaceus Σκυλακεύς a Lycian ally of the Trojans. Though wounded by Ajax the Lesser he survived and returned home after the Fall of Troy only to subsequently be stoned to death by several women of Lycia when he told them how their husbands and sons had all died in the war. At the urging of Apollo a monument to Scylaceus was built to make amends for this crime and he was subsequently worshipped as a minor god.
Selemnus Σέλεμνος a man who loved the sea nymph Argyra
Serapis Σάραπις Serapis was a Greco-Egyptian god who combined aspects of Egyptian and Hellenistic religions. He was a composite of the Egyptian gods Osiris and Apis, and the Greek god Zeus. Serapis was associated with many other gods, including Asklepios, Dionysos, and Hades.
Sidero Σιδηρώ stepmother of Tyro
Socus Σῶκος the name of several mythological figures
Solymus Σολύμου ancestral hero of the Solymi tribe in Lycia
Sostratus Σώστρατος a beloved of Heracles
Sparta Σπάρτα the wife of Lacedaemon for whom the city of Sparta was named
Staphylus Στάφυλος the name of several mythological figures
Stentor Στέντωρ a herald of the Greek forces during the Trojan War
Stheneboea Σθενέβοια the daughter of Iobates and consort of Proteus
Sthenele Σθενέλη the name of several mythological figures
Sthenelus Σθένελος the name of several mythological figures
Stratonice Στρατoνίκη the name of several mythological figures
Strophius Στρόφιος the name of several mythological figures
Stymphalus Στύμφαλος the name of several mythological figures
Syleus Συλεύς a Lydian who forced people to dig his vineyard and was killed by Heracles
Syme Σύμη eponym of the island Syme
Sciron Σκίρων son of Poseidon, bandit


Name Ancient Greek Description
Teuthras Τεύθρας a native of Magnesia, who fought at Troy and was killed by Hector and Ares[2]
Teuthras Τεύθρας an Athenian, founder and eponym of Teuthrone in Laconia[3]
Teuthras Τεύθρας Brother of Tyres and one of the companions of Aeneas[4]
Teuthras Τεύθρας a young man of Argos, son of Iphiclus; he was shot to death by the Amazon Hippolyta during the Parthian War[5]
Tecmessa Τέκμησσα the name of several mythological figures
Tegeates Τεγεάτης founder of Tegea
Telecleia Τηλέκλεια a daughter of Ilus and wife of Cisseus
Telegonus Τηλέγονος son of Circe and Odysseus
Telemachus Τηλέμαχος Son of Odysseus and Penelope, and a central character in the Odyssey
Teleon Τελέων father of Butes and Eribotes
Telephassa Τηλέφασσα wife of Agenor and mother of Cadmus
Tenes Τέννης eponymous hero of Tenedos
Termerus Τέρμερος a bandit killed by Heracles
Theiodamas Θειοδάμας the name of several mythological figures
Themiste Θεμίστη a daughter of Ilus and mother of Anchises
Themisto Θεμιστώ the name of several mythological figures
Theobule Θεοβούλη the name of several mythological figures
Theonoe Θεονόη the name of several mythological figures
Theophane Θεοφάνη a lover of Poseidon, changed into an ewe
Thero Θηρώ the name of several mythological figures
Thersander Θέρσανδρος the name of several mythological figures
Thersites Θερσίτης a soldier of the Greek army during the Trojan War
Thespius Θέσπιος founder-king of Thespiae Boeotia
Thestius Θέστιος the father of Iphicles
Thestor Θέστωρ the name of several mythological figures
Thisbe Θίσβη the tragic lover of Pyramus, on whom Shakespeare's Juliet is based
Thoas Θόας the name of several mythological figures
Thoon Θόων the name of several mythological figures
Thrace Θράκη the daughter of Oceanus and Parthenope, and sister of Europa
Thrasymedes Θρασυμήδης soldier who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War
Thymoetes Θυμοίτης the name of several mythological figures
Timandra Τιμάνδρα the daughter of Leda and Tyndareus
Tithonus Τιθωνός a lover of Eos, granted immortality but not eternal youth
Tlepolemus Τληπόλεμος a son of Heracles who fought in the Trojan War of the side of the Greeks
Toxeus Τοξεύς the name of several mythological figures
Trambelus Τράμβηλος a son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax
Trochilus Τρόχιλος possible inventor of the chariot linked to cults of Hera and Demeter
Troezen Τροιζήν a son of Pelops and eponym of the city Troezen
Trophonius Τροφώνιος an architect, brother of Agamedes
Tydeus Τυδεύς father of Diomedes and one of the Seven Against Thebes
Tyres Τύρης a companion of Aeneas along with his brother Teuthras[6]
Tyres Τύρης a warrior in the army of Perses who fought and died in the war between Perses and Aeetes[7]
Tyro Τυρώ daughter of Salmoneus


Name Ancient Greek Description
Ucalegon Οὐκαλέγων an elder of Troy


Name Ancient Greek Description
Xanthippe Ξανθίππη the name of several mythological figures
Xanthius Ξάνθιος a descendant of Bellerophon and father of Leucippus
Xanthus Ξάνθος the name of several mythological figures
Xuthus Ξοῦθος a son of Hellen and Orseis and father of Ion and Achaeus


Name Ancient Greek Description
Zarex Ζάρηξ a son of Carystus and founder of the town Zarex in Laconia
Zetes Ζήτης an Argonaut and son of Boreas
Zeuxippe Ζευξίππη the name of several mythological figures
Zeuxippus Ζεύξιππος the name of several mythological figures

A group of figures


See also



  1. ^ Betz, Hans (1996). The Greek Magical Papyri In Translation. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226044477. Entry: "PGM III. 1-164".
  2. ^ Homer, Iliad, 5. 705
  3. ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 3. 25. 4
  4. ^ Virgil, Aeneid, 10. 403
  5. ^ Latin Anthology, 392 (Traiani Imperatoris e Bello Parthico versus decori), ed. Riese
  6. ^ Virgil, Aeneid, 10. 403
  7. ^ Gaius Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, 6. 201